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AABN:  27097
Title: a book entitled, 'The Nature of Chaos'

The Nature of Chaos by Knight Commander Rigel Stormcrow

In 493 RD, the wood elves of the Sinar'i valley tore open a rift to the
Plane of Chaos in order prevail against the invading Rubicon armies. 
Though they were successful in this endeavour, there were unforeseen
consequences to opening a portal to such a dangerous place.

The very land itself transformed due exposure to the planar energy of Chaos
that continually spilled out of tear in reality.  The range of this
infection increased dramatically, covering dozens of square miles within
days.  Even though the demons were slain and dispersed, the planar energy
of Chaos remained, mutating all of the plants and animals caught within its
influence.  Before they knew it, the elves of the Sinar'i Valley were
enveloped by Chaos due to their proximity to the portal, and Chaos
threatened to consume the entire continent if left unchecked.

The elves of Thalenwood issued a call to the greatest minds and
spellcasters of the lands roundabout to solve the problem, knowing that
evacuation was the only alternative.  A solution was reached using the
limited druidic magic available at the time using magic wards.  These wards
were similar to 'ward evil' spells, and, as such, had to be constantly
renewed by elven spellcasters.  An order of knights called the Ostiarium
was created for the purpose of maintaining and guarding these wards.

In 523 RD, the Ostiarium discovered a means of creating permanent wards by
way of newly available druidic magic.  They hired adventurers to seek out
warpstones to manufacture the wards and neutronium to power them.  Over the
next few years, the wards were carefully crafted and strategically placed
around the perimeter of the area affected by Chaos.

This area affected by Chaos is referred to as the Corruption of Chaos. 
Living creatures passing through its influence are assaulted by a mental
infliction called Chaos Sickness.  Infection is immediate upon exposure to
the planar energies of Chaos. The early stages of Chaos Sickness can be
staved off and treated by standard remove poison treatments. Cures for the
disease once it has moved onto its advanced stages are known only to

Symptoms of Chaos Sickness start with the stunting of perception and
faltering coordination. As the Sickness progresses, victims are  beset by
periods of disorientation and confusion. Hallucinations are common, mostly
auditory, but sights and smells can also manifest.

If living creatures remain within the Corruption or remain on the Plane of
Chaos itself, Chaos Sickness takes hold of their bodies and becomes
permanent, driving them insane. The progression depends on the hardiness of
the person infected.  It can be as long as a year before it becomes
incurable, or as little as a few days.

Some time thereafter, if creatures remain exposed to Chaos energy, the
Chaos Sickness reaches its final form, and they become dependent upon the
planar energy of Chaos for sustenance.  They no longer require food or
drink.  They are effectively immortal unless slain, but, if they leave the
Corruption after this point, they die within minutes.

If the victim does not succumb to madness, Chaos Sickness wears off within
a few hours to days after leaving Chaos-dominated regions.  Even so,
visitors without proper breathing equipment would do well to remain in the
Corruption as short a time as possible.

Plants are affected, as well, becoming twisted vegetation like unto a dark
forest.  Also, any living creature slain within the Corruption rises as an
undead creature fueled by the planar magic of Chaos.  Such undead that
leave the Corruption's sphere of influence lose cohesion and fall apart. 
Ironically, intelligent creatures so raised retain their former faculties
and are immune to the enfeebling effect of Chaos Sickness, but those who
had already lost their minds do not regain them.

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