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Alter Aeon The Great Library

Welcome to the Alter Aeon Historical Archive!

Note - as with any topic, researchers should question the reliability
and veracity of these texts.  The library's aim is to preserve
documents, not verify accuracy.

AABN:  56823
Title: a decaying tome

The Undead:

There are several ways that the undead can be created. They can be infected
by another undead creature, and become undead themselves. When infected by
this means, they are generally unintelligent and mindless.

The undead can also be created by magical means by a powerful magician once
the creature becomes deceased.. Depending on the power of the magician,
they can either be reanimated into a lifelike semblance of themselves, or
into an undead follower.

The latter is much more common as it takes considerably less skill than
fully reanimating a dead person or creature with their mind intact.

It is not pleasant being undead. You get odd cravings for flesh quite
often, and are in considerable pain. You can withstand being sliced to
pieces as blood does not flow as freely and congeals much quicker than a
living creature. These pieces cannot be easily reattached.

Animals can also be made into the undead. They retain their natural
instincts and can make loyal guardians and protectors.

These rules are not unbendable. There are other magiks that can animate
corpses, and some creatures are simply undead to begin with. There is much
that is not yet known. These are simply my observations over my many years
of study.

Theracus the philosopher

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