Alter Aeon Player Lookup
Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and
probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: apollo
Proper name: Apollo
Ground string: Apollo is here.
Title: theman theman, where theman?
Created: Mon Dec 1 17:34:52 2014
Description -----------------------------------------------------
Apollo is of average height and build, with green eyes. His red
hair is short, but unkempt and messy. His skin is dark, and you
guess him to be fairly young, perhaps around 21 years old.
Level Mage: 31 Cler: 37 Thie: 18 Warr: 29 Necr: 12 Drui: 39
Microlevel Mage: 0 Cler: 2 Thie: 9 Warr: 9 Necr: 2 Drui: 0
Total levels in all classes: 166
Fame: 1526
Clan: shadow alliance Rank: first rank initiate
Level Feats Performed ---------------------------------
48 Slew the legendary Kirin, heralding an age of darkness.
23 Defeated Mostyn, the strong man, in an unarmed fight to the death.
4 Returned the sacred chalice to the Shrine of the Vemarken Faithful.
8 Collected a bounty for cleaning up some of the nuisances in the Greenwood forest.
11 Obtained the title: Mouseslayer, mmk
48 Stole the Crown Jewels of the Naginag Combine!
48 Vanquished the mythical bearded krakken
45 Exorcised the demon of greed from the world!
48 Slew Bangalore, the orange dragon
50 Cleansed the Chapel of Byung in Newtonia of the terrible darkness defiling it
45 Gave an ugly and foul smelling troll a long needed bath!
8 Brought a ray of sunshine to brighten an imp's day!
13 Destroyed the bloody curse stone in the haunted hills
13 Destroyed the poison curse stone in the haunted hills
13 Destroyed the spirit curse stone in the haunted hills
5 Returned a lost memento to an old man.
7 Located and returned the key to the lockbox
45 Defeated Triste's Suffering.
47 Slew the two-headed troll leading the trolloc raid against Egmondville
45 Penetrated the Demon Realm and destroyed the Demon King, Magmos
51 Gathered a piece of elephant skin for Kero the master skinner.
45 Slew the Malahaki Falulua
45 Slew the Deep Dragon
22 Found that alligator you flushed, and boy was it big!
42 Defeated the Greater Pit Fiend
47 Hunted down the Zlatorog, the elusive white ram of the Karnash Penninsula.
46 Victorious over the hungry fangs of the giant water spider.
43 Survived and won a battle with Atlantian Elite Royal Guards
47 Quieted the never ending babbling of a mad wizard.
45 Reclaimed the lost scepter of the Sorcerer King.
46 Slew the mighty Dracolich, master of the Labyrinth.
21 Completely destroyed an emerald green drake.
22 Completely destroyed a dark brown drake.
21 Disposed of Anekam the drake keeper.
21 Completely destroyed a silvery gray drake.
21 Completely destroyed a black scaled drake.
21 Completely destroyed a large yellow drake.
21 Completely destroyed a large azure blue drake.
21 Completely destroyed a giant fiery red drake.
43 Saved Ubar from Rub'Al-Khani, servant of Talos
43 Found and defeated The last of the fallen magi
28 Accepted Odin's quest.
44 Slayer of the mighty Tunnel Wurm
44 Defeated the Intercontinental Barmy Army
46 Eliminated the undead abomination, Tin'Sak Tal.
47 Destroyed the Antidentin
42 Marked with ill-favor by sea for slaying an albatross.
47 Slew Thas'Tau, the Great Silver Dragon King
42 Slew Oni'Ni'Kanabou the Ancient Shadow Dragon!
46 Slew Delgado, Lord of Earth
48 Dethroned and defeated Ha-Azshara, Queen of the Naginag Combine.
46 Eliminated the serpent's spawn, Seti Tal.
41 Banished the Chaos Soul from the mortal realm.
46 Defeated Khir Ablishak in her icy lair
46 Slew Voss'Darzi the white wyrm, liberating the Shii'lok mountains.
41 Freed a dwarven cleric from a sticky situation.
45 Eliminated the perverted sorceror, Dr'Majj Tal.
47 Brought peace to the world by defeating Octama, the Titan of War.
47 Purified the world by defeating Septam, the Titan of Curses.
47 Revived the world by defeating Deccol, the Titan of Death.
47 Healed the world by defeating Juljon, the Titan of Blood.
47 Brightened the world by defeating Maylok, the Titan of Shadows.
47 Calmed the world by defeating Febrho, the Titan of Storms.
47 Redeemed the world by defeating Apreld, the Titan of Hellfire.
34 Slew the fearsome Dragon of the Ice Realm
45 Defeated the Mandrill Shaman in combat
40 Was named Master of the Five Winds
40 Defeated the Master of the Void in mortal combat!
37 Defeated the Master of the South Wind in mortal combat!
37 Defeated the Master of the East Wind in mortal combat!
37 Defeated the Master of the North Wind in mortal combat!
37 Defeated the Master of the West Wind in mortal combat!
47 Relieved the world by defeating Mosabomy, the Titan of Disaster.
47 Thawed the world by defeating Marwil, the Titan of Ice Fury.
47 Saved the world from extinction by defeating Jansan, the Titan of Annihilation.
45 Saved the world from Herbanth the Rampant.
45 Survived an encounter with the Unnamed Ones.
30 Assassinated the alchemist on behalf of the shadowy demon.
45 Stopped the Ejja, for now.
43 Eliminated Rub'Al-Kali, evil servant of the Amir
47 Cured the world by defeating Novnee, the Titan of Plagues.
47 Brought order to the world by defeating Junlog, the Titan of Chaos.
47 Soothed the world by defeating Augsmi, the Titan of Pain.
41 Correctly answered a gynosphinx's riddle.
44 Survived an encounter with the Tall Man.
44 Cleansed the White Tower
50 Brought down the wards around the ice fortress!
45 Killed a helpless angelbaby, just because they could.
44 Defeated the worm horde and slew Spelldrinker, Mana Worm.
45 Slew the Fire Tower's guild leader, Tir'Roscha
40 Destroyed the Gorgon, Dionese the Disgraced.
44 Has been cursed by the Time Dragon, and is hopelessly doomed.
45 Slew Lux, the ancient red dragon
45 Slew Susami, the yellow wyrm
44 Defeated one of Ali Baba's forty thieves
45 Defeated Triste's Betrayal.
45 Defeated Triste's Solitude.
45 Defeated Triste's Confusion.
45 Defeated Triste's Despair.
41 Brought a wanted man to justice and retrieved Koralia's Heart's most prized weapon.
37 Murdered a defenseless, poor man who only wanted some money.
38 Saved the city of Koralia's Heart from certain doom.
40 Brought a small boy back to his father, saving him from certain death.
42 Destroyed a huge gohlbrorn nest, effectively ridding the world of their kind.
46 Exorcised the demon of envy from the world!
46 Thwarted the aboleth ruler's plan for world domination.
46 Evicted the Hydragon from its watery domain, permanently!
44 Slew the icy krakken.
46 has killed the iron maiden.
46 has killed the jade spider.
46 has killed the giant deathstalker.
45 Eliminated the gnawing hunger, Muug'Vl Tal.
40 Slew the sickly kobold prince in cold blood
42 Found and retrieved a carving of the ice dragon.
35 Retrieved a wisp of flame for the alchemist Abicus from the outer planar fire world.
35 Retrieved some yellow dust for Kila the sorceress from the outer planar fire world.
42 Found and returned a huge stuffed dragon.
42 Found and retrieved a small gold figurine.
42 Found and retrieved a black panther onyx figurine.
42 Found and retrieved a small box inlaid in black ivory.
43 Found and returned some oil of restoration.
46 Exorcised the demon of gluttony from the world!
45 Slaughtered the barracuda saving the draconian food supply!
44 Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine.
43 started Deldrach's treasure quest.
44 Slew the under krakken.
43 'Freed' the lost rogue
44 'Freed' the lost paladin
44 'Freed' the lost wizard
35 Slayer of the innocent dragon known as Graystorm.
41 Searched for the brass clawed handle of Don Milano
46 Explored the dead reefs and uncovered an ancient shipwreck!
44 Cleansed the defiled temple of Q'thelas.
34 Slew the monsters Scylla and Charybdis.
45 Sacrificed life and limb to defeat the maniacal Korrok!
45 Faced the hawkman champion in a no magic battle and was victorious.
47 Exorcised the demon of pride from the world!
43 Killed Tarrant, forfeiting any chance of doing his quest.
44 Exorcised the demon of lust from the world!
42 Earned the rank of 'Candle' in the Fire Towers' guild
39 Assaulted the elderly.
46 has killed the ethereal dragon.
45 Found the strange talisman
42 Doomed the great auks to extinction.
46 Eliminated the dark scion of dragonkin, Uppsala Tal.
44 'Freed' the lost dark elf
44 Slew the deep krakken.
45 Rescued the wizard Khaile
33 Put an end to Sh'kar the evil biomancer's foul experiments.
42 Destroyed the Gorgon, Euryale Farspringer.
41 Destroyed the Gorgon, Stheno the Mighty.
41 Rescued Princess Angelina
43 Slew Magmos' guard familiar, the beholder Ralkaross
44 Defeated the elemental lord, the Water Baron.
46 Shed the blood of a noble crimson dragon.
46 Defeated Torsius, the corruptor of reality and the archdemon Moez'tillio.
46 Exorcised the demon of sloth from the world!
39 Put a myxomatosis rabbit out of its misery.
39 Victorious over the bloodied champion of the Jo'Kerin arena
43 Murdered a kidnapped elf princess, because she deserved it.
40 'Freed' the lost Quickling
44 Put down the ghost of the dreaded ice drake, T'yarnefess na-Draj
36 Slew the witch and set the animated objects free
30 Defeated the helpless coma patient in mortal combat.
46 Defeated the vampire lord deep within the ruins.
37 Passed the test of the Soul.
37 Passed the test of the Shadows.
37 Passed the test of the Body.
37 Passed the test of the Mind.
26 Found and retrieved the Mace of Knowledge.
26 Found and retrieved the Staff of Understanding.
26 Found and retrieved the Sword of Strength.
26 Found and retrieved the Dagger of Stealth.
25 Purged the world of Nafien's taint.
29 Exterminated the queen spider ensuring that their species will surely die.
22 Maliciously killed the hero of Seaside.
25 Slew Locos, the terror under the well
18 Exterminated the master tonberry saving the moogle village.
Level Deeds Accomplished ---------------------------------
12 Routed the necromantic cult from the interior of Ancalador.
11 Reported to the Hierophant.
11 Recovered and restored the champion's helm.
11 Snuffed out the mole king and rescued the Mayor's wife.
10 Extricated the Gnomian slaves from the caves of the moles.
10 Reported to Mayor Widgetbottom in Gnomian.
10 Culled the spider infestation in the old Indira forest.
9 Returned to Angelia and told her the news about the copper mines.
9 Parlayed a deal between the demons and the gnomes to get the mines operating again.
6 Solved the riddle of the foaming fountain.
7 Found the key to the donation box.
7 Delivered an important package from the mayor of Hildabrad to Vemarken.
7 Became an honorary member of the village of Hildabrad.
7 Helped Joann to find her name tag.
7 Helped the town shaman to get rid of a bully.
7 Put a big fat rat on a diet, permanently!
7 Accepted several quests from the mayor of Hildabrad.
6 Brought Dinger a bag of goodies.
6 Gathered a few items for an apothecary in Vemarken.
6 Reported to the general storekeeper.
5 Exposed the cult of Kenai near Vemarken.
5 Removed the leader of the false temple.
45 Helped Triste face down her demons.
45 Proved their courage in the face of danger and became a member of the Black Dragon watch!
36 Found the cure to restore the kurman tortoise to health.
44 Collected some gemstones to create a pendant.
47 Helped to establish contact between the humans and the Trollsingers.
40 Drove the Anchorite garrison out of Steinhaus
43 Ended the war between the two tribes once and for all.
30 Aided Fil the Secondboy by assassinating his older brother, thus promoting his status.
37 Thwarted Falnar the Shadowmancer's plans.
47 Discovered who was behind the break-ins in the capital city of Airam.
47 Risked life and limb to rescue the Princess of Airam.
47 Tried, but failed to locate the missing battery for a crazy-eyed scientist.
44 Neutralized both the threats to the village of Silverwind!
44 Discovered & neutralized the Hydrax!
46 Rescued a Third legionnaire from an Ubar prison
46 Quested to find the Third Legion's lost mascot in the sewers of Naginag
29 Bested the Norse gods and took their most prized possessions.
29 Bested the flying Valkyrie and took her most prize possession.
29 Bested Thor and took his prize possession.
29 Bested Odin and took his prize possession.
27 Defeated the guardian serpent to gain access to Asgaard.
45 Took revenge on Flamewing the king of the fire dragons on behalf of an elven hunter!
41 Helped sustain a homeless dryad.
46 Sealed a rift between the elemental plane of darkness and the astral plane of air.
48 Rid the Nightmare Plane of the thirteen titans intent on world domination.
38 Collected a bounty for killing someone that cheated the Blackrock Clan.
43 Pleased the Lord of Wellinghall by slaying the vile knucker.
29 Help the tinker gnomes to solve a crash landing problem with their elevator system.
29 Tested a gnomish rocket pack and had a blast!
29 Destroyed and dismantled the whirling machine of destruction known as the Juggernaut.
44 Gave Drache the brilliant sand dragon his antidote
45 Tracked down a missing wagon wheel (which is a lot harder than it sounds!)
43 Discovered and toppled a dark conspiracy in the town of Marikest...
44 Discovered & neutralized the Bloodice Vampire!
46 Grounded the electrifying Dragon known as Zal'Shira.
43 Destroyed the three Gorgon sisters.
45 Talked to the king to reveal his quests.
41 Recovered and returned Kerwal's supplies.
41 Discovered Don Milano's hoarded treasure and obtained Lightbringer, sword of truth
46 'Freed' the lost adventurers from their despair, deep within the Labyrinth.
45 Defeated the machinations of the Third Sun cult and their false god Tlaloc.
42 Retrieved the Tome of Memories from the ruins underneath Nueva Granada
42 Slew the Phantasm of the Ancients and took the Tome of Memories
42 Spoke to the Phantasm of the Ancients
44 Helped Djorb become a master biomancer
39 Destroyed the castorid dam plugging up the Ciernan River
40 Crowned Prism the King of Emerald City.
43 Found the crown.
19 Spent some time as a page to the Earl Montebac.
15 Delivered a letter to the bronzesmith.
41 Extinguished the flames of the Sunangel Madriel.
41 Defeated the Avatar of light and the sun-angel Madriel.
35 Wiped out a human supremacist cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild.
39 Exterminated Red Rover and evicted the moblins from the Clan Unforgiven area
36 Prevented Ralnoth from being devoured by an invasion of giant termites.
6 Helped to make some important deliveries between Vemarken and Indira.
37 Rescued the Princess of Radobaj
10 Vanquished the rat king and put an end to its machinations.
4 Made it to Pellam and broke the blockade
2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment.
0 Defeated the Carver Shaman in mortal combat!
0 Discovered an ambush party!
Level Legacy Quests ---------------------------------
37 Successfully tracked down good enough sheep on the feast of the sacrifice 2020!
32 Recovered a sparkling sun charm, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring.
32 Recovered a golden pot full of rainbows, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring.
31 Recovered a green shamrock, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring.
32 Recovered a leprechaun's top hat, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring.
49 Rubbed out a few of the leprechaun mafia during the spring festival.
27 Quest to recover the seven stolen symbols of spring.
40 Tracked down and exterminated one of the elusive pumpkinheads during the Halloween Havoc of 2017.
26 Successfully tracked down a good enough sheep on Eid al-Adha 2017
24 Generously donated to the poor around the world on Eid al-Adha 2017
37 Slew the rogue incarnates, releasing their energy into the universe.
36 Defeated each of the teraphim camp commanders, preventing them from becoming archangels
35 Destroyed the metarrex infestation near the Rainbow Factory
40 Completed Wave 40 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017
39 Completed Wave 30 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017
39 Completed Wave 20 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017
38 Completed Wave 10 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017
34 Completed Wave 0 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017
30 Freed an apiarch hive from the machinations of the demon Dvukyk.
29 Defeated each of the vesperine lords, uniting them under the choir of Archangel Selene
26 Escorted the Archangel Selene to Fort Telestia
29 Helped Wee Willie Winkie the leprechaun prepare for the Leprechaun parade of 2017.
27 Tried to steal a leprechaun's gold and failed miserably.
37 Robbed a little leprechaun of his pot of gold on St. Paddy's day in 2017!
28 Chased the demon of jealousy from the world, even if only for a short time.
26 Chased the demon of spite from the world, even if only for a short time.
36 Drove away a frost devil to keep the innocent safe on Christmas 2016!
41 Killed 3000 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
41 Killed 2900 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
41 Killed 2800 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
41 Killed 2700 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
41 Killed 2600 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
41 Killed 2500 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
41 Killed 2400 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
41 Killed 2300 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
41 Killed 2200 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
40 Killed 2100 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
40 Killed 2000 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
40 Killed 1900 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
40 Killed 1800 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
40 Killed 1700 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
40 Killed 1600 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
39 Killed 1500 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
39 Killed 1400 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
39 Killed 1300 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
39 Killed 1200 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
39 Killed 1100 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
39 Killed 1000 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
39 Killed 900 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
39 Killed 800 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
38 Killed 700 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
38 Killed 600 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
37 Killed 500 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
37 Killed 400 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
35 Killed 300 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
34 Killed 200 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
32 Killed 100 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge!
40 Assisted in the assembly of a mass driver
38 Retrieved an instruction manual for petitioning incarnates and brought it to Blanagan the Scientist
39 Retrieved a fragment of a heavily inscribed slab and brought it to the Naginag Hierophant
37 Consulted the Naginag Hierophant and the Keeper of the Elwood regarding the incoming planetoid
38 Donated a starcatcher to Blanagan the Scientist
23 Helped spread some holiday cheer!
31 Helped save the world from an overabundance of holiday cheer!
32 Melted Jack Frost's icy plans and saved the coming New Year of 2016!
32 Stormed into the Icereave Caverns to recover the staff of time.
32 Helped the Ralnoth Department of Civil Services to setup the New Year celebration.
32 Prevented the spread of greenpeace disease by cutting back the number of trees in the world.
32 Hunted the tunnels of Icarrus for one last shard of greenish-blue ice.
32 Invaded the palace of the Snow queen to recover the New Year top hat.
31 Gathered ingredients that a master chef needed to make a cake for the New Year celebration.
31 Ransacked the tunnels of Icarrus to obtain another long shard of greenish-blue ice.
30 Recovered the New Year sash from the glacier dwarves.
30 Collected several items to build a firework cannon to bring in the new year with a bang!.
30 Braved the tunnels of Icarrus to obtain a long shard of greenish-blue ice.
24 Saved Christmas from the evil plans of Krampus, Scrooge and the Grinch.
24 Sent Krampus packing and ended the captivity of Rudolph.
24 Restocked Santa's lumber supply
24 Collected various items to make a magical snare.
23 Recovered Santa's stolen sleigh from the clutches of the Grinch.
22 Collected 10 stockings.
22 Acquired the needed items to brew up some magical dust.
22 Freed Santa's elves from their stony imprisonment.
21 Recovered ten presents stolen by a band of Christmas bandits.
20 Recovered the Eye of Medusa from Scrooge.
31 Captured a Christmas bandit before he could ruin the holidays.
38 Gobbled up all of the other turkeys and proved to be the best turkey on Thanksgiving 2015.
30 Fully explored the 2015 Turkey Days Corn Maze!
33 Hunted down a turkey and cooked it Alter Aeon style!
34 Ended the plans of a dark sect to free the exiled titans from the nightmare plane.
34 Entered the clearing in the Valley of Shadows and destroyed the armageath tree.
33 Braved the Valley of Shadows and eliminated The dark druid Nikadimas.
35 Helped some pals to kill Armageath the Tree of Eternal Night.
31 Defeated Zulcann the dark necromancer, closing the gateway that was allowing the darkuri into this world.
31 Sought out the green man of the forest for more information about the mysterious black seed.
31 Rescued some researchers from being devoured by a bunch of plants.
30 Saved a small farming community from an undead invasion.
29 Rescued an injured farmer.
28 Investigated a village and put an end to the necromancer raising children into zombies.
39 Exterminated a large, creepy death roach before it infested an entire city.
24 Gathered a sample from a Darkuri and returned it to Rundahl.
29 Hunted down and exterminated a darkuri on Halloween 2015.
40 Fought a forest fire and won!
37 Completed Wave 1 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge
21 Stole a leprechaun's treasure on St. Paddy's day in 2015!
35 Bested my kin in the Leprechaun brawl of 2015!
Time of last save: Wed Oct 30 02:20:00 2024
This page has been referenced 6344 times since last boot.