Alter Aeon Player Lookup
Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and
probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: kenta
Proper name: Kenta
Ground string: Kenta is here.
Title: the blackbelt with ninja ranger power!
Created: Thu Oct 6 18:43:44 2022
Description -----------------------------------------------------
You see a beautiful young maiden who seems to be eternally set to the age
of 18 her beauty although timeless is only matched by her ever growing
musculature which that in itself as one could expect is remarkable. though
her body lacks the usual markings of battle scars. one can't help but
notice the Kitsune tattoo which is located above her left breast nearest
her shoulder on the same side. Her skin is flawless while still radiant
her eyes are piercing and determined as her face is heart shaped her hair
flows freely down the length of her back, down to her bottom
Level Mage: 13 Cler: 19 Thie: 36 Warr: 25 Necr: 8 Drui: 30
Microlevel Mage: 5 Cler: 0 Thie: 0 Warr: 0 Necr: 0 Drui: 0
Total levels in all classes: 131
Fame: 321
Clan: havoc Rank: first rank member
Level Feats Performed ---------------------------------
41 Correctly answered a gynosphinx's riddle.
29 Exterminated the queen spider ensuring that their species will surely die.
46 Defeated the walleroon shaman on the island of Riaza.
42 Defeated the Greater Pit Fiend
36 Fed the kitten.
46 Accidently awoke and then had to slay the legendary dracitnyorse!
36 Rescued a slave from Castle Radobaj
40 'Freed' the lost Quickling
37 Passed the test of the Soul.
37 Passed the test of the Mind.
37 Passed the test of the Body.
37 Passed the test of the Shadows.
37 Defeated the Master of the South Wind in mortal combat!
37 Defeated the Master of the West Wind in mortal combat!
37 Defeated the Master of the East Wind in mortal combat!
37 Defeated the Master of the North Wind in mortal combat!
44 'Freed' the lost dark elf
44 'Freed' the lost paladin
43 'Freed' the lost rogue
43 Slew the dreaded mindflayer and took its crystal ball
41 Destroyed the Gorgon, Stheno the Mighty.
40 Destroyed the Gorgon, Dionese the Disgraced.
42 Destroyed the Gorgon, Euryale Farspringer.
38 Defeated Vesden the Conquerer restoring peace to the city of Linholt.
34 Slew the monsters Scylla and Charybdis.
40 Saved the cows of Cornia from being abducted by 'them'
41 Freed a dwarven cleric from a sticky situation.
37 Displaced the displacer beast from their place in the world.
36 Resurrected the ancient blade of the god of mischief, Coolbeans.
25 Slew Locos, the terror under the well
21 Completely destroyed a giant fiery red drake.
21 Completely destroyed a black scaled drake.
21 Completely destroyed a large yellow drake.
22 Completely destroyed a dark brown drake.
21 Completely destroyed a large azure blue drake.
21 Completely destroyed a silvery gray drake.
21 Completely destroyed an emerald green drake.
21 Disposed of Anekam the drake keeper.
26 Found and retrieved the Dagger of Stealth.
25 Purged the world of Nafien's taint.
17 Slaughtered and tore the hide from a stone drake deep in the underwilds.
13 Destroyed the spirit curse stone in the haunted hills
13 Destroyed the bloody curse stone in the haunted hills
13 Destroyed the poison curse stone in the haunted hills
5 Found Indiana Jones' Legacy
Level Deeds Accomplished ---------------------------------
52 Punished Mother Gothel's wayward daughter
47 Routed an infestation of mutant dreekers in Ishi Province.
37 Answered a call for aid from Dragnok.
43 Ended the war between the two tribes once and for all.
3 Freed the graveyard from the Vampiress
2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment.
33 Freed Iron Bay of the kobold menace
36 Defeated the bear marauding through the forest southwest of Ralnoth
37 Thwarted Falnar the Shadowmancer's plans.
36 Helped prevent the Black Rot from swallowing Ralnoth.
36 Prevented Ralnoth from being devoured by an invasion of giant termites.
36 Foiled the plans of a vampire cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild.
36 Made an ethically questionable food delivery.
35 Wiped out a human supremacist cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild.
36 Helped repair the sewer blockage for the Ralnoth Public Works Department.
50 Brought Foeldric a sample from the realm of Thuoduhr for study.
38 Retrieved the ebony kris from the Dark Forest Graveyard for the Thieves' Guild.
39 Expedited a pistol replica for the Ralnoth Museum of World Wonders
43 Destroyed the three Gorgon sisters.
27 Defeated the guardian serpent to gain access to Asgaard.
13 Broke the curse on the Haunted Hills
5 Exposed the cult of Kenai near Vemarken.
5 Removed the leader of the false temple.
33 Helped the red gang to gain dominance over the North Ralnoth Slums.
4 Made it to Pellam and broke the blockade
0 Defeated the Carver Shaman in mortal combat!
0 Discovered an ambush party!
Level Legacy Quests ---------------------------------
39 Protected the innocent from the Anti Claws that ran rampant in 2024.
39 Ended the devastation of a swarm of locust during the end of summer 2024.
46 Outwitted a leprechaun and stole their treasure during the spring festival of 2024!
35 Was outwitted by a leprechaun while trying to steal their treasure during the spring festival of 2024!
46 Successfully caught a leprechaun.
49 Helped to feed the hungry during the Spring Festival of 2024.
39 Helped Frosty with a little cosmetic reconstruction
51 Kept the innocent safe from a frost devil during the Winter Solstice 2023!
41 Expertly manned the EPDS to deliver a xmas present in 2023.
45 Made a dark sprite see the light during the Halloween Havoc of 2023.
40 Made mommy and daddy happy by putting away my toys.
40 Manned the EPDS to deliver a little joy in 2022!
45 Electrified a coldfire snowman and sent it back to Dimension X!
Time of last save: Wed Mar 12 19:50:00 2025
This page has been referenced 6445 times since last boot.