Alter Aeon Player Lookup
Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and
probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: demex
Proper name: Demex
Ground string: The Legendary Warrior Demex is planning his next move in his fight against evil.
Title: *VeMbEr*
Created: Mon Dec 8 16:32:20 2003
Description -----------------------------------------------------
You see a buff man standing before you, weilding his sword ready to fight at a moments notice
History ---------------------------------------------------------
You think to yourself, 'KAO-KEN ATTACK!' and spring into action!
You gain 477696 experience!
(notify) Demex backstabbed an Aztec woman for 1776 damage, freak 8.
You place The Naginata of the Kuei Spirit in the back of an Aztec woman, mortall
y wounding her.
Your blood freezes as you hear an Aztec woman's death cry!
an Aztec woman is DEAD!
You receive 139 experience.
(notify) Demex backstabbed The guard for 1711 damage, freak 8.
(notify) Demex backstabbed a bored housewife for 2720 damage, freak 8.
(notify) Demex backstabbed a station manager for 2952 damage, freak 8.
[ninja] Stephen: (notify) whitemage is gay
Ake tells the group, 'who's smith?'
Pharel catches something black and hulking a little off center with his bash!
Something black and hulking's pound *** DEVASTATES *** Pharel!
Something black and hulking tears Pharel limb from limb, then casts its limp, broken body aside.
Your blood curdles as you hear Pharel's dying scream!
Pharel has been KILLED!
Pharel gives a dead cat to Dusty.
[23 17 12 30] (ppk)Samon the admin
Smith auctions, 'think of all the sun's energy that was converted to food and consumed and used to type out and read this conversation'
You resign from your clan, to pursue life on your own.
[midnight] Aldrich: my smexyness knows no bounds
You disarm The stone giant king and send its weapon flying!
You gain 414960 exp!
Your leaping attack *** ANNIHILATES *** A glass golem!
Your leaping attack *** ANNIHILATES *** The man-eating-plant!
Your fiery slice *** DESTROYS *** The man-eating-plant!
Level Mage: 22 Cler: 27 Thie: 31 Warr: 31 Necr: 9 Drui: 0
Microlevel Mage: 0 Cler: 0 Thie: 0 Warr: 1 Necr: 1 Drui: 0
Total levels in all classes: 120
Fame: 156
Level Feats Performed ---------------------------------
46 Slew the fiery krakken.
44 Slew the deep krakken.
5 Found Indiana Jones' Legacy
40 Slew the ravenous preta, putting it out of its eternal misery.
45 Recovered the sword 'Blight'
41 Marked with ill-favor by sea for slaying an albatross.
40 Is the reigning chess grandmaster by defeating Viktor
45 Slew the Fire Tower's guild leader, Tir'Roscha
44 Slew the icy krakken.
41 Found a bride for Lord Ogden
42 Slew the brown krakken.
41 Rescued a kidnapped child from the clutches of an insidious oni-baba.
44 Defeated the worm horde and slew Spelldrinker, Mana Worm.
43 Translated Dante's journal, and uncovered his horrific plot
44 Slayer of the mighty Tunnel Wurm
44 Has been cursed by the Time Dragon, and is hopelessly doomed.
42 Did compete one-on-one with a sumo wrestler and was victorious.
38 Defeated Vesden the Conquerer restoring peace to the city of Linholt.
44 Defeated the elemental lord, the Water Baron.
38 Defeated the Mountain King and obtained Peacekeeper, sword of order
37 Sabotaged the great siege engine.
13 Obtained the silver ring of the Gatekeeper
35 Retrieved Jesric's spellbook from the outer planar ice world
33 Restored the legendary dwarven bracelet.
43 Survived and won a battle with Atlantian Elite Royal Guards
45 Survived an encounter with the Unnamed Ones.
43 Defeated the Mist Dragon of Avalon.
45 Saved the world from Herbanth the Rampant.
45 Murdered an innocent, defenseless, and lost faerie infant. You evil bastard.
11 Became a hero by making a child smile!
40 Got a pair of kenderskin gloves
45 Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti.
43 Found a hand-held shield generator in the wreckage of an ancient starship
39 Victorious over the bloodied champion of the Jo'Kerin arena
44 Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine.
43 Eliminated Rub'Al-Kali, evil servant of the Amir
46 Slew Susami, the yellow wyrm
37 Passed the test of the Body.
43 Saved Ubar from Rub'Al-Khani, servant of Talos
44 Cleansed the defiled temple of Q'thelas.
37 Passed the test of the Shadows.
18 Exterminated the master tonberry saving the moogle village.
37 Passed the test of the Mind.
37 Passed the test of the Soul.
7 Did not eat the kitten.
26 Found and retrieved the Dagger of Stealth.
26 Found and retrieved the Staff of Understanding.
26 Found and retrieved the Mace of Knowledge.
26 Found and retrieved the Sword of Strength.
11 Obtained the title: Mouseslayer, mmk
42 Defeated the dreaded Ice Worm of the Ash Mountains
41 Penetrated the Heart of Tirgoth, and devastated the Ent society
23 Defeated Mostyn, the strong man, in an unarmed fight to the death.
42 Took the Malitad club away from the King
25 Purged the world of Nafien's taint.
40 Slew the sickly kobold prince in cold blood
39 Assaulted the elderly.
25 Slew Locos, the terror under the well
Level Deeds Accomplished ---------------------------------
10 Reported to Mayor Widgetbottom in Gnomian.
6 Taught some punk kid a lesson he'll never forget.
5 Removed the leader of the false temple.
40 Rescued Rodon the Wizard from the creatures on the other side of the vortex
42 Collected a bounty for ridding the world of the Bugbear Chieftain
43 Returned the sacred fruit loops to the great blue toucan
40 Brought a retired hunter one last trophy
15 Found new questions to the mystery of what happened to New Thalos.
45 Tracked down a missing wagon wheel (which is a lot harder than it sounds!)
43 Pleased the Lord of Wellinghall by slaying the vile knucker.
22 Made an old fisherman's day by giving him his favorite food.
32 Is the new hobgoblin champion.
42 Repossessed the stolen heirlooms of the wizard Kahari.
43 Slew Chieftain Kicking-Hooves and collected the bounty.
43 Killed Agnes the witch and collected the bounty.
43 Killed a lesser hydra and collected the bounty.
43 Hunted down a deserter from the Naginag Combine.
31 Aided the smith in finishing his greatest creation.
21 Cured the old mage of the hiccups!
44 Gave Drache the brilliant sand dragon his antidote
39 Rid the were-panther's enclave of the spirits that haunted them.
40 Avenged the villagers murdered by their own.
18 Put a stop to the abuse of a child.
15 Slew Roch'tar, master of the catacombs
14 Freed the spirit of King Rathborne
36 Defeated the bear marauding through the forest southwest of Ralnoth
Level Legacy Quests ---------------------------------
31 Helped save the world from an overabundance of holiday cheer!
23 Helped spread some holiday cheer!
34 Was a participant in the Halloween havoc of 2010!
29 I brought the witch a sweet and she gave me a treat!
30 Became a Vampire slayer on Halloween 2010!
35 Slew the legendary basilisk and obtained the Silver Bow of the Moon
Time of last save: Sun Feb 16 15:40:00 2025
This page has been referenced 6435 times since last boot.