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Alter Aeon Player Lookup

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Name: ladychelsea Proper name: Ladychelsea Ground string: Ladychelsea is here. Title: Created: Sun Sep 12 01:56:47 2021 Description ----------------------------------------------------- Ladychelsea is short and of light build, with light brown eyes. Her brown hair is shoulder length. Her skin is tan, and you guess her to be fairly young, perhaps around 18 years old. ----------------------------------------------------------------- Level Mage: 20 Cler: 31 Thie: 26 Warr: 36 Necr: 15 Drui: 10 Microlevel Mage: 2 Cler: 0 Thie: 0 Warr: 0 Necr: 2 Drui: 0 Total levels in all classes: 138 Fame: 557 Clan: wolf Rank: Pack Level Feats Performed --------------------------------- 46 Set loose the chaingang in North Naginag! 45 Slew the Malahaki Falulua 47 Destroyed the Antidentin 46 Eliminated the dark scion of dragonkin, Uppsala Tal. 45 Eliminated the gnawing hunger, Muug'Vl Tal. 54 Prescribed a permanent cure for a swarm of demented bees! 53 Prevented a giant acidic buffalo from making anymore crop circles! 53 Quieted the fury of a feral flying fury fox! 53 Milked a giant blood thirsty anaconda dry! 53 Threw my magic to the wind to expunge an ethereal baboon from the nightmare plane! 53 Curbed the voracious appetite of a hungry hungry hippo! 46 Shed the blood of a noble crimson dragon. 45 Exorcised the demon of sloth from the world! 47 Saved the world from extinction by defeating Jansan, the Titan of Annihilation. 45 Slew Voss'Darzi the white wyrm, liberating the Shii'lok mountains. 47 Slayed Orisha, the mighty forest dragon 47 Was victorious in a skirmish with the mythical blood griffin 47 Emerged the champion from a tangle with the mythical four headed swamp hydra 48 Vanquished the mythical bearded krakken 46 Eliminated the serpent's spawn, Seti Tal. 45 Slew Susami, the yellow wyrm 40 'Freed' the lost Quickling 44 Penetrated the Demon Realm and destroyed the Demon King, Magmos 43 Slew Magmos' guard familiar, the beholder Ralkaross 45 Slew the Fire Tower's guild leader, Tir'Roscha 40 Vanquished the evilness that lurked in the depths of Dentin's Workshop 39 Slew the mist serpent. 40 Neutralized the threat of Chef Ramsay. 40 Defeated the dreaded TechnoChicken 39 Is the reigning chess grandmaster by defeating Viktor 40 Victorious over the bloodied champion of the Jo'Kerin arena 44 Slew the under krakken. 42 Saved a mermaid from a band of filthy pirates. Arr!!! 42 Destroyed an elusive topiary emu. 39 Put a myxomatosis rabbit out of its misery. 42 Cursed the world by unlocking the Dark God's prison. 45 Eliminated the dread construct, D'mamati Tal. 38 Defeated Vesden the Conquerer restoring peace to the city of Linholt. 30 Tangled with an ancient tangletree and survived! 42 Obtained a ronald raygun 40 Retrieved a pair of robot boots for a programmer in Dentin's Workshop 40 Returned a lost clownfrog to its owner 40 Saved Dentin's Workshop from the predations of an evil spider man 39 Destroyed a rogue incarnate of Talos 39 Retrieved the platinum coin from the safe in Dentin's Workshop for the Holy Knight of Antidentin 41 Got the power! 42 Took the Malitad club away from the King 39 Defied the gods and forged the Blade of Death and Disease. 37 Slew Template, lowest of the wyrms 43 'Freed' the lost rogue 44 'Freed' the lost wizard 43 Slew the dreaded mindflayer and took its crystal ball 40 Destroyed the Gorgon, Dionese the Disgraced. 42 Destroyed the Gorgon, Euryale Farspringer. 41 Destroyed the Gorgon, Stheno the Mighty. 38 Murdered a small boy on behalf of the assassin Roran. 37 Saved the city of Koralia's Heart from certain doom. 37 Murdered a defenseless, poor man who only wanted some money. 40 Slew the ravenous preta, putting it out of its eternal misery. 41 Correctly answered a gynosphinx's riddle. 38 Received the esteem of the people of Ralnoth for reporting bots and leeches! 40 Saved the cows of Cornia from being abducted by 'them' 34 Proved to be most honorable by even giving a troll a chance. 34 Captured an escaped ruby red wyvren and returned it safely to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped monkey and returned it safely to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped black bear and returned it safely to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped zebracorn and returned it safely to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped pygmy dragon and returned it safely to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped alligator and returned it safely to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped tiger and returned it safely to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped albino elephant and safely returned it to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped Bigfoot and returned it safely to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped emerald green griffin and returned it safely back to its cage. 34 Slayer of the innocent dragon known as Graystorm. 33 Performed a few random tasks, including washing a noble's nasty panties, how gross! 32 Conquered the forest primeval 17 Skillfully obtained a lost book on poisons and sold it to the Thieves Guild. 17 Recovered the legendary Gem of Knowledge. 16 Released a genie from a bottle just to have her vanish and not even get a single wish! 15 Infiltrated the underground city of Runn-Khal and ransacked their treasure chamber. 16 Slaughtered and tore the hide from a stone drake deep in the underwilds. 40 Broke into and looted the Shrine of the Ethereal king. 26 Found and retrieved the Sword of Strength. 26 Purged the world of Nafien's taint. 38 Defeated the Mountain King and obtained Peacekeeper, sword of order 44 Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine. 36 Retrieved Jesric's spellbook from the outer planar ice world 36 Slew the witch and set the animated objects free 30 Defeated the helpless coma patient in mortal combat. 14 Stop the reproduction of the brooms. 15 Freed Ann the banshee from the curse of the vampire. 13 Destroyed the bloody curse stone in the haunted hills 13 Destroyed the poison curse stone in the haunted hills 13 Destroyed the spirit curse stone in the haunted hills 33 Slew the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. 7 Defeated the ferocious mugwump on behalf of a retired hunter. 14 Obtained the silver ring of the Gatekeeper 10 Became a hero by making a child smile! 7 Located and returned the key to the lockbox 7 Did not eat the kitten. 8 Defeated a lesser pit fiend 6 Returned a lost child to his mother 8 Brought a ray of sunshine to brighten an imp's day! 4 Returned the sacred chalice to the Shrine of the Vemarken Faithful. 22 Disposed of Anekam the drake keeper. 23 Found that alligator you flushed, and boy was it big! 29 Exterminated the queen spider ensuring that their species will surely die. 31 Looted some ancient drow treasure. 28 Accepted Odin's quest. 23 Freed some slaves from the cruel pain and torture of an orc slavemaster. 20 Uncovered the fowl hiding place of the runed mage. 6 Put down the deadly white wolf. 5 Found the needle in the haystack! 5 Returned a lost memento to an old man. 5 Freed the old wizard from his glass prison! 9 Collected a bounty for cleaning up some of the nuisances in the Greenwood forest. 4 Translate the strange paper from Uffspigot 5 Found Indiana Jones' Legacy Level Deeds Accomplished --------------------------------- 53 Boldly accepted Lance Ironhand's challenge to invade the sea of despair. 40 Took out the trash for a Dentinspawn 43 Banished the Deepspawn back to the plane of Chaos from whence it came. 52 Gathered a few herbs Balk needed for his petition into the Ramanek Alchemist guild. 37 Made an ethically questionable food delivery. 37 Retrieved a bog drake jawbone for Luth the black necromancer in Ralnoth. 40 Played the role of messenger for a day. 37 Foiled the plans of a vampire cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild. 39 Brought a retired hunter one last trophy 41 Went fishing and completed Varno's tropical fish collection 41 Received a reward for retrieving some hops for Raldo. 40 Cured Zarians writer's block and was rewarded. 40 Brought a prisoner some contraband 39 Put down the super mutants running amok in Dentin's Workshop 40 Recovered a misplaced battery for the factory foreman 40 Found and returned a highly enriched uranium to a nuclear reactor operator 43 Destroyed the three Gorgon sisters. 40 Rescued Rodon the Wizard from the creatures on the other side of the vortex 33 Freed Iron Bay of the kobold menace 37 Defeated the void saving the magic of the world. 38 Won the rat race by eliminating the competition thus winning the coveted green cheese 38 Recovered a dependent clause for a bookworm 37 Rescued the Princess of Radobaj 43 Ended the war between the two tribes once and for all. 34 Freed Reb, Ana and Callie from the nightmares that haunted them. 34 Used the legendary Pundora's box to rid the world of a few annoying puns. 34 Captured all the escaped animals in turn freeing Ana from her nightmare. 33 Constructed a special portal to help free Zeyda the collector of dreams. 33 Helped to make the dream nectar and awaken the sleepers. 47 Routed an infestation of mutant dreekers in Ishi Province. 39 Destroyed the castorid dam plugging up the Ciernan River 34 Cleaned up the North Ralnoth Slums, at least for a while. 18 Verified the rumors threatening Naphtali 17 Hewed the head from the orc chieftain as a warning to the rest of his kind. 17 Brought a farmer's daughter home to rest. 17 Proved to be a real treasure hunter by discovering all the secrets of the minotaurs maze. 17 Informed the proper authorities of the demise of a missing man. 16 Sought out the barkeep for more information. 16 Freed a druid from imprisonment in the underground city of Runn-Khal. 17 Helped an apprentice mage free his master from the clutches of some power-hungry imps. 16 Scouted out the abandoned mines in the Kordwood for a bronzesmith. 17 Collected some black ore for a bronzesmith in Naphtali. 32 Is the new hobgoblin champion. 32 Helped to repair Captain Uro's merchant ship. 35 Wiped out a human supremacist cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild. 32 Breached the Fetid Caves of Pestilence to rescue a dwarven child. 32 Discovered the hospitals namesake and put an end to his diabolical plan. 33 Braved the dark forest to deliver some supplies to a mad hermit. 15 Delivered a letter to the bronzesmith. 15 Braved the Forgotten Muskeg to collect a special ingredient for an alchemist. 15 Uncovered the mystery of the Forgotten Muskeg. 14 Cleaned up the broom problem at the Mad Alchemist's Castle. 14 Killed the red broom. 14 Killed the blue broom. 14 Killed the yellow broom. 14 Killed the orange broom. 14 Killed the green broom. 16 Broke the curse on the Haunted Highway 15 Found new questions to the mystery of what happened to New Thalos. 15 Slew Roch'tar, master of the catacombs 14 Freed the spirit of King Rathborne 13 Solved the curse of the haunted hills and reported to the Hierophant. 13 Broke the curse on the Haunted Hills 14 Secured the master vampire's rule by slaying a would-be vampire lord 14 Investigated the mysterious attack on the gnomes. 12 Routed the necromantic cult from the interior of Ancalador. 11 Reported to the Hierophant. 11 Snuffed out the mole king and rescued the Mayor's wife. 11 Recovered and restored the champion's helm. 10 Extricated the Gnomian slaves from the caves of the moles. 10 Reported to Mayor Widgetbottom in Gnomian. 7 "Took care" of Ol' Blue. 10 Culled the spider infestation in the old Indira forest. 9 Returned to Angelia and told her the news about the copper mines. 9 Parlayed a deal between the demons and the gnomes to get the mines operating again. 9 Delivered a package to the Lady Angelia. 9 Helped to cure a sick child. 7 Delivered an important package from the mayor of Hildabrad to Vemarken. 7 Became an honorary member of the village of Hildabrad. 7 Helped Joann to find her name tag. 7 Helped the town shaman to get rid of a bully. 7 Found the key to the donation box. 7 Put a big fat rat on a diet, permanently! 7 Accepted several quests from the mayor of Hildabrad. 10 Vanquished the rat king and put an end to its machinations. 29 Bested the Norse gods and took their most prized possessions. 29 Bested Odin and took his prize possession. 30 Aided Fil the Secondboy by assassinating his older brother, thus promoting his status. 29 Bested the flying Valkyrie and took her most prize possession. 31 Collected wyvren scales on behalf of Tarkon the blacksmith 29 Bested Thor and took his prize possession. 27 Defeated the guardian serpent to gain access to Asgaard. 30 Brought Nammen some hides for tanning. 8 Vanquished the foul Nekker of the Blue Marshes. 6 Helped the local merchants of Sloe deliver crucial shipments. 6 Helped to make some important deliveries between Vemarken and Indira. 6 Taught some punk kid a lesson he'll never forget. 6 Chatted up the Mayor of Vemarken on behalf of the general storekeeper. 6 Reported to the general storekeeper. 6 Brought Dinger a bag of goodies. 6 Gathered a few items for an apothecary in Vemarken. 5 Solved the riddle of the foaming fountain. 5 Exposed the cult of Kenai near Vemarken. 5 Removed the leader of the false temple. 4 Made it to Pellam and broke the blockade 0 Discovered an ambush party! 3 Freed the graveyard from the Vampiress 2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment. 0 Defeated the Carver Shaman in mortal combat! Level Legacy Quests --------------------------------- 43 Was surprised when someone kissed me under the mistletoe. 43 Searched for Jack Frost. 42 Searched for Vazgore, chief of the glacier dwarves. 41 Hacked up trees in 2022 to prevent them from globally warming the world. 40 Searched for the demon Krampus. 40 Manned the EPDS to deliver a little joy in 2022! 45 Electrified a coldfire snowman and sent it back to Dimension X! 38 Spoke to scrooge about Frosty and the other strange happenings. 40 Made mommy and daddy happy by putting away my toys. 32 Helped stem an outbreak of Chaos Sickness during Thanksgiving 2022. 42 Toured the Alter_Aeon Museum of Player Nostalgia in 2022 42 Copped a set of demon horns for the 2022 Anniversary celebration 40 Survived an encounter with a snow beast in the wintery woods. 43 Saved some elves, played with some toys and sent a witch packing in the solstice of 2021. 43 Met with the man of mystery and discovered who is behind all the toy troubles. 41 Cleaned out the riffraff infesting the abandoned building 39 Searched out and gathered various items to help Ari catch up with her wrapping. 43 Broke the enchantment on Jingle the elf. 43 Broke the enchantment on Mingle the elf. 43 Broke the enchantment on Tingle the elf. 43 Woke the mighty Khir Glacurus from its peaceful slumber. 30 Helped Frosty with a little cosmetic reconstruction 43 Broke the enchantment on Wingle the elf. 42 Broke the enchantment on Kingle the elf. 40 Broke the enchantment on Dingle the elf. 36 Defeated one of the demented toys in the Winter Solstice of 2021. 39 Searched the toy factory for any information about the missing toys. 29 Out boxed the toys in the toy factory! 51 Plowed my way through the winter games of 2021. 38 Delivered a Christmas present using the EPDS in 2021! 40 Chased off a Christmas bandit before he could steal anymore toys. 41 Shot off the pumpkin cannon in memory of our departed friend Colonel Jamison. 51 Assisted Colonel Jamison to put an end to the dawn of the dead in 2021. 49 Smacked around some zombies while trying to get to the top of the Central Ash Mountains. 47 Helped to clear the Valley of Shadows. 41 Started on the path to becoming a plague doctor. 41 Hunted down and killed five zombies to collect tissue samples. 53 Rubbed out some plague zombies during the Halloween Havoc of 2021. Time of last save: Mon Jan 8 01:20:00 2024

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