Alter Aeon The Great Library
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AABN: 4773
Title: The History of Atlantis
During the age of chaos when the world was being torn asunder by gods and
demons, Poseidon created the island of Atlantis in the Southern ocean as a
sanctuary from the other gods in Olympus. He set his ten sons to be kings
of the land of which Atlas was the first and greatest.
The Atlantians grew powerful and wealthy on their precious metal and
mineral deposits. But an evil emerged from within their midst, some say as
a result of the influence of a terrible beast from another plane, a portal
to which had been discovered deep beneath the city. The Atlantians,
perverted by this evil, became proud, greedy and sought to conquer all men
and beasts in what they professed to be the bidding of the Olympian gods.
Even after the age of chaos gave way to the reign of Dentin, the Atlantians
continued to make furious war on all around, including suboria and the
nations along the southern coast of the mainland. As Dentin and his
pantheon of gods grew stronger, the Olympians grew weaker and their
influence on the world became minimalised and focussed on just a few
places. The Olympian gods were unable to control the Atlantians and they
became dismayed at what the city had become, and so petitioned Dentin to
destroy it. He was reluctant and so instead, he sealed off the portal to
the beast in an attempt to stop its influence on the Atlantians, then
enclosed the entire city in a dome and sunk it to the ocean bed. He
instructed the inhabitants to seek back the approval of their Olympian gods
less they be doom to remain there forever.
During the centuries that followed the citizens of Atlantis, now free from
the evil, sought to mend their ways and win back the favour of the gods.
Whilst still keen on physical and military strength they tempered their
thirst to conquer and instead, sought only to develop the ability to defend
themselves when one day they would be once more free. They devoted their
lives to expanding their minds with the pursuit of knowledge and culture
and attempted to be good, healthy and decent people.
By the middle of the fourth century, Dentin acknowledged that the
Atlantians were making progress towards reform and opened up the city
allowing others to enter, but still prohibiting the citizens from leaving.
This allowed the people of Atlantis once more to interact with others and
soon a steady stream of information and trade started to flow through the
It is still believed that if, and when, the Olympian gods agree that
Atlantis has truly purged itself of all evil Dentin may consider raising
the city again thus freeing its inhabitants.
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