Alter Aeon The Great Library
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Note - as with any topic, researchers should question the reliability
and veracity of these texts. The library's aim is to preserve
documents, not verify accuracy.
AABN: 31533
Title: a book titled 'Of Aalfs and Erlkings'
This beautiful volume has covers made from conjured crystal, with both the
front and back cover engraved with a stylized tree with branches
intertwined in a knotwork pattern. The pages are thick vellum, with
graceful script with colorful illuminated lettering.
The words are written in an ancient form of druidic glyphs, in an extremely
archaic dialect of Elvish. Most of it borders on gibberish:
"Ye urst-alu, ye rava mun. Ye nava nak-mun-urst, ort cava-ilnak. Ye marr
nam zeki-ilnak, nak-behr. Ye dul luk ganta-nava. Xix ilnak ral-kama, ye
somn trath-luam fourfold. Enti vin. Enti stis."
There are illustrations of tall, slender humanoids with pointed ears. Most
of the pictures are anatomical diagrams, while others show ritual
prepartions. Diagrams show step-by-step instructions for washing hands,
organs being removed and placed in jars, the empty flesh being treated with
ointments and spells, special burial garments made from exotic materials,
and paintings of various fungi which apparently can grow on improperly
prepared bodies.
There are several other sections that appear to be devoted to herbs, fungi
and minerals. Some of these materials appear to be used for whatever
practices are described in the preceeding chapters.
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