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Alter Aeon The Great Library

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documents, not verify accuracy.

AABN:  57174
Title: a book titled 'Third Tier Demons'

This book, written by the necromancer Vantamus, appears to be an overview
of some of the major players amongst what are called "third tier demons" or
archdemons, in the demon realm.  There is a short chapter for each, with
only a few larger ones standing out to you:

Verreshe is an agent of chaos, typically manifesting as a pillar of
darkness in which is a barely recognizable humanoid form.  She is extremely
dangerous and known for taking advantage of any and every possible loophole
in negotiated contracts, and will never respond to any attempted summoning
using a standard ironclad contract. When interacting with the human world,
she often takes the course to cause maximum chaos.  If she is cooperating
with you, it is almost certainly to this end.

Ornias is an agent of destruction, and for a third tier demon is not
particularly intelligent.  Ironically, this agent of destruction is one of
the least dangerous to the summoner:  Ornias enjoys having things to
destroy. He can typically be pointed in a given direction and be unleashed
upon on enemies. Some tribes of orcs and ogres pay homage to Ornias,
including the legendary Shadowstrike Clan.

Barbatorem is a demon of torture, capable of grotesque manipulation of the
body and soul, even to the extent of taking a single creature and splitting
it in two, creating two lesser beings with partial  souls and partial
memories.  In the bad old days, he was sometimes  used as an assassin, able
to bypass wards and nearly all defenses easily.  He often appears as a long
pair of shears and his image can step out of the blade.  He can possess
summoners which look directly at him, and will not accept any contract
which disallows this.  Sane people never attempt to call this demon.

Ixillia is physically tall and humanoid, without gross disfiguration as is
common with other demons.  He is extremely intelligent, with  substantial
knowledge of ancient devices and technology.  He is also well versed in
theoretical and practical knowledge of planes and gates between them.

Suul'Nar is a demon of air and fire, sometimes called upon to commit acts
of arson. He is known to be very ambitious, having amassed a following of
lesser imps that obey his commands. He is fond of possessing reckless
summoners and using his charismatic nature to start cults of
fire-worshipping doomsday fanatics, inevitably leading them to commit mass
suicide. Some legends speak of his essence being bound to a weapon known as
the Dagger of Nar. Whoever keeps the dagger slowly falls under Suul'Nar's

Razna is one of the least of the known Demon Lords. His domain is slaughter
and bloodshed. He resembles a flat-faced, hairless minotaur with skin as
black as coal and glowing yellow eyes. He was bequeathed with a horrific
blade known as Bloodlust, which feeds both upon the blood of its wielder
and those that it slaughters. Cultists often attempt to summon him to slay
their enemies, but just as often end up slaughtered. Wicked minotaurs,
ibixians, yakfolk and kornbockes pay homage to him.

Kultan the apocalypse demon is a creature of fire and earth. His form seems
to change each time he manifests, though his avatar is always a fiery hand
sculpted of magma. Kultan does not seem to have an agenda of his own, and
is ususally seen in service to Magmos, a powerful second tier demon.

The Pierced One is the patron demon of the Gohk Shin, the shadowy assassins
that operate on the fringes of the Dragon Empire. She appears as a human
woman in form, though unusually tall and lanky. Her flesh is feverishly
pink, and her face, neck and upper body are hidden beneath her long blonde
hair. Her skin is pierced by hundreds of hooks, pins and nails made from
obsidian and arjale. She is called by powerful necromancers to serve as an
assassin. She is occasionally worshipped in drow cults, who portray her
with dark skin and white hair. She is sometimes thought to be the consort
of Barbatorem, or that she is one of his victims.

Carahade is the child of Anichith, the Mother of Vermin. She appears as a
monstrous centipede or millipede, with a humanoid head and torso, all
covered with dark chitinous plates. She never responds to summons herself,
as she sends one of her children, generally a monstrous insect, spider or
scorpion, in her stead. Some groups of drow worship her as a god, or as
part of a triad along with Anichith and Verreshe.

The cultits of Mnenoth, Master of Snares, claim that he began his ascent to
power as a humble gray imp in the service of the Demonlord Asranth. It is
said he rose to his current station through a steady stream of
ingratiation, betrayl, and methodical usurptions. He is not particularly
bloodthirsty, and prefers for his subjects to engage in subterfuge and
long-reaching machinations rather than in open conflict. Mnenoth's
followers are mostly goblins and kobolds, who make traps in his honor. His
avatar is a limp, wingless, floating white imp with a vastly oversized
head. Mnenoth is said to have a rivalry with the god Valront, because one
of them stole the other's origin story. As neither entity is known for its
honesty, it may never be known which is telling the truth, if either one

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