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Alter Aeon The Great Library

Welcome to the Alter Aeon Historical Archive!

Note - as with any topic, researchers should question the reliability
and veracity of these texts.  The library's aim is to preserve
documents, not verify accuracy.

AABN:  17588
Title: a map of the Aztec Empire

     ]          ^                                     
     ]          :                                 
     ]          :                                
     ]          :                                  
     ]       to : corn fields                                  
  A  ]  Kookien :
  M  ]          :
  A  ]          :           
  G  ]        |===|                    
  A  ]  +-----|===|---------------+-----------+      
  W  ]  |       :  A              |           |      
  A  ]  |       :                 | Palace    |      
     ]  |       :..............   |           |      
  R  ]  |       :             :   +----===----|      
  I  ]  |       : residential :     ....... B |      
  V  ]  |       :             :     ...Main..  ----  
  E  ]  |       :             .................!..!...> corn fields   
  R  ]  |       :  district   :     ...Plaza.. ----  
     ]  |       :             :     ....... C |      
to   ]  |       ...............      ___===___|     
Milano  |  ......                   |         |    
  ------+  :A |===|-----------------|         |   
<*!..!......  |===|                 | Temple  |  
  ------------+ :                   |         |  
                :  to               +---------+  
               \./ poison arrow frogs            
      /                \                   
      |  LEGEND:       |            ____________________    
      |                |           /                    \   
      | ...    road    |           | Places of Interest |   
      |                |           |                    |   
      | =,!    gate    |           |  A - Fort          |   
      |                |           |  B - Mage Teacher  |   
      | A,C  places of |           |  C - General Store |    
      |       interest |           \____________________/   
      \________________/   _____________________
                          /                     \ 
                          |map drawn by DARKLORD|


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