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Alter Aeon Player Lookup

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Name: acropont Proper name: Acropont Ground string: Acropont is here. Title: Created: Tue Jan 14 07:49:12 2020 Description ----------------------------------------------------- Acropont is short and of average build, with grey eyes. His brown hair is long, carefully braided and pulled back. His heavily tanned skin is freckled, and you guess him to be fairly young, perhaps around 21 years old. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Personality ----------------------------------------------------- set person set person ----------------------------------------------------------------- Level Mage: 40 Cler: 36 Thie: 23 Warr: 17 Necr: 40 Drui: 30 Microlevel Mage: 0 Cler: 10 Thie: 0 Warr: 0 Necr: 0 Drui: 0 Total levels in all classes: 186 Fame: 1504 Level Feats Performed --------------------------------- 42 Found the hickory axe handle. 16 Braved the Haunted Hills to kill a Winter Wolf. 48 Slew the legendary Kirin, heralding an age of darkness. 40 Saved the cows of Cornia from being abducted by 'them' 45 Slew Lux, the ancient red dragon 44 Slew the icy krakken. 49 Defeated the guardian of lightning in the ancient chambers of the fire giants. 49 Defeated the guardian of ice in the ancient chambers of the fire giants. 39 Put a myxomatosis rabbit out of its misery. 42 Earned the rank of 'Candle' in the Fire Towers' guild 44 Eliminated the ancient assassin, Kr'Path Tal 48 Emerged the champion from a tangle with the mythical four headed swamp hydra 47 Was victorious in a skirmish with the mythical blood griffin 46 Slew Susami, the yellow wyrm 42 Doomed the great auks to extinction. 38 Murdered the grey elves responsible for imprisoning Plippo Stickyfingers 44 Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine. 45 Defeated the Mandrill Shaman in combat 41 Penetrated the Heart of Tirgoth, and devastated the Ent society 41 Correctly answered a gynosphinx's riddle. 51 Freed one of Thuoduhr's biomes by slaying the rock demon. 50 Slew the chasm fiend in the realm of thuoduhr, effectively weakening the planet's power. 43 Survived and won a battle with Atlantian Elite Royal Guards 45 Defeated Triste's Confusion. 45 Defeated Triste's Solitude. 45 Defeated Triste's Suffering. 44 Survived an encounter with the Tall Man. 50 Destroyed the obsidian pillar. 44 Slew the deep krakken. 46 Accidently awoke and then had to slay the legendary dracitnyorse! 45 Defeated Triste's Betrayal. 46 Victorious over the hungry fangs of the giant water spider. 42 Destroyed the Gorgon, Euryale Farspringer. 41 Marked with ill-favor by sea for slaying an albatross. 37 Defeated the Master of the North Wind in mortal combat! 37 Defeated the Master of the West Wind in mortal combat! 37 Defeated the Master of the East Wind in mortal combat! 37 Defeated the Master of the South Wind in mortal combat! 45 Slew the Fire Tower's guild leader, Tir'Roscha 41 Found right side of tablet. 43 Killed Tarrant, forfeiting any chance of doing his quest. 44 Exorcised the demon of lust from the world! 42 Slew Robin Masters the Vampire, providing sweet revenge for Bruce 44 Recovered irreplaceable research on the rare myconid race. 41 Found a chunk of pure mithril ore. 46 Slew the fiery krakken. 40 Destroyed the Gorgon, Dionese the Disgraced. 41 Destroyed the Gorgon, Stheno the Mighty. 40 'Freed' the lost Quickling 36 Slew the witch and set the animated objects free 42 Took the Malitad club away from the King 46 Made a delivery for a worried dock hand 41 Banished the Chaos Soul from the mortal realm. 41 found left side of tablet 39 Broke into and looted the Shrine of the Ethereal king. 45 Defeated Triste's Despair. 42 Cursed the world by unlocking the Dark God's prison. 38 Saved the city of Koralia's Heart from certain doom. 37 Murdered a defenseless, poor man who only wanted some money. 39 Murdered a small boy on behalf of the assassin Roran. 39 Victorious over the bloodied champion of the Jo'Kerin arena 37 Displaced the displacer beast from their place in the world. 43 Help a caravan repair their wagon. 30 Tangled with an ancient tangletree and survived! 44 Defeated the worm horde and slew Spelldrinker, Mana Worm. 44 Slayer of the mighty Tunnel Wurm 47 Freed a prisoner from Castle Anchorhead who was about to be killed 42 Slew the brown krakken. 45 Murdered an innocent, defenseless, and lost faerie infant. You evil bastard. 38 Defeated the Mountain King and obtained Peacekeeper, sword of order 30 Defeated the helpless coma patient in mortal combat. 45 Gave an ugly and foul smelling troll a long needed bath! 38 Defeated Vesden the Conquerer restoring peace to the city of Linholt. 40 Slew the sickly kobold prince in cold blood 43 Saved a boy from the horrors of Stoke-on-the-Mound 25 Escorted a metal hunter out of a stinky situation. 22 Found that alligator you flushed, and boy was it big! 42 Defeated the Greater Pit Fiend 40 Rescued a dwarven prisoner from his werepanther captors. 25 Slew Locos, the terror under the well 39 Hunted down the source of chaotic magic plaguing the Vom Mine. 36 Rescued a slave from Castle Radobaj 35 Slayer of the innocent dragon known as Graystorm. 33 Performed a few random tasks, including washing a noble's nasty panties, how gross! 29 Exterminated the queen spider ensuring that their species will surely die. 23 Defeated Mostyn, the strong man, in an unarmed fight to the death. 8 Defeated the ferocious mugwump on behalf of a retired hunter. 4 Returned the sacred chalice to the Shrine of the Vemarken Faithful. 8 Collected a bounty for cleaning up some of the nuisances in the Greenwood forest. 22 Maliciously killed the hero of Seaside. 21 Completely destroyed a large azure blue drake. 21 Completely destroyed a black scaled drake. 21 Completely destroyed an emerald green drake. 22 Completely destroyed a dark brown drake. 21 Completely destroyed a silvery gray drake. 21 Completely destroyed a large yellow drake. 21 Completely destroyed a giant fiery red drake. 21 Disposed of Anekam the drake keeper. 18 Climbed the beanstalk, and retrieved a golden egg. 31 Thrashed Pantrell and gave his tome of secrets to Deeamos. 30 Looted some ancient drow treasure. 11 Harvested some honeycomb for the local bakery. 22 Freed some slaves from the cruel pain and torture of an orc slavemaster. 16 Infiltrated the underground city of Runn-Khal and ransacked their treasure chamber. 17 Slaughtered and tore the hide from a stone drake deep in the underwilds. 30 Successfully passed through all three towers of higher learning. 4 Translate the strange paper from Uffspigot 8 Brought a ray of sunshine to brighten an imp's day! 16 Skillfully obtained a lost book on poisons and sold it to the Thieves Guild. 14 Freed Ann the banshee from the curse of the vampire. 16 Recovered the legendary Gem of Knowledge. 15 Released a genie from a bottle just to have her vanish and not even get a single wish! 13 Destroyed the poison curse stone in the haunted hills 13 Destroyed the spirit curse stone in the haunted hills 13 Destroyed the bloody curse stone in the haunted hills 14 Stop the reproduction of the brooms. 10 Severed the head of the goblin hunter & gave the proof to the chief! 11 Obtained the title: Mouseslayer, mmk 39 Assaulted the elderly. 5 Returned a lost memento to an old man. 5 Put down the deadly white wolf. 5 Found the needle in the haystack! 5 Freed the old wizard from his glass prison! Level Deeds Accomplished --------------------------------- 47 Discovered who was behind the break-ins in the capital city of Airam. 57 Learned of the pirates of the northern ocean. 16 Made an unexpected profit on some winter wolf hair. 43 Discovered and toppled a dark conspiracy in the town of Marikest... 38 Tricked into making the crappiest leggings in the world! 36 Defeated the bear marauding through the forest southwest of Ralnoth 37 Thwarted Falnar the Shadowmancer's plans. 36 Helped prevent the Black Rot from swallowing Ralnoth. 47 Rebuilt the Legendary Dagger of Nar! 36 Prevented Ralnoth from being devoured by an invasion of giant termites. 36 Made an ethically questionable food delivery. 36 Foiled the plans of a vampire cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild. 35 Wiped out a human supremacist cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild. 48 Discovered the fate of a pair of brothers that went in search of the Dagger of Nar. 46 Prevented the Cult of Igneous from gaining a foothold in Naginag. 44 Completed tasks for the god Seth in order to use the waypoint at the Naginag Pantheist Temple 38 Retrieved an ancient seeing stone for the Ralnoth Mage's Guild. 23 Lifted the curse cast upon Dentin's temple by Kenai. 39 Retrieved a sprig of candlewort for the apothecarist in Ralnoth. 45 Helped Triste face down her demons. 43 Pleased the Lord of Wellinghall by slaying the vile knucker. 40 Drove the Anchorite garrison out of Steinhaus 43 Destroyed the three Gorgon sisters. 44 Toured the Sussex pub crawl 42 Recovered Lloyd's glasses from the highwayman, Thrizz 43 Returned the Shadowstrike sword to its rightful heir 42 Slew the jackalope 42 Investigated the disappearance of Eugene's daughter 42 Slew Xerios the Evil Necromancer 43 Saved a young paladin's companion from being eaten by the legendary basilisk. 42 Banished the Deepspawn back to the plane of Chaos from whence it came. 46 Delivered love letters between Lady Dana of Rogonia and Duke Rambert of West Naginag. 38 Recovered the Ancient Warhammer of Valor. 42 Thwarted a high security prison break by exterminating Vermoth. 32 Is the new hobgoblin champion. 29 Help the tinker gnomes to solve a crash landing problem with their elevator system. 32 Discovered the hospitals namesake and put an end to his diabolical plan. 30 Aided Fil the Secondboy by assassinating his older brother, thus promoting his status. 43 Stole a bottle of root beer from a temple of Vember for a shady thief. 43 Gathered the ingredients necessary to create a poultice to cure a migraine. 40 Cured Zarians writer's block and was rewarded. 40 Provided a thirsty child with much needed water 27 Defeated the guardian serpent to gain access to Asgaard. 36 Helped repair the sewer blockage for the Ralnoth Public Works Department. 38 Reclaimed the Celestial Circle for its rightful owners. 38 Obtained the Red Claws of the Slayer. 37 Rescued the Princess of Radobaj 22 Acquired a book titled "Quickness of Action" from the Wizard Brightflame in Seaside. 34 Cleaned up the North Ralnoth Slums, at least for a while. 32 Purged the Amber Forest of all the evil that was corrupting it. 37 Retrieved a bog drake jawbone for Luth the black necromancer in Ralnoth. 33 Constructed a special portal to help free Zeyda the collector of dreams. 33 Helped to make the dream nectar and awaken the sleepers. 33 Braved the dark forest to deliver some supplies to a mad hermit. 22 Hunted down and exterminated the bugs in the cellar of the Golden Phoenix Inn. 23 Collected a debt owed to Torba Hammerclaw. 22 Collected a debt owed to Kyna in Kyna's General Store. 21 Delivered a puppet to a woman in the carnival. 14 Secured the master vampire's rule by slaying a would-be vampire lord 14 Investigated the mysterious attack on the gnomes. 32 Ruined the plans of Malkon the Plague Vampire and saved Archais from his evil machinations. 32 Hunted down and eliminated Malkon the Plague Vampire in the fetid Caves of Pestilence. 32 Breached the Fetid Caves of Pestilence to rescue a dwarven child. 32 Searched the fetid Caves of Pestilence and destroyed the weather machine. 32 Expelled the curse placed on a little girl by Kaladun the lich. 32 Helped a Shaman to further her studies in poisons. 32 Freed a druid from a truly dire predicament. 32 Defeated the mad smith's mechanical monstrosity 21 Helped the citadel to restock its supply of healing mud. 22 Dealt with the foul stench of Castle Kraftrager. 22 Cleared out the castle. 21 Cured the old mage of the hiccups! 16 Sought out the barkeep for more information. 19 Spent some time as a page to the Earl Montebac. 18 Soothed a mother's soul by helping cure her sick son. 16 Freed a druid from imprisonment in the underground city of Runn-Khal. 16 Scouted out the abandoned mines in the Kordwood for a bronzesmith. 31 Successfully passed through the Dragon Tooth tower of higher learning. 9 Delivered a package to the Lady Angelia. 9 Helped to cure a sick child. 10 Reported to Mayor Widgetbottom in Gnomian. 10 Culled the spider infestation in the old Indira forest. 9 Returned to Angelia and told her the news about the copper mines. 9 Parlayed a deal between the demons and the gnomes to get the mines operating again. 6 Helped to make some important deliveries between Vemarken and Indira. 7 Delivered an important package from the mayor of Hildabrad to Vemarken. 7 Became an honorary member of the village of Hildabrad. 7 Helped Joann to find her name tag. 7 Helped the town shaman to get rid of a bully. 7 Found the key to the donation box. 7 Put a big fat rat on a diet, permanently! 6 Brought Dinger a bag of goodies. 7 Accepted several quests from the mayor of Hildabrad. 16 Proved to be a real treasure hunter by discovering all the secrets of the minotaurs maze. 16 Skillfully navigated the maze of the black minotaur and laid claim to his prize possessions. 16 Helped an apprentice mage free his master from the clutches of some power-hungry imps. 15 Delivered a letter to the bronzesmith. 15 Braved the Forgotten Muskeg to collect a special ingredient for an alchemist. 15 Uncovered the mystery of the Forgotten Muskeg. 15 Broke the curse on the Haunted Highway 15 Found new questions to the mystery of what happened to New Thalos. 15 Slew Roch'tar, master of the catacombs 20 Successfully passed through the Naphtali tower of learning. 14 Freed the spirit of King Rathborne 13 Solved the curse of the haunted hills and reported to the Hierophant. 13 Broke the curse on the Haunted Hills 12 Routed the necromantic cult from the interior of Ancalador. 10 Successfully passed through the Vemarken tower of learning. 11 Reported to the Hierophant. 14 Cleaned up the broom problem at the Mad Alchemist's Castle. 14 Killed the orange broom. 14 Killed the blue broom. 14 Killed the green broom. 14 Killed the yellow broom. 14 Killed the red broom. 11 Snuffed out the mole king and rescued the Mayor's wife. 11 Recovered and restored the champion's helm. 10 Extricated the Gnomian slaves from the caves of the moles. 10 Vanquished the rat king and put an end to its machinations. 6 Gathered a few items for an apothecary in Vemarken. 8 "Took care" of Ol' Blue. 6 Reported to the general storekeeper. 5 Exposed the cult of Kenai near Vemarken. 5 Chatted up the Mayor of Vemarken on behalf of the general storekeeper. 5 Removed the leader of the false temple. 4 Made it to Pellam and broke the blockade 3 Freed the graveyard from the Vampiress 2 Found some peppergrass leaves. 2 Brought food for the hibernating bear. 2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment. 0 Defeated the Carver Shaman in mortal combat! 0 Discovered an ambush party! Level Legacy Quests --------------------------------- 44 Stormed the palace of the Snow queen to recover the top hat of time. 44 Gathered ingredients that a master chef needed to make a few pies for the holiday. 46 Put the frost beasties on a deep freeze. 45 Felt a little frosty, so I poked the bear and survived! 45 Accepted the Quizmaster's challenge and was victorious in 2024! 41 Froze off my butt trying to restock Frosty's supply of ice. 44 Played lumberjack to restock the wood supply during the Winter Solstice of 2024! 42 Freed a dozen of Santa's best elves from their stony prison. 43 Put the children to bed and spanked their toys! 39 Protected the innocent from the Anti Claws that ran rampant in 2024. 44 Gathered a load of pumpkins to help stock the pumpkin cannons. 43 Gathered pumpkins so they can be decorated and given to poor children. 44 Collected some rare pumpkins to assist Simple Simon in making some new sensational sweets. 34 Helped Verda the green witch to avoid a catastrophe during the Havoc of 2024! 39 Ended the devastation of a swarm of locust during the end of summer 2024. 35 Was outwitted by a leprechaun while trying to steal their treasure during the spring festival of 2024! 49 Helped to feed the hungry during the Spring Festival of 2024. 46 Outwitted a leprechaun and stole their treasure during the spring festival of 2024! 46 Successfully caught a leprechaun. 44 Purged the demon of Wrath from the world, even if only for a short time. 43 Purged the demon of hate from the world, even if only for a short time. 43 Purged the demon of pride from the world, even if only for a short time. 43 Purged the demon of Greed from the world, even if only for a short time. 43 Was surprised when someone kissed me under the mistletoe. 42 Purged the demon of jealousy from the world, even if only for a short time. 41 Purged the demon of spite from the world, even if only for a short time. 40 Spoke to scrooge about the frost devils and the other strange happenings. 51 Kept the innocent safe from a frost devil during the Winter Solstice 2023! 41 Ruined the dark plans of a witch doctor during the Halloween Havoc of 2023. 45 Made a dark sprite see the light during the Halloween Havoc of 2023. 43 One summer night I expelled a menacing scarecrow! 50 Killed 500 monsters on the Starving Rock 2023 47 Killed 100 monsters on the Starving Rock 2023 32 Wandered the world collecting lost gift baskets during the Spring Festival of 2023. 47 Helped Wee Willie Winkie find his shillelagh for the Spring Festival of 2023. 49 Rubbed out a few of the leprechaun mafia during the spring festival. 47 Saved the Mud University from an infestation of bloodflies during the 2023 Anniversary. 44 Saved the world from another Dimension X invasion during the Winter Solstice of 2022. 41 Hacked up trees in 2022 to prevent them from globally warming the world. 43 Searched for the missing researcher. 43 Searched for Jack Frost. 42 Searched for Vazgore, chief of the glacier dwarves. 40 Searched for the demon Krampus. 38 Spoke to scrooge about Frosty and the other strange happenings. 40 Made mommy and daddy happy by putting away my toys. 45 Electrified a coldfire snowman and sent it back to Dimension X! 39 Helped find a cure to an outbreak of the Chaos Sickness for Thanksgiving 2022. 32 Helped stem an outbreak of Chaos Sickness during Thanksgiving 2022. 46 Survived all three phases of the Puppetmaster's challenge in 2022! 44 Became the new master of the undead by turning the dread lord into dust! 44 Turned all the undead to dust in the Monster Manor. 44 Faced off with the master of the serial killers and sent him to meet his maker! 45 Squashed the serial killers in the Monster Manor. 45 Boldly faced Count Dracula and showed them who was the true king of the monsters! 43 Slaughtered all those creatures of lore in the Monster Manor. 37 Accepted the Puppetmaster's challenge! 53 Killed 1000 monsters on the Starving Rock 2022 50 Killed 500 monsters on the Starving Rock 2022 56 Won a seventh match in the Naginag Arena [Summer Solstice Celebration 2022] 55 Won a sixth match in the Naginag Arena [Summer Solstice Celebration 2022] 54 Won a fifth match in the Naginag Arena [Summer Solstice Celebration 2022] 54 Won a fourth match in the Naginag Arena [Summer Solstice Celebration 2022] 54 Won a third match in the Naginag Arena [Summer Solstice Celebration 2022] 54 Won a second match in the Naginag Arena [Summer Solstice Celebration 2022] 53 Won the first match in the Naginag Arena [Summer Solstice Celebration 2022] 43 Killed 100 monsters on the Starving Rock 2022 40 Put an end to the mischief of a nasty leprechaun during the Spring Festival of 2022! 40 Survived an encounter with a snow beast in the wintery woods. 40 Chased off a Christmas bandit before he could steal anymore toys. 53 Rubbed out some plague zombies during the Halloween Havoc of 2021. 41 Killed 100 monsters on the Starving Rock 2021 42 Became a hero of Pellam by slaying the tirbana spawner 39 Completed the trial of Cadenisimo's freedom 36 Slew the cold drake of Pilar's Hideaway 50 Completed Wave 0 of the Puzzlewood Mire 2021 44 Sent some bad luck a leprechaun rogue's way during the Spring Festival of 2021! 39 A friend shared with me the coming of 2021 with a boom! 34 Froze off my butt trying to restock Frosty's ice supply. 41 Helped an injured woman collect twelve christmas gifts for her true love. 41 Unmasked the one behind the chaos during the Winter Solstice of 2020! 29 Out boxed the toys in the toy factory! 41 Accepted the Quizmaster's challenge and was victorious in 2020! 37 Recovered Santa's stolen sleigh. 36 Helped Santa to find his lost deer during the Winter Solstice of 2020. 35 Found and returned Prancer to the stable. 36 Found and returned Vixen to the stable. 34 Found and returned Dasher to the stable. 36 Found and returned Blitzen to the stable. 36 Found and returned Donner to the stable. 35 Found and returned Dancer to the stable. 35 Found and returned Cupid to the stable. 35 Found and returned Comet to the stable. 36 Bravely faced and help to end the frost goblin raid of 2020. 33 Slew a feral turkey for Thanksgiving 2020. 46 Smoked a blood thirsty vampire during the Havoc of 2020! 35 Generously donated some food to the people of Sloe and Kordan on the feast of the sacrifice 2020! 37 Successfully tracked down good enough sheep on the feast of the sacrifice 2020! 48 Was outflanked by a leprechaun while trying to steal their treasure during the spring festival of 2020! 54 Outflanked a leprechaun and stole their treasure during the spring festival of 2020! Time of last save: Wed Mar 12 06:20:00 2025

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