Alter Aeon Player Lookup
Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and
probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: donica
Proper name: Donica
Ground string: Donica is here.
Title: the druidic shop keeper
Created: Fri Jul 7 21:30:28 2023
Description -----------------------------------------------------
Donica is of average height and of slender build, with piercing blue
eyes. Her dark brown hair is shoulder length and naturally frizzy. Her
white skin has a very clear complexion. Her nose is broad, with wide
nostrils. She has defined, chiseled cheeks and an inwardly curving chin
beneath a rather wide mouth. She has a scar over her right eye. She
looks fairly young and fresh.
Level Mage: 0 Cler: 4 Thie: 0 Warr: 0 Necr: 9 Drui: 14
Total levels in all classes: 27
Clan: crafters Rank: third rank member
Level Feats Performed ---------------------------------
11 Dispelled a chicken and found a mage.
5 Found Indiana Jones' Legacy
5 Returned a lost memento to an old man.
4 Returned the sacred chalice to the Shrine of the Vemarken Faithful.
4 Translate the strange paper from Uffspigot
Level Deeds Accomplished ---------------------------------
12 Routed the necromantic cult from the interior of Ancalador.
10 Vanquished the rat king and put an end to its machinations.
6 Solved the riddle of the foaming fountain.
5 Exposed the cult of Kenai near Vemarken.
5 Removed the leader of the false temple.
10 Slew the tirbana spawner under Fort Marguera
4 Made it to Pellam and broke the blockade
3 Freed the graveyard from the Vampiress
2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment.
0 Defeated the Carver Shaman in mortal combat!
0 Discovered an ambush party!
Level Legacy Quests ---------------------------------
43 One summer night I expelled a menacing scarecrow!
Time of last save: Sat Sep 16 15:30:00 2023
This page has been referenced 10423 times since last boot.