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Alter Aeon Player Lookup

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Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: dorion Proper name: Dorion Ground string: Dorion is here. Title: gavat Created: Wed Sep 10 16:00:02 2014 Description ----------------------------------------------------- Dorion is of average height and build, with dull brown eyes. His light brown hair is long, carefully braided and pulled back. His pale skin has a very clear complexion, and you guess him to be fairly young, perhaps around 18 years old. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Personality ----------------------------------------------------- t kamelot heeyooooo ----------------------------------------------------------------- Level Mage: 36 Cler: 24 Thie: 18 Warr: 29 Necr: 6 Drui: 11 Microlevel Mage: 3 Cler: 0 Thie: 0 Warr: 4 Necr: 0 Drui: 0 Total levels in all classes: 124 Fame: 406 Level Feats Performed --------------------------------- 45 Slew Lux, the ancient red dragon 44 Cleansed the defiled temple of Q'thelas. 46 Shed the blood of a noble crimson dragon. 46 Exorcised the demon of sloth from the world! 35 Retrieved Jesric's spellbook from the outer planar ice world 44 Defeated the elemental lord, the Water Baron. 44 'Freed' the lost paladin 44 'Freed' the lost wizard 30 Tracked down and returned the stolen crate of repair parts to Dordak. 38 Defeated Vesden the Conquerer restoring peace to the city of Linholt. 30 Defeated the helpless coma patient in mortal combat. 11 Dispelled a chicken and found a mage. 42 Destroyed the Gorgon, Euryale Farspringer. 41 Destroyed the Gorgon, Stheno the Mighty. 40 'Freed' the lost Quickling 42 Earned the rank of 'Candle' in the Fire Towers' guild 22 Captured and returned the Wizard brightflame's escaped familiar. 33 Put an end to Sh'kar the evil biomancer's foul experiments. 25 Slew Locos, the terror under the well 11 Obtained the title: Mouseslayer, mmk 21 Completely destroyed a large yellow drake. 22 Completely destroyed a dark brown drake. 21 Completely destroyed a black scaled drake. 21 Completely destroyed an emerald green drake. 21 Disposed of Anekam the drake keeper. 18 Climbed the beanstalk, and retrieved a golden egg. 11 Harvested some honeycomb for the local bakery. 10 Squashed a spider and made me some armor! 44 Eliminated the ancient assassin, Kr'Path Tal 40 Slew the ravenous preta, putting it out of its eternal misery. 46 Eliminated the dark scion of dragonkin, Uppsala Tal. 44 Put down the ghost of the dreaded ice drake, T'yarnefess na-Draj 43 Slew Magmos' guard familiar, the beholder Ralkaross 21 Completely destroyed a large azure blue drake. 21 Completely destroyed a silvery gray drake. 21 Completely destroyed a giant fiery red drake. 22 Maliciously killed the hero of Seaside. 39 Victorious over the bloodied champion of the Jo'Kerin arena 34 Slew the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. 29 Exterminated the queen spider ensuring that their species will surely die. 25 Purged the world of Nafien's taint. Level Deeds Accomplished --------------------------------- 41 Escorted a merchant through the Shady Vale. 39 Destroyed the castorid dam plugging up the Ciernan River 23 Acquired a guide to fishing from Gil Dunne in the Archais Archipelago. 22 Acquired a book titled "Quickness of Action" from the Wizard Brightflame in Seaside. 32 Helped to repair Captain Uro's merchant ship. 23 Heisted the fabled blue diamond off the Lady Luck. 23 Pilfered the chains of true binding off the ship known as the Leviathan. 19 Spent some time as a page to the Earl Montebac. 15 Delivered a letter to the bronzesmith. 33 Braved the dark forest to deliver some supplies to a mad hermit. 32 Discovered the hospitals namesake and put an end to his diabolical plan. 23 Eradicated the adaro in the atoll so the researchers could complete their work. 23 Delivered some much needed provisions to the lighthouse. 38 Delivered a repaired medallion to a warrior in Mount Zendular. 36 Prevented Ralnoth from being devoured by an invasion of giant termites. 39 Exterminated Red Rover and evicted the moblins from the Clan Unforgiven area 36 Helped prevent the Black Rot from swallowing Ralnoth. 39 Expedited a pistol replica for the Ralnoth Museum of World Wonders 29 Halted the attempt of the necromancer Darsakius from opening a rift to the demon world. 35 Wiped out a human supremacist cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild. 33 Harvested some webbing from the spider caves for the cleric Helina in Dragon Tooth. 22 Went fishing without a pole and got me a dragonfish. 33 Assisted an angry dwarf in finding out what happened to his missing companions. 33 Liberated a special mushroom from the Trogdolytes for an alchemist in Dragon Tooth. 12 Routed the necromantic cult from the interior of Ancalador. 10 Reported to Mayor Widgetbottom in Gnomian. 10 Culled the spider infestation in the old Indira forest. 27 Defeated the guardian serpent to gain access to Asgaard. 22 Dealt with the foul stench of Castle Kraftrager. 22 Cleared out the castle. 18 Discovered the fate of a young lady's missing uncle. 17 Verified the rumors threatening Naphtali 17 Hewed the head from the orc chieftain as a warning to the rest of his kind. 17 Brought a farmer's daughter home to rest. 18 Soothed a mother's soul by helping cure her sick son. 9 Returned to Angelia and told her the news about the copper mines. 9 Suppressed the demon revolt in the copper mines. 19 Spoke to the Naphtali commander on behalf of the ranger Taros. 2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment. 40 Defeated the werewolf lord of the Dark Forest South 40 Extracted a brain sample from a werewolf 10 Vanquished the rat king and put an end to its machinations. 29 Tested a gnomish rocket pack and had a blast! 6 Helped to make some important deliveries between Vemarken and Indira. 5 Chatted up the Mayor of Vemarken on behalf of the general storekeeper. 32 Defeated the mad smith's mechanical monstrosity 30 Helped the centaurs rid their land of wyvren 4 Made it to Pellam and broke the blockade 0 Defeated the Carver Shaman in mortal combat! 0 Discovered an ambush party! Level Legacy Quests --------------------------------- 24 Generously donated to the poor around the world on Eid al-Adha 2017 24 Did some chores for Salma. (2017) 23 Helped spread some holiday cheer! 37 Completed Wave 1 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 40 Completed Wave 50 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 37 Completed Shadowfax's firewalking challenge! 35 Bested my kin in the Leprechaun brawl of 2015! 29 Played messenger for the Research Guild. 22 Valiantly rushed to put an end to the frost goblin raid upon the world. 21 Helped to clean up the world by collecting the EPDS misfires. 25 Helped to steal plans for a new toy and sold them to the old man Scrooge. 23 Worked with Scrooge to prevent Santa from just giving toys away for free. 24 Helped Santa find his lost sleigh deer for Xmas 2014. 24 Found and returned Prancer to the stable. 24 Found and returned Donner to the stable. 24 Found and returned Blitzen to the stable. 23 Found and returned Comet to the stable. 23 Found and returned Cupid to the stable. 24 Found and returned Vixen to the stable. 24 Found and returned Dancer to the stable. 23 Found and returned Dasher to the stable. 23 starter quest 35 Victorious in the 2014 Turkey Day Arena! 22 Provided a delicious baked turkey for a homeless family for Thanksgiving 2014! 21 Participated in the Great Turkey Massacre of 2014! Time of last save: Tue Mar 11 10:30:00 2025

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