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Alter Aeon The Great Library

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AABN:  47613
Title: a book entitled, "The Lords of Light: The Luami"

"The Lords of Light: The Luami"
by Lorimar the Angelologist

Beyond the Astral World of Air lay the Realms of Light, worlds of such
perfect order, harmony and goodness that mortals cannot bear their full
glory while in the flesh. There are four known Realms of Light: Purnima,
the Moonlit Night, Crepuscula, the Eternal Dawn, Diurnas, the Sunlit Day
and Luam, the Brightest of All. The souls of the good migrate to these
outer Realms to join the throngs of celestials, the inhabitants of these
worlds and sworn enemies of the demons.

Celestials are easily divided into two kinds: angels and supernals. The
supernals are divine attendants of the gods, and living extensions of their
god's will. Incarnates are weaker copies of gods, made in their image and
mindset. Aspects are living manifestations of their god's presence - in
other words, a small part of a god that has broken away to perform a
particular task.

Of angels there are four divisions:  Vespers, angels fallen from glory,
Luami, the souls of mortals given new form and purpose, Devas, elementals
that have ascended to planes of light and Matinals, the natives of the
Realms of Light, who are inhuman in shape and mind. Angelic society is
organized into Choirs, which function as nation-states, each answering to
an Archangel. Some Choirs are composed of angels of the same kind, such as
the Apiarchy. Others employ a more diverse host. The most well-known Choir
is the Inquisition, which coordinates military and intelligence efforts
between the Choirs on behalf of the High Pantheon.

Vespers are shadowy and mysterious entities. Having left their Choirs, they
dwell in bands or wander alone, primarily in Purnima. Entire breeds of some
angels have fallen into vesperhood, and some have descended into outright
savagery. Few have interferred with mortal affairs. It is rumored that the
Archangel Selene is seeking to organize the vespers into a new Choir and
elevate them from their fallen state.

There has recently come to light a peculiar variety of vesper known as a
drule. These angel-demon hybrids were bred by demons in a bid to steal
power from the gods. The attempt failed, but surviving drules scattered
through the cosmos. They vary in temperment, and some have come into the
service of the gods of the High Pantheon.

The matinals, the natives of the Crepuscula, are often beastial in shape,
though they stand and walk as mortal men do.  Some are winged, some are
not. There are many unique entities that have only been seen once and never
again. Some known kinds are mooncalfs, kodikals, buteomen, kambrikals,
tortapins, nugalis, apiarchs and sanguinals. Among their numbers are the
most warlike and judgemental of angels, quick to anger and slow to forgive.
They seem enjoy the company of fairies, and there are rumors of less savory
matinals joining the Wild Hunt.

Least understood are the devas. They are generally humanoid in form, but
infused with energy from one or more elements, or simply with raw magical
forces. Most are solitary beings, operating in loose association with a
Choir, but a few such as Sunwardens and fiery redeemers are heavily
integrated into angelic society.

In Luam, the souls of goodly mortals congregate. They acquire power
according to their stature and goodness.  All are fair to behold, with
radiant features and powerful auras.  They retain a strong resemblance to
their former race, gender and identity.  Known types are terpsichoreans,
polyhymnials, aureons, sword epiphanies, and the masked inquisitors. More
than one dragon has ascended to the Realms of Light to become a Luami,
including the legendary Shenlong, the first Dragon Emperor.

Many angels are in the direct service of the gods of the High Pantheon.
Angels in the service of gods may be petitioned by clerics for aid.

Unlike demons, the Accords do not outline the interactions of individual
angels and mortals. Each god has its own rules governing the conduct of
angels in their service. An angel may be recruited by a mortal by having an
oath sworn with it. Oathsworn angels are loyal to a fault, even beyond
death. Unlike demons, they are much more likely to abide by the spirit of
an agreement rather than trying to twist the words of the mortal to whom
they are oathsworn. They will only break an oath if they believe they have
been misled in some fashion. An angel will only offer its services as an
oathsworn of its own volition, and they do not make such offers lightly.

More commonly, angels are petitioned by clerics. They will perform many
tasks, from healing to assisting with groupcasting to providing boons and
celestial spell components. Only vespers, who's service to the gods is
tenuous at best, can be petitioned to fight without a formal oathswearing.
Even then, they only fight as crusaders of righteousness, abandoning their
petitioners if they find their opponents unworthy of punishment.

There are many legends describing powerful weapons given to men by angels.
Best known are the zealot's blades, one-handed golden weapons which demons
fear. It is said men learned to make them from olive wood and masterfully
crafted blades of mountain brass, with guards set with golden beryl.

One of the most famous angels is the Sibyl of Four.  Rumored to have great
clairvoyant abilities, the Sibyl is said to have set up a domain within the
Astral World of Air to guard against incursions of demons.

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