Alter Aeon Player Lookup
Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and
probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: gamister
Proper name: Gamister
Ground string: Gamister is here.
Title: member of the clan Heaven!
Created: Thu Apr 8 22:28:58 2021
Description -----------------------------------------------------
Gamister is short and of light build, with blue eyes. His light brown
hair is short, but unkempt and messy. His tan skin is freckled, and you
guess him to be fairly young, perhaps around 18 years old.
Level Mage: 29 Cler: 35 Thie: 24 Warr: 13 Necr: 18 Drui: 7
Microlevel Mage: 2 Cler: 1 Thie: 0 Warr: 0 Necr: 0 Drui: 0
Total levels in all classes: 126
Fame: 218
Clan: heaven Rank: Powers
Level Feats Performed ---------------------------------
39 Assaulted the elderly.
21 Completely destroyed a dark brown drake.
40 Drove away the nightmare of Pain.
40 Drove away the nightmare of Regret.
40 Drove away the nightmare of Anger.
40 Drove away the nightmare of Loneliness.
50 Slew the entity stalking Dreahul's streets under the cover of darkness.
31 Successfully passed through all three towers of higher learning.
42 Destroyed the Gorgon, Euryale Farspringer.
41 Destroyed the Gorgon, Stheno the Mighty.
40 'Freed' the lost Quickling
11 Harvested some honeycomb for the local bakery.
45 Murdered poor Pinky for no obvious reason.
47 Drove away a shadowrath that had laid claim to Kithika the accursed city.
45 Permanently dealt with an out of control giant ass!
33 Slew the monsters Scylla and Charybdis.
36 Rescued a slave from Castle Radobaj
36 Displaced the displacer beast from their place in the world.
11 Became a hero by making a child smile!
21 Completely destroyed a large yellow drake.
7 Located and returned the key to the lockbox
21 Completely destroyed a silvery gray drake.
21 Disposed of Anekam the drake keeper.
21 Completely destroyed a black scaled drake.
21 Completely destroyed a large azure blue drake.
21 Completely destroyed an emerald green drake.
21 Completely destroyed a giant fiery red drake.
45 Eliminated the traitor, Korven Tal.
45 Eliminated the dread construct, D'mamati Tal.
44 Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine.
7 Defeated a lesser pit fiend
5 Put down the deadly white wolf.
16 Slaughtered and tore the hide from a stone drake deep in the underwilds.
11 Obtained the title: Mouseslayer, mmk
15 Freed Ann the banshee from the curse of the vampire.
18 Climbed the beanstalk, and retrieved a golden egg.
22 Freed some slaves from the cruel pain and torture of an orc slavemaster.
25 Slew Locos, the terror under the well
13 Destroyed the bloody curse stone in the haunted hills
13 Destroyed the poison curse stone in the haunted hills
13 Destroyed the spirit curse stone in the haunted hills
4 Returned the sacred chalice to the Shrine of the Vemarken Faithful.
18 Exterminated the master tonberry saving the moogle village.
8 Brought a ray of sunshine to brighten an imp's day!
11 Dispelled a chicken and found a mage.
7 Collected a bounty for cleaning up some of the nuisances in the Greenwood forest.
5 Returned a lost memento to an old man.
4 Translate the strange paper from Uffspigot
Level Deeds Accomplished ---------------------------------
9 Slew the tirbana spawner under Fort Marguera
9 Rescued the lost kobold who was hiding from the tirbanas
42 Collected a bounty for ridding the world of the Bugbear Chieftain
41 Recovered and returned Kerwal's supplies.
41 Drove away the nightmares that haunted the Governor of Hartmur.
22 Dealt with the foul stench of Castle Kraftrager.
22 Cleared out the castle.
40 Answered the Governor of Hartmur's plea for assistance.
10 Vanquished the rat king and put an end to its machinations.
31 Successfully passed through the Dragon Tooth tower of higher learning.
23 Delivered a letter to Dextros the Mayor in seaside.
40 Drove the Anchorite garrison out of Steinhaus
33 Freed Iron Bay of the kobold menace
32 Discovered the hospitals namesake and put an end to his diabolical plan.
16 Sought out the barkeep for more information.
16 Freed a druid from imprisonment in the underground city of Runn-Khal.
16 Scouted out the abandoned mines in the Kordwood for a bronzesmith.
21 Broke the curse afflicting the hero of Seaside.
21 Successfully passed through the Naphtali tower of learning.
10 Successfully passed through the Vemarken tower of learning.
16 Made an unexpected profit on some winter wolf hair.
45 Proved their courage in the face of danger and became a member of the Black Dragon watch!
32 Defeated the mad smith's mechanical monstrosity
15 Delivered a letter to the bronzesmith.
15 Braved the Forgotten Muskeg to collect a special ingredient for an alchemist.
18 Put a stop to the abuse of a child.
6 Taught some punk kid a lesson he'll never forget.
16 Skillfully navigated the maze of the black minotaur and laid claim to his prize possessions.
17 Helped an apprentice mage free his master from the clutches of some power-hungry imps.
15 Uncovered the mystery of the Forgotten Muskeg.
15 Broke the curse on the Haunted Highway
15 Found new questions to the mystery of what happened to New Thalos.
15 Slew Roch'tar, master of the catacombs
14 Freed the spirit of King Rathborne
9 Delivered a package to the Lady Angelia.
9 Helped to cure a sick child.
6 Helped to make some important deliveries between Vemarken and Indira.
7 Delivered an important package from the mayor of Hildabrad to Vemarken.
7 Became an honorary member of the village of Hildabrad.
7 Helped Joann to find her name tag.
7 Helped the town shaman to get rid of a bully.
7 Put a big fat rat on a diet, permanently!
7 Accepted several quests from the mayor of Hildabrad.
26 Defeated the guardian serpent to gain access to Asgaard.
14 Solved the curse of the haunted hills and reported to the Hierophant.
13 Broke the curse on the Haunted Hills
12 Routed the necromantic cult from the interior of Ancalador.
11 Reported to the Hierophant.
11 Snuffed out the mole king and rescued the Mayor's wife.
10 Extricated the Gnomian slaves from the caves of the moles.
10 Reported to Mayor Widgetbottom in Gnomian.
10 Culled the spider infestation in the old Indira forest.
10 Returned to Angelia and told her the news about the copper mines.
9 Parlayed a deal between the demons and the gnomes to get the mines operating again.
6 Reported to the general storekeeper.
7 Brought Dinger a bag of goodies.
6 Solved the riddle of the foaming fountain.
6 Gathered a few items for an apothecary in Vemarken.
5 Exposed the cult of Kenai near Vemarken.
5 Removed the leader of the false temple.
4 Made it to Pellam and broke the blockade
3 Freed the graveyard from the Vampiress
2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment.
0 Defeated the Carver Shaman in mortal combat!
0 Discovered an ambush party!
Level Legacy Quests ---------------------------------
39 Ended the devastation of a swarm of locust during the end of summer 2024.
56 Completed Wave 20 of the Puzzlewood 2024
55 Completed Wave 10 of the Puzzlewood 2024
55 Completed Wave 1 of the Puzzlewood 2024
53 Killed 1000 monsters on the Starving Rock 2024
52 Killed 500 monsters on the Starving Rock 2024
46 Killed 100 monsters on the Starving Rock 2024
51 Kept the innocent safe from a frost devil during the Winter Solstice 2023!
43 Was surprised when someone kissed me under the mistletoe.
39 Surprised someone with a kiss under the mistletoe.
41 Ruined the dark plans of a witch doctor during the Halloween Havoc of 2023.
45 Made a dark sprite see the light during the Halloween Havoc of 2023.
32 Wandered the world collecting lost gift baskets during the Spring Festival of 2023.
45 Electrified a coldfire snowman and sent it back to Dimension X!
40 Put an end to the mischief of a nasty leprechaun during the Spring Festival of 2022!
Time of last save: Mon Jan 27 20:40:00 2025
This page has been referenced 1556 times since last boot.