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Alter Aeon The Great Library

Welcome to the Alter Aeon Historical Archive!

Note - as with any topic, researchers should question the reliability
and veracity of these texts.  The library's aim is to preserve
documents, not verify accuracy.

AABN:  41089
Title: a map of Haun's Mill

                  _   _     _     _   _   _   _   _   _____
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                 | |_| |  //_\  | | | | |  \| | \_/ \___ 
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                 | | | | | | | | |     | | |\  |     | \_/ |
 x               |_| |_| |_| |_|  \___/  |_| \_|     \____/
  x                        _    _   _   _       _
  xx                      | |  | | | | | |     | |
   xx                     |  \/  | | | | |     | |
   xx                     |      | | | | |     | |
   xxx                    | |\/| | | | | |___  | |___
    xxx                   |_|  |_| |_| |_____| |_____|
  H  xxx
   A  xxx    +-----------------------------------------------+
    U xxxx   |       Lumber       |          |   Stone       |
    N xxxx   |                    | +--------|               |
    ' xxxx   |        Mill        | |Printers|    Mill       |
    S  xxxx  |____________________| | Guild  |---------+-----|
DAIGAKU-xxx  |Tower|                +--------+         |Tower|     BEHR'ZOK->
<-TATAMI==== |_____|                                   |_____|--------
        West [             +--------------------+            ] East  
        Gate [             |             Tavern |            ] Gate   
      ====== |   Market    |                    |    ........|--------
      bridge |             |  Townhouses        |    .       |
        xxxx |             |                    |    .Stables|
        xxxx |-------      +--------------------+    .       |
     R  xxxx |Apothe-                                ........|
     U  xxxx |  cary                                         |
    N  xxxx   \ -----      |        |           |  Wagon    /
      xxxx     \   Armoury | Shrine | Boatmaker |    Park  /
      xxxx      -------------------------------------------
-Darklord,  499 RD

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