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Alter Aeon Player Lookup

Enter the name of the player you wish to look up below.

Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: dernan Proper name: Dernan Ground string: Dernan is here. Title: Created: Sun Apr 6 00:36:45 2014 Description ----------------------------------------------------- Dernan is of average height and of light build, with dark grey eyes. His reddish hair is long and pulled back into a ponytail. His skin is heavily tanned, and you guess him to be extremely old, perhaps around age 200. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Homepage URL: Level Mage: 22 Cler: 28 Thie: 11 Warr: 17 Necr: 33 Drui: 38 Microlevel Mage: 0 Cler: 0 Thie: 1 Warr: 0 Necr: 0 Drui: 0 Total levels in all classes: 149 Fame: 820 Level Feats Performed --------------------------------- 42 Help a caravan repair their wagon. 47 Emerged the champion from a tangle with the mythical four headed swamp hydra 47 Slayed Orisha, the mighty forest dragon 45 Gave an ugly and foul smelling troll a long needed bath! 40 'Freed' the lost Quickling 27 Gained access to the land of the fairies 46 Brought order to the world by defeating Junlog, the Titan of Chaos. 17 Recovered the legendary Gem of Knowledge. 17 Skillfully obtained a lost book on poisons and sold it to the Thieves Guild. 16 Released a genie from a bottle just to have her vanish and not even get a single wish! 32 Expunged Kaladun the lich from the world once and for all! 38 Defeated Vesden the Conquerer restoring peace to the city of Linholt. 42 Slew Robin Masters the Vampire, providing sweet revenge for Bruce 37 Saved the city of Koralia's Heart from certain doom. 42 Slew the brown krakken. 44 Rescued a Benzani prisoner from the Sashala 8 Brought a ray of sunshine to brighten an imp's day! 45 Robbed the graves of the wayworn dead. 47 Saved the world from extinction by defeating Jansan, the Titan of Annihilation. 47 Redeemed the world by defeating Apreld, the Titan of Hellfire. 47 Calmed the world by defeating Febrho, the Titan of Storms. 47 Relieved the world by defeating Mosabomy, the Titan of Disaster. 47 Thawed the world by defeating Marwil, the Titan of Ice Fury. 47 Purified the world by defeating Septam, the Titan of Curses. 47 Healed the world by defeating Juljon, the Titan of Blood. 47 Brightened the world by defeating Maylok, the Titan of Shadows. 47 Brought peace to the world by defeating Octama, the Titan of War. 47 Soothed the world by defeating Augsmi, the Titan of Pain. 47 Revived the world by defeating Deccol, the Titan of Death. 47 Cured the world by defeating Novnee, the Titan of Plagues. 45 Slew Voss'Darzi the white wyrm, liberating the Shii'lok mountains. 47 Slew Thas'Tau, the Great Silver Dragon King 44 Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine. 40 Saved the cows of Cornia from being abducted by 'them' 45 Exorcised the demon of sloth from the world! 42 Destroyed an elusive topiary emu. 39 Put a myxomatosis rabbit out of its misery. 45 Saved the world from Herbanth the Rampant. 19 Retrieved and returned Russell's golden compass 42 Freed the souls of the hungry dead from the curse of the Ryuu Graveyard. 46 Eliminated the dark scion of dragonkin, Uppsala Tal. 45 Eliminated the gnawing hunger, Muug'Vl Tal. 44 Slew the under krakken. 45 Released the first of 22 evils upon the world. 44 Acquired the Tome of Bone. 46 Evicted the Hydragon from its watery domain, permanently! 39 Assaulted the elderly. 33 Restored the legendary dwarven bracelet. 45 Rescued the wizard Khaile 44 Cleansed the defiled temple of Q'thelas. 44 Defeated the Mandrill Shaman in combat 26 Accepted quest to free the musicians. 39 Hunted down the source of chaotic magic plaguing the Vom Mine. 34 Rescued a slave from Castle Radobaj 16 Slaughtered and tore the hide from a stone drake deep in the underwilds. 15 Infiltrated the underground city of Runn-Khal and ransacked their treasure chamber. 43 Earned the rank of 'Burning Hand' in the Fire Towers' guild 42 Earned the rank of 'Candle' in the Fire Towers' guild 26 Found and retrieved the Dagger of Stealth. 26 Found and retrieved the Mace of Knowledge. 24 Piloted a hang glider over the great Archais archipelago. 31 Looted some ancient drow treasure. 33 Slew the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. 44 Recovered irreplaceable research on the rare myconid race. 39 Slew the sickly kobold prince in cold blood 33 Put an end to Sh'kar the evil biomancer's foul experiments. 30 Tracked down and returned the stolen crate of repair parts to Dordak. 43 Put down the ghost of the dreaded ice drake, T'yarnefess na-Draj 33 Performed a few random tasks, including washing a noble's nasty panties, how gross! 46 Thwarted the aboleth ruler's plan for world domination. 42 Survived and won a battle with Atlantian Elite Royal Guards 46 Defeated Torsius, the corruptor of reality and the archdemon Moez'tillio. 43 Murdered a kidnapped elf princess, because she deserved it. 45 Faced the hawkman champion in a no magic battle and was victorious. 44 Defeated the elemental lord, the Water Baron. 42 Killed Tarrant, forfeiting any chance of doing his quest. 42 Marked with ill-favor by sea for slaying an albatross. 40 Helped keep everyone fed at the Drunken Dragon Inn 41 Met the Giants 41 Doomed the dodos to extinction. 40 Victorious over the bloodied champion of the Jo'Kerin arena 31 Thrashed Pantrell and gave his tome of secrets to Deeamos. 26 Slew Locos, the terror under the well 29 Exterminated the queen spider ensuring that their species will surely die. 21 Completely destroyed a giant fiery red drake. 22 Completely destroyed a large azure blue drake. 22 Completely destroyed a silvery gray drake. 22 Completely destroyed an emerald green drake. 22 Completely destroyed a large yellow drake. 22 Completely destroyed a black scaled drake. 22 Completely destroyed a dark brown drake. 22 Disposed of Anekam the drake keeper. 22 Captured and returned the Wizard brightflame's escaped familiar. 27 Searched the swamp for the old historian and then helped him recover his stolen book. 26 Found and retrieved the Sword of Strength. 26 Purged the world of Nafien's taint. 18 Climbed the beanstalk, and retrieved a golden egg. 18 Exterminated the master tonberry saving the moogle village. 13 Destroyed the bloody curse stone in the haunted hills 13 Destroyed the spirit curse stone in the haunted hills 13 Destroyed the poison curse stone in the haunted hills 12 Squashed a spider and made me some armor! 12 Harvested some honeycomb for the local bakery. 10 Dispelled a chicken and found a mage. 5 Found the needle in the haystack! 5 Returned a lost memento to an old man. 4 Returned the sacred chalice to the Shrine of the Vemarken Faithful. 5 Freed the old wizard from his glass prison! 4 Translate the strange paper from Uffspigot Level Deeds Accomplished --------------------------------- 45 Found a lost faerie infant and returned her safely to her parents. 27 Momentarily saw through a powerful illusion, confirming a cartographer's theory. 47 Rid the Nightmare Plane of the thirteen titans intent on world domination. 36 Found the cure to restore the kurman tortoise to health. 17 Proved to be a real treasure hunter by discovering all the secrets of the minotaurs maze. 17 Informed the proper authorities of the demise of a missing man. 16 Skillfully navigated the maze of the black minotaur and laid claim to his prize possessions. 16 Sought out the barkeep for more information. 44 Collected some gemstones to create a pendant. 46 Helped to establish contact between the humans and the Trollsingers. 32 Discovered what happened to a missing delivery from the village of Woodhaven. 32 Purged the Amber Forest of all the evil that was corrupting it. 32 Crafted an item to make the life of a retired ranger a bit easier. 32 Breached the Fetid Caves of Pestilence to rescue a dwarven child. 32 Expelled the curse placed on a little girl by Kaladun the lich. 32 Fulfilled the life long dream of a wood carver by helping them to craft a shield of blackwood. 32 Freed a druid from a truly dire predicament. 34 Delivered a bundle of herbs and spices to the monks in the Monastery of Dreams. 40 Drove the Anchorite garrison out of Steinhaus 40 Provided a thirsty child with much needed water 40 Returned the king's worldly possessions to Queen Calene. 44 Exposed the plot to return an ancient dragon to life. 46 Collected some magical items for a sorceress to do various tests on. 47 Tried, but failed to locate the missing battery for a crazy-eyed scientist. 41 Helped sustain a homeless dryad. 42 Retrieved the Tome of Memories from the ruins underneath Nueva Granada 41 Slew the Phantasm of the Ancients and took the Tome of Memories 41 Spoke to the Phantasm of the Ancients 38 Retrieved the ebony kris from the Dark Forest Graveyard for the Thieves' Guild. 21 Assisted the villagers of Idlewood to solve their problems and in fulfilling their needs. 20 Gathered some clams, caught a few fish and trapped a lobster for the Deep Sea Delights in Idlewood. 20 Disbanded the evil sect and released the lifestones of the seven legendary sisters. 20 Prevailed over Erov the druid, collected and then released the lifestone of Merope. 20 Prevailed over Lilin the warrioress, collected and then released the lifestone of Maia. 20 Prevailed over Rataga the assassin, collected and then released the lifestone of Electra. 20 Prevailed over the avatar Uball, collected and then released the lifestone of Sterope. 20 Prevailed over Bledri the necromancer, collected and then released the lifestone of Alcyone. 20 Prevailed over Durath the Sorcerer, collected and then released the lifestone of Taygete. 20 Prevailed over Tegla the temptress, collected and then released the lifestone of Celaeno. 20 Tracked down and recovered a missing antique ring. 20 Showed a devil ray who the true devil was. 21 Collected the special ingredients needed to save the life of Kolok the mystic. 20 Beheaded some hornets to collect a bounty on their heads. 19 Delivered a map and accepted the quest to retrieve the seven lifestones. 19 Spoke to the Naphtali commander on behalf of the ranger Taros. 46 Seeded a storm elemental with silver iodide just to see what would happen. 46 Slew the black amphitere, releasing it from its misery. 46 Assisted in laying a greater ghul to rest. 45 Bottled lightning for the King of the Storm Giants. 19 Returned Ardin's remains to his wife, Edna. 40 Avenged the villagers murdered by their own. 44 Tracked down a missing wagon wheel (which is a lot harder than it sounds!) 32 Travelled all over Archais gathering books for the library in Gad's Landing. 32 Acquired a book titled "The legendary dwarven bracelet" from Glankas in Dragon Tooth. 15 Delivered a letter to the bronzesmith. 34 Recaptured a dwarven smith's mightiest weapon 31 Cleared the poison from the ancient drow city. 31 Plundered the decimated drow city and uncovered its history. 32 Grounded the aerial acrobatics of Leo the squirrel and took away his nuts! 30 Aided Fil the Secondboy by assassinating his older brother, thus promoting his status. 27 Achieved the rank of journeyman in the Thieves Guild. 27 Achieved the rank of apprentice in the Thieves Guild. 27 Achieved the rank of bandit in the Thieves Guild. 27 Achieved the rank of thug in the Thieves Guild. 26 Made a secret delivery to the Thieves Den. 17 Collected some black ore for a bronzesmith in Naphtali. 35 Protected the secrets of Thaumaturgy from undeserving djinni 30 Brought Nammen some hides for tanning. 31 Collected wyvren scales on behalf of Tarkon the blacksmith 30 Helped the centaurs rid their land of wyvren 26 Received a bounty for taking out a pair of murderous thieves. 26 Ambushed some bandits and took back a stolen money sack. 23 Acquired a guide to fishing from Gil Dunne in the Archais Archipelago. 22 Acquired a book titled "Quickness of Action" from the Wizard Brightflame in Seaside. 26 Acquired a book titled "The Lotus Monastery" from the scholar Bruticus. 30 Acquired the tome of Demonic Lore from Cyrilla the Black in the Inn of the Lonely Wanderer. 30 Tried to negotiate a deal with Azeroth Keep for their fruit, but failed. 33 Felt froggie, so leaped on a toad and took their legs. 26 Rescued a group of musicians from the ghostface orcs. 26 Freed Curlie the musician from the Skull caverns. 26 Freed Moe the musician from the Skull caverns. 26 Freed Larry the musician from the Skull caverns. 16 Freed a druid from imprisonment in the underground city of Runn-Khal. 38 Obtained the Red Claws of the Slayer. 37 Rescued the Princess of Radobaj 16 Scouted out the abandoned mines in the Kordwood for a bronzesmith. 21 Delivered a message from the captain in Naphtali to the Ranger Patch in Gad's. 29 Broke the ice with the tinker gnomes by helping to thaw out a frozen gnome. 29 Tested a gnomish rocket pack and had a blast! 29 Help the tinker gnomes to solve a crash landing problem with their elevator system. 23 Collected a few debts owed to the villagers of Seaside. 23 Collected a debt owed to Fargan the butcher. 23 Collected a debt owed to Kyna in Kyna's General Store. 23 Collected a debt owed to Nailo in The Golden Phoenix Restaurant. 33 Sent the undead drow priestess to meet her goddess, allowing the svirfneblin to live in peace. 33 Found and returned the svirfneblin king's lost club. 25 Assassinated some young upstart who was trying to replace the boss in Smuggler's Cove. 25 Disposed of evidence that might have convicted a prisoner in Gad's Landing. 25 Snooped out and eliminated the spy hidden amongst the smugglers. 24 Smuggled a few items to prove they could be trusted. 43 Discovered and toppled a dark conspiracy in the town of Marikest... 43 Returned the exiled myconid king to power by slaying his usurper. 38 Tricked into making the crappiest leggings in the world! 34 Liberated a special mushroom from the Trogdolytes for an alchemist in Dragon Tooth. 35 Collected a DNA sample from one of the Tyranid warriors for Sh'kar the evil biomancer. 33 Harvested some webbing from the spider caves for the cleric Helina in Dragon Tooth. 31 Discovered what was causing the patrol soldiers of Fort Magnesia to become ill. 31 Aided the smith in finishing his greatest creation. 38 Cleaned out some of the corruption running rampant through Castle Dragnok. 38 Squashed the plans of the Mistress Camilla bent on world domination. 38 Freed the rune spider from the spell that binded her. 38 Crushed the hopes of Durant, the Master Enchanter of creating an army of glass. 38 Eliminated the leader of the mercenaries in Dragnok. 38 Extinguished the heart of the fire. 38 Ended all the sacrifices to the dark gods in Dragnok. 38 Put an end to the evil intentions of a drug crazed worshipper. 37 Answered a call for aid from Dragnok. 33 Constructed a special portal to help free Zeyda the collector of dreams. 33 Helped to make the dream nectar and awaken the sleepers. 33 Risked life and limb to recover a stolen egg and return it to Graystorm the dragon. 33 Braved the dark forest to deliver some supplies to a mad hermit. 39 Exterminated Red Rover and evicted the moblins from the Clan Unforgiven area 24 Lifted the curse cast upon Dentin's temple by Kenai. 23 Delivered some much needed provisions to the lighthouse. 24 Eradicated the adaro in the atoll so the researchers could complete their work. 23 Delivered a letter from Sharkie to Ekans. 23 Went fishing without a pole and got me a dragonfish. 24 Reclaimed a lost family heirloom. 35 Became an honorary member of the Planar Research Guild 35 Collected data from the fire world of Khinzhai 35 Collected data from the outer planar ice world 35 Collected data from Valhalla 35 Collected data from the nomagic biolab 34 Retrieved some shavings for the alchemist Abicus from the outer planar ice world. 22 Cured the old mage of the hiccups! 40 Lifted the spirits of the barkeep at the Drunken Dragon Inn 35 Collected data from the wind tunnels on the astral plane of air. 35 Collected data from the elemental plane of earth 21 Exterminated the fungus that was animating the dead on the Ancestral Island. 21 Returned a stolen pendant to its rightful owner. 21 Took a dive into Clearwater cove to recover a lost chest. 21 Pounded an ogre into a bloody pulp to recover a lost heirloom. 21 Visited a faerie circle and brought a mushroom back to the ranger. 19 Reported to the captain of the Naphtali guard of the defeat of Qoorik. 18 Found and brought down the demon city of Qoorik. 37 Thwarted Falnar the Shadowmancer's plans. 32 Helped to repair Captain Uro's merchant ship. 34 Assisted an angry dwarf in finding out what happened to his missing companions. 29 Delivered a broken gadget to the Master Tinker for the cook in the Inn of the Lonely Wanderer. 25 Informed Yassi of the sinking of the viking cargo ship. 24 Became the fabled Black Bandit of Seaside. 24 Heisted the fabled blue diamond off the Lady Luck. 24 Sunk Thor's Hammer blocking the Viking raiders from getting their supplies. 24 Plundered the Copper Dragon for the Magistrate's book. 24 Pilfered the chains of true binding off the ship known as the Leviathan. 24 Swiped a basilisk's egg off the Grumpy Dwarf. 29 Destroyed and dismantled the whirling machine of destruction known as the Juggernaut. 26 Had to do some fishing to trade for a lost book. 26 Got rid of some pesky birds and helped the Lotus Monastery get back to business. 26 Challenged the six masters of the Lotus Monastery and was victorious. 27 Apprenticed to a blacksmith in the Lotus Monastery for a time. 26 Eliminated a threat to the Lotus Monastery and brought them peace at last. 26 Hired on as a mercenary for a time to prove they were a skilled fighter. 30 Halted the attempt of the necromancer Darsakius from opening a rift to the demon world. 27 Put an end to the unnatural experiments of the druid Guillermo Dunkelbaum 29 Bested Thor and took his prize possession. 29 Bested Odin and took his prize possession. 23 Collected a debt owed to Torba Hammerclaw. 23 Collected a debt owed to Slade the bartender in the Nightshade Tavern. 23 Dealt with the foul stench of Castle Kraftrager. 23 Cleared out the castle. 22 Broke the curse afflicting the hero of Seaside. 22 Hunted down and exterminated the bugs in the cellar of the Golden Phoenix Inn. 22 Helped the citadel to restock its supply of healing mud. 27 Cleansed the Archais swamp of the Great Unclean One. 27 Defeated the guardian serpent to gain access to Asgaard. 20 Spent some time as a page to the Earl Montebac. 19 Soothed a mother's soul by helping cure her sick son. 19 Completed a few tasks given by the ranger in Naphtali. 18 Discovered the fate of a young lady's missing uncle. 18 Verified the rumors threatening Naphtali 17 Hewed the head from the orc chieftain as a warning to the rest of his kind. 17 Brought a farmer's daughter home to rest. 13 Solved the curse of the haunted hills and reported to the Hierophant. 13 Broke the curse on the Haunted Hills 9 Helped to cure a sick child. 12 Routed the necromantic cult from the interior of Ancalador. 10 Reported to Mayor Widgetbottom in Gnomian. 10 Culled the spider infestation in the old Indira forest. 6 Helped to make some important deliveries between Vemarken and Indira. 10 Vanquished the rat king and put an end to its machinations. 9 Returned to Angelia and told her the news about the copper mines. 9 Parlayed a deal between the demons and the gnomes to get the mines operating again. 6 Reported to the general storekeeper. 6 Chatted up the Mayor of Vemarken on behalf of the general storekeeper. 6 Brought Dinger a bag of goodies. 6 Gathered a few items for an apothecary in Vemarken. 5 Solved the riddle of the foaming fountain. 6 Helped the local merchants of Sloe deliver crucial shipments. 5 Exposed the cult of Kenai near Vemarken. 5 Removed the leader of the false temple. 4 Made it to Pellam and broke the blockade 3 Freed the graveyard from the Vampiress 2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment. 0 Defeated the Carver Shaman in mortal combat! 0 Discovered an ambush party! Level Legacy Quests --------------------------------- 27 Hunted down a turkey and cooked it Alter Aeon style! 53 Joined in on the monster madness and defeated the snapping Gamera! 54 Hunted down and slaughtered a giant sea monster! 49 Boldly accepted William Belmont's legendary monster hunter challenge. 40 Helped Salma with some chores on the feast of the sacrifice 2019. 40 Generously donated food to the poor on the feast of the sacrifice 2019! 37 Successfully tracked down good enough sheep on the feast of the sacrifice 2019! 47 Helped to clear the Valley of Shadows. 28 Carved some jack-o-lanterns for the less fortunate on Halloween 2017 40 Tracked down and exterminated one of the elusive pumpkinheads during the Halloween Havoc of 2017. 24 Did some chores for Salma. (2017) 26 Successfully tracked down a good enough sheep on Eid al-Adha 2017 24 Generously donated to the poor around the world on Eid al-Adha 2017 39 Sunk one of the metarrexi dreadnoughts on the high seas during the Fall Kickoff Event of 2017 39 Destroyed one of the metarrexi masterminds infesting the Material Plane for the Fall Kickoff Event of 2017 37 Slew the rogue incarnates, releasing their energy into the universe. 40 Completed Wave 50 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 35 Destroyed the metarrex infestation near the Rainbow Factory 36 Defeated each of the teraphim camp commanders, preventing them from becoming archangels 40 Completed Wave 40 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 39 Completed Wave 30 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 39 Completed Wave 20 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 38 Completed Wave 10 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 34 Completed Wave 0 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 30 Freed an apiarch hive from the machinations of the demon Dvukyk. 26 Escorted the Archangel Selene to Fort Telestia 29 Defeated each of the vesperine lords, uniting them under the choir of Archangel Selene 32 Helped Hunny Bunny to save Easter! 35 Boldly accepted the Quizmaster's challenge and was victorious! 32 Bravely rescued Santa from the demon cult of holiday gloom. 32 Chased the demon of wrath from the world, even if only for a short time. 32 Chased the demon of hate from the world, even if only for a short time. 31 Chased the demon of pride from the world, even if only for a short time. 29 Chased the demon of greed from the world, even if only for a short time. 28 Chased the demon of jealousy from the world, even if only for a short time. 26 Chased the demon of spite from the world, even if only for a short time. 36 Drove away a frost devil to keep the innocent safe on Christmas 2016! 32 Delivered a Christmas present using the EPDS in 2016! 34 Played lumberjack for a while to help the elves restock during the Winter Solstice of 2016! 25 Helped an injured man collect twelve christmas gifts for his true love. 28 Fully explored the 2016 Turkey Days Corn Maze! 38 Helped reduce the overpopulation of turkeys during the thanksgiving event of 2016! 41 Banded with a group of adventurers to save the world from another giant killer clown! 39 Repulsed an invasion by Jolli the clown and his horde of killer clowns on Halloween 2016! 39 Banded with a group of adventurers to save the world from a giant killer clown! 32 Survived all three phases of the Puppetmaster's challenge in 2016! 34 Became the new master of the undead by turning the dread lord into dust! 35 Boldly faced Count Dracula and showed them who was the true king of the monsters! 31 Assisted a group of shopkeepers in gathering several very rare pumpkins. 30 Collected some rare pumpkins to assist Peter Piper in making more pleasing pastries. 31 Collected some rare pumpkins to assist Simple Simon in making some new sensational sweets. 30 Collected some rare pumpkins to assist Tangy Tanya in making some tangier treats. 28 Gathered a load of pumpkins to help stock the pumpkin cannons. 28 Gathered pumpkins so they can be decorated and given to poor children. 38 Smashed and bashed, talked some trash, but in the end won the monster mash of 2016! 34 Faced off with the master of the serial killers and sent him to meet his maker! 38 Sent a wicked clown back to its own dimension. 41 Killed 2700 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 41 Killed 2600 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 41 Killed 2500 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 41 Killed 2400 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 41 Killed 2300 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 41 Killed 2200 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 40 Killed 2100 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 40 Killed 2000 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 40 Killed 1900 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 40 Killed 1800 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 40 Killed 1700 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 40 Killed 1600 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 39 Killed 1500 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 39 Killed 1400 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 39 Killed 1300 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 39 Killed 1200 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 39 Killed 1100 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 39 Killed 1000 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 39 Killed 900 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 39 Killed 800 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 38 Killed 700 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 38 Killed 600 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 37 Killed 500 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 37 Killed 400 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 35 Killed 300 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 34 Killed 200 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 32 Killed 100 monsters in the Puzzlewood survival challenge! 31 Ransacked the tunnels of Icarrus to obtain another long shard of greenish-blue ice. 30 Recovered the New Year sash from the glacier dwarves. 30 Collected several items to build a firework cannon to bring in the new year with a bang!. 30 Braved the tunnels of Icarrus to obtain a long shard of greenish-blue ice. 31 Helped save the world from an overabundance of holiday cheer! 23 Helped spread some holiday cheer! 24 Saved Christmas from the evil plans of Krampus, Scrooge and the Grinch. 24 Sent Krampus packing and ended the captivity of Rudolph. 24 Restocked Santa's lumber supply 24 Collected various items to make a magical snare. 23 Recovered Santa's stolen sleigh from the clutches of the Grinch. 22 Collected 10 stockings. 22 Acquired the needed items to brew up some magical dust. 26 Delivered a Christmas present using the EPDS in 2015! 22 Freed Santa's elves from their stony imprisonment. 21 Recovered ten presents stolen by a band of Christmas bandits. 31 Captured a Christmas bandit before he could ruin the holidays. 20 Recovered the Eye of Medusa from Scrooge. 33 Hunted down a turkey and cooked it Alter Aeon style! 34 Ended the plans of a dark sect to free the exiled titans from the nightmare plane. 34 Entered the clearing in the Valley of Shadows and destroyed the armageath tree. 35 Helped some pals to kill Armageath the Tree of Eternal Night. 33 Braved the Valley of Shadows and eliminated The dark druid Nikadimas. 31 Defeated Zulcann the dark necromancer, closing the gateway that was allowing the darkuri into this world. 31 Sought out the green man of the forest for more information about the mysterious black seed. 31 Rescued some researchers from being devoured by a bunch of plants. 30 Saved a small farming community from an undead invasion. 29 Rescued an injured farmer. 38 Smashed and bashed, talked some trash, but in the end won the monster mash of 2015! 28 Investigated a village and put an end to the necromancer raising children into zombies. 39 Exterminated a large, creepy death roach before it infested an entire city. 24 Gathered a sample from a Darkuri and returned it to Rundahl. 29 Hunted down and exterminated a darkuri on Halloween 2015. 39 Completed Wave 20 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Completed Wave 50 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Ran with Morpheus in a Death March during the Labor Daybor Mini-event 37 Ran with Alvis in a Death March during the Labor Daybor Mini-event 37 Ran with Gandor in a Death March during the Labor Daybor Mini-event 40 Ran with Shadowfax in a Death March during the Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Completed Wave 60 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 40 Won all three Trials By Fire of the Summer Solstice Celebration of 2015 40 Fought a forest fire and won! 37 Completed Shadowfax's firewalking challenge! 37 Completed Wave 1 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 40 Completed Wave 50 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 24 Helped Wee Willie Winkie the leprechaun to get ready for the Leprechaun party of 2015. 21 Stole a leprechaun's treasure on St. Paddy's day in 2015! 21 Went to steal a leprechaun's treasure and he beat me to it! 39 [20th anniversary] Find out what happened to Ulianca Teven 38 [20th anniversary] Defeat Verreshe in the ancient Codex 37 [20th anniversary] Chased Verreshe to Jo'Kerin 37 [20th anniversary] Drive Verreshe out of the slums 36 [20th anniversary] Investigate the break-in at the museum 36 [20th anniversary] Investigate the murders in the slums 36 [20th anniversary] Recover the stolen map data 24 Egged a pal on halloween, leaving them with egg on their face! 28 Joined in on the fun in celebrating the New Year! 25 Saved the new year baby from the clutches of Jack Frost. 22 Valiantly rushed to put an end to the frost goblin raid upon the world. 21 Helped to clean up the world by collecting the EPDS misfires. 24 Helped Santa find his lost sleigh deer for Xmas 2014. 23 Found and returned Cupid to the stable. 24 Found and returned Blitzen to the stable. 24 Found and returned Donner to the stable. 24 Found and returned Prancer to the stable. 24 Found and returned Dancer to the stable. 23 Found and returned Comet to the stable. 24 Found and returned Vixen to the stable. 23 Found and returned Dasher to the stable. 23 starter quest 24 Found a gingerbread man and brought it to Daga the elf to ease his hunger. 24 Assisted Daga the elf in collecting a lost present during the year end event of 2014. 35 Victorious in the 2014 Turkey Day Arena! 29 Helped slay a giant mutant turkey for Thanksgiving 2014! 33 Burnt a spoiled and rotten turkey to prevent others from getting sick on Thanksgiving. 28 Fully explored the 2014 Turkey Days Corn Maze! 22 Provided a delicious baked turkey for a homeless family for Thanksgiving 2014! 34 Fearlessly slew a menacing scarecrow for Thanksgiving 2014! 21 Participated in the Great Turkey Massacre of 2014! 29 Played messenger for the Research Guild. 37 Banded together with a group of heroes to destroy a gateway to the spirit world. 37 Banded together with a group of heroes to destroy a gateway to the spirit world. 38 Received a new ectovac. 36 Sent some ghosts to their final resting place during the Halloween Havoc of 2014. Time of last save: Sat Nov 13 00:00:00 2021

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