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Alter Aeon Player Lookup

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Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: laeg Proper name: Laeg Ground string: Wreathed in dark black clouds, the arch magi Laeg grins at you as he spits fire into the sky. Title: The honorary celestial backstabber Created: Tue Oct 7 01:21:15 2003 Description ----------------------------------------------------- Laeg is very short and of average build, with dark grey eyes. Its reddish hair is long and pulled back into a ponytail. Its skin is heavily tanned, and you guess it to be very old, perhaps around age 150. ----------------------------------------------------------------- History --------------------------------------------------------- (friend) Wasseem was killed by A carver shaman! ----------------------------------------------------------------- Level Mage: 38 Cler: 31 Thie: 40 Warr: 39 Necr: 23 Drui: 18 Microlevel Mage: 0 Cler: 0 Thie: 0 Warr: 3 Necr: 0 Drui: 0 Total levels in all classes: 189 Fame: 2604 Clan: wolf Rank: Pack Level Feats Performed --------------------------------- 59 Defeated Rhea. 59 Defeated Coeus. 59 Defeated Crius. 59 Defeated Theia. 40 Saved Dentin's Workshop from the predations of an evil spider man 39 Retrieved a pair of robot boots for a programmer in Dentin's Workshop 51 Helped Zolir collect geological samples. 41 Got the power! 57 Defeated Jahmeir's guardians and plundered the treasure vault. 55 Stilled Jahmeir's golems once and for all. 20 Uncovered the fowl hiding place of the runed mage. 51 Slew Chu Chin Chow the Ancient Shadow Dragon 15 Rescued Julietta Minesweeper from being enslaved by kobolds 53 Found a rare spider orchid, kind of. 54 Took a chance and tamed a falcon! 54 Avenged the people of Kithika by eliminating Farusi, the Runelord of fire. 54 Avenged the people of Kithika by eliminating Pilious, the Runelord of water. 54 Avenged the people of Kithika by eliminating Charious, the Runelord of lightning. 54 Avenged the people of Kithika by eliminating Platious, the Runelord of earth. 54 Avenged the people of Kithika by eliminating Narious, the Runelord of air. 39 Retrieved the platinum coin from the safe in Dentin's Workshop for the Holy Knight of Antidentin 36 Slew Template, lowest of the wyrms 54 Thought I caught a whopper, but it caught me instead! 53 Avenged the people of Kithika by eliminating Nakvinious, the Runelord of misfortune and curses. 45 Gave an ugly and foul smelling troll a long needed bath! 52 Melted the icy heart of Akul kulkodar, the ice dragon. 55 Found a Coronian traitor and administered justice 46 Defeated the elite deathbringer deep in the tunnels of Gorthic. 45 Took down the death guardian deep in the tunnels of Gorthic. 45 Took down one of Gorthic's monstrosities 52 Restored the wand of Gorthic 51 Set free the spirit of the lake 54 Fixed a link in the supply chain for the Xidan. 51 Gathered the glossy black plumage of a cassowarie for Kero the master skinner. 51 Gathered the head of an alligator snapping turtle for Kero the master skinner. 34 Captured an escaped zebracorn and returned it safely to its cage. 34 Captured an escaped albino elephant and safely returned it to its cage. 43 Married the Black Arachnids 40 Freed a dwarven cleric from a sticky situation. 46 Defeated and put to rest the mummy of Alaminius, greatest of the five ancient kings. 46 Defeated and finally put to rest the mummy of Akaidien the fourth king. 46 Defeated and finally put to rest the mummy of Lorak the third king. 46 Defeated and finally put to rest the mummy of Halipso the first king. 46 Defeated and finally put to rest the mummy of Mordran the second king. 52 Returned the ring of masculinity to the firbolgs 50 Doublecrossed the doublecrossing Desmartes 41 Sailed and found buried pirate treasure! 44 Stole back ill-gotten gains. 51 Gathered the feathery hide from a harpy eagle for Kero the master skinner. 44 Uncovered one of the many secrets of the haunted mansion. 48 Created the Enchiridion Morticus 38 Murdered the grey elves responsible for imprisoning Plippo Stickyfingers 40 Sang with the giants in their mountain home 48 Vanquished the mythical bearded krakken 47 Was victorious in a skirmish with the mythical blood griffin 47 Slayed Orisha, the mighty forest dragon 48 Defeated the mythical chalicothere 47 Emerged the champion from a tangle with the mythical four headed swamp hydra 48 Bested the mythical pyrankheg 48 Slew Bangalore, the orange dragon 47 Gathered some things for Ph'argion. 45 Returned the sacred flame to Hestia 51 Defeated the machinations of the Gohk Shin on the behalf of the Dragon Emperor. 49 Cleansed the Chapel of Byung in Newtonia of the terrible darkness defiling it 47 Slew the two-headed troll leading the trolloc raid against Egmondville 48 Recovered a hoard of platinum coins for Kreissack 48 Rescued the Great and Powerful Trixie 37 Displaced the displacer beast from their place in the world. 49 Faced an Unholy Eater, and emerged undevoured. 45 Murdered poor Pinky for no obvious reason. 47 Drove away a shadowrath that had laid claim to Kithika the accursed city. 45 Permanently dealt with an out of control giant ass! 26 Used a disguise to join the Ghost-face Orc Clan 22 Freed some slaves from the cruel pain and torture of an orc slavemaster. 34 Tracked down some missing mail intended for Ironbay 46 Eagerly dealt out death in judgement. 47 Retrieved The Black Blade of Fell Aalvenkind from its resting place. 50 Restored a shrine to Schlyne, cleansing the Yuki Crypt. 42 Defeated the Greater Pit Fiend 51 Gathered a set of tiger's teeth for Kero the master skinner. 48 Restored the Saint Blade 46 Recovered a keepsake for Captain Jack 46 Closed the little shop of horrors 47 Rescued everyone from the Sitnah Westmarch Housing Project before it burned down 46 Backed the winner at the Atlantis academy athletics stadium 29 Earned the trust of a werewolf pack. 45 Delivered a princess her favourite flower 48 Drove out the gremlin infestation from the Giant's Knee. 30 Deprived a cria of its mother just for a pair of socks! 29 Forced entry into the treasury, and took the leprechauns' finest possessions 28 Emerged as the champion of the grand Melee. 50 Gathered a giant black bear skin for Kero the master skinner. 27 Gained access to the land of the fairies 47 Slayed Shanika the flame dracorpion 48 Defeated the guardian of lightning in the ancient chambers of the fire giants. 49 Defeated the guardian of ice in the ancient chambers of the fire giants. 48 Rescued a goblin slave from the clutches of the Night Lady. 48 Restored the ancient artifact known as the Feet of Talos 47 Slew the legendary Kirin, heralding an age of darkness. 41 Enrolled in the joint Atlantis Airam research program 48 Gallantly rescued the boobies! 43 Slew the Matriarch, and destroyed all hope for the Ent civilization. 50 Gathered a long strip of skin from a Caiman for Kero the master skinner. 51 Gathered a large piece of hide from a giant black panther for Kero the master skinner. 51 Gathered the shell from an adamantoise for Kero the master skinner. 51 Gathered a strip of skin from a death adder for Kero the master skinner. 51 Gathered a length of skin from a giant coral snake for Kero the master skinner. 51 Gathered the entire head of a giant mugger crocodile for Kero the master skinner. 50 Gathered a strip of skin from a bull alligator for Kero the master skinner. 51 Gathered a length of jet black crocodile skin for Kero the master skinner. 50 Gathered a wing from a giant blue heron for Kero the master skinner. 51 Gathered a piece of elephant skin for Kero the master skinner. 40 Released Jenny from the ethereal plane. 47 Retrieved a note for the trader's assistant 51 Gathered a few scattered pieces of scale from a cobra for Kero the master skinner. 46 Defeated the Great Devil Shark of the Sahuagin Coral Reef 47 Quieted the never ending babbling of a mad wizard. 45 Assassinated princess Ariadne 45 Ambushed an international courier and stole his delivery 45 Recovered a missing heirloom for a wealthy Atlantian 45 Stole a priceless masterpiece 46 Brought chief magistrate Kosokov's killer to justice 44 Discovered a mermaid's name 45 Made a delivery for a worried dock hand 47 Hunted down the Zlatorog, the elusive white ram of the Karnash Penninsula. 38 Rescued a pair of maidens from the clutches of some crazed worshippers. 30 Tangled with an ancient tangletree and survived! 8 Defeated a lesser pit fiend 26 Recovered a book titled 'Effects of Exposure to Toxic Gases' for Aerlon the librarian. 25 Escorted a metal hunter out of a stinky situation. 26 Recovered an egg from a fantoo for Pyba the alchemist. 23 Found that alligator you flushed, and boy was it big! 41 Doomed the great auks to extinction. 32 Expunged Kaladun the lich from the world once and for all! 17 Recovered the legendary Gem of Knowledge. 17 Skillfully obtained a lost book on poisons and sold it to the Thieves Guild. 16 Released a genie from a bottle just to have her vanish and not even get a single wish! 48 Dethroned and defeated Ha-Azshara, Queen of the Naginag Combine. 50 Eliminated the remaining members of the Order of Oblivion. 46 Eliminated the serpent's spawn, Seti Tal. 47 Stole the Crown Jewels of the Naginag Combine! 44 Defeated the Intercontinental Barmy Army 45 Released the thirteenth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the sixteenth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the second of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the fifth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the eleventh of 22 evils upon the world. 20 Figured out the mystery of the old mansion and found its hidden treasure. 28 Accepted Odin's quest. 45 Eliminated the dread construct, D'mamati Tal. 47 Recovered the blood of the earth from the plane of Chaos. 32 Conquered the forest primeval 38 Received the esteem of the people of Ralnoth for reporting bots and leeches! 8 Collected a bounty for cleaning up some of the nuisances in the Greenwood forest. 8 Brought a ray of sunshine to brighten an imp's day! 42 Help a caravan repair their wagon. 43 Mountain blossom 44 Released the seventh of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the twentieth of 22 evils upon the world. 46 Released the seventeenth of 22 evils upon the world. 46 Released the twenty-first of the 22 evils upon the world. 47 Raided the Shadowhaven Stronghold to acquire a dwarven artifact to return it to the rightful owners. 47 Relieved the world by defeating Mosabomy, the Titan of Disaster. 47 Healed the world by defeating Juljon, the Titan of Blood. 47 Purified the world by defeating Septam, the Titan of Curses. 47 Brightened the world by defeating Maylok, the Titan of Shadows. 47 Brought peace to the world by defeating Octama, the Titan of War. 46 Brought order to the world by defeating Junlog, the Titan of Chaos. 47 Cured the world by defeating Novnee, the Titan of Plagues. 47 Revived the world by defeating Deccol, the Titan of Death. 47 Soothed the world by defeating Augsmi, the Titan of Pain. 47 Calmed the world by defeating Febrho, the Titan of Storms. 47 Redeemed the world by defeating Apreld, the Titan of Hellfire. 47 Thawed the world by defeating Marwil, the Titan of Ice Fury. 47 Saved the world from extinction by defeating Jansan, the Titan of Annihilation. 42 Saved a mermaid from a band of filthy pirates. Arr!!! 45 Took down the leader of the Shatterhorns. 41 Banished the Chaos Soul from the mortal realm. 45 Brought a Tear of the Moon to an acolyte of Draak. 42 Reassembled the shield of elemental water. 47 Slew Thas'Tau, the Great Silver Dragon King 45 Killed a helpless angelbaby, just because they could. 41 Drove away the nightmare of Regret. 41 Drove away the nightmare of Pain. 41 Drove away the nightmare of Anger. 41 Drove away the nightmare of Loneliness. 45 Released the fourth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the twenty-second of the 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the fourteenth of 22 evils upon the world. 51 Uncovered the secret of the psi stones and animated a nightmarish golem. 42 Destroyed an elusive topiary emu. 39 Put a myxomatosis rabbit out of its misery. 44 Eliminated the shadow Bumboo, thus freeing the spirit of Urawa Ryo 45 Robbed the graves of the wayworn dead. 42 Gave peace a chance 42 Greenthumb in the garden 45 Burned the face off a hill giant. 44 Rescued the wizard Khaile 44 Quenched the thirst of Aaron the Hand. 45 Released the eighth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the third of 22 evils upon the world. 41 Found a bride for Lord Ogden 45 Closed the magical gateway & turned the Archlich to dust. 46 Exorcised the demon of wrath from the world! 42 Rescued a soldier of the Naginag Combine from imprisonment. 45 Obtained a black pearl necklace for Don Milano 39 Hunted down the source of chaotic magic plaguing the Vom Mine. 34 Rescued a slave from Castle Radobaj 16 Slaughtered and tore the hide from a stone drake deep in the underwilds. 15 Infiltrated the underground city of Runn-Khal and ransacked their treasure chamber. 46 Delivered mephit leavings to the Red Mage 46 Defeated the walleroon shaman on the island of Riaza. 42 Did compete one-on-one with a sumo wrestler and was victorious. 42 Marked with ill-favor by sea for slaying an albatross. 39 Recovered a stolen item to help keep the peace amongst the elves. 41 Returned four lost treasures to the Dwarves of Khal-Uktar. 40 Rescued a dwarven prisoner from his werepanther captors. 42 Broke up the smuggler's ring in Elborat and returned the artifacts. 45 Found a true holy man to recreate the Sapphire Blade 49 Rescued all of the lost sailors from the Malahaki Falulua 43 Received custom made armor from a secluded armorer. 18 Braved the Haunted Hills to kill a Winter Wolf. 15 Freed Ann the banshee from the curse of the vampire. 44 Bull's eyed a magical target. 48 Rescued the wizard Lufia from the Astral Plane 5 Found Indiana Jones' Legacy 5 Freed the old wizard from his glass prison! 45 Collected the hoard of Maglados the Red. 43 Cleansed the White Tower 41 Met the Giants 40 Helped keep everyone fed at the Drunken Dragon Inn 13 Destroyed the spirit curse stone in the haunted hills 13 Destroyed the poison curse stone in the haunted hills 13 Destroyed the bloody curse stone in the haunted hills 43 Is a Bearer of House Sumire 44 Rescued a Benzani prisoner from the Sashala 31 Looted some ancient drow treasure. 27 Searched the swamp for the old historian and then helped him recover his stolen book. 26 Found and retrieved the Dagger of Stealth. 26 Found and retrieved the Mace of Knowledge. 46 Defeated Torsius, the corruptor of reality and the archdemon Moez'tillio. 42 Collected a host of different treasures from around the world. 42 Found and retrieved a ruby eyed mage figurine. 42 Found and retrieved a small hematite skull. 42 Found and retrieved a dragon engraved flagon. 42 Found and retrieved a carving of the ice dragon. 42 Found and retrieved a black panther onyx figurine. 42 Found and retrieved a small gold figurine. 42 Found and retrieved a small box inlaid in black ivory. 42 Found and returned a huge stuffed dragon. 43 Found and returned some oil of restoration. 43 started Deldrach's treasure quest. 42 Cleansed the Kurita Graveyard 41 Rescued a kidnapped child from the clutches of an insidious oni-baba. 43 Rescued and reunited the paladin sisters. 25 Accepted quest to free the musicians. 35 Fed the kitten. 29 Exterminated the queen spider ensuring that their species will surely die. 33 Restored the legendary dwarven bracelet. 22 Captured and returned the Wizard brightflame's escaped familiar. 22 Disposed of Anekam the drake keeper. 22 Completely destroyed a black scaled drake. 22 Completely destroyed a large yellow drake. 22 Completely destroyed a dark brown drake. 22 Completely destroyed a large azure blue drake. 22 Completely destroyed a silvery gray drake. 22 Completely destroyed an emerald green drake. 49 Created the Breviarium Divinus 45 Released the twelfth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the ninth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the tenth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the sixth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the nineteenth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the fifteenth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the eighteenth of 22 evils upon the world. 45 Released the first of 22 evils upon the world. 48 Created the Enchiridion Magis 48 Created the Breviarium Druidarus 44 Escaped from the abandoned monastery alive. 41 Searched for the brass clawed handle of Don Milano 33 Performed a few random tasks, including washing a noble's nasty panties, how gross! 34 Slayer of the innocent dragon known as Graystorm. 41 Brought a wanted man to justice and retrieved Koralia's Heart's most prized weapon. 36 Resurrected the ancient blade of the god of mischief, Coolbeans. 24 Piloted a hang glider over the great Archais archipelago. 44 Hunted down a sociopathic serial killer for the Naginag Combine. 39 Defied the gods and forged the Blade of Death and Disease. 45 Slew the Malahaki Falulua 42 Defeated Lieutenant Kazhul and gave the Gohk Shin communique to Hzune 42 Resolved the relationship between Hzune and Jenner 41 Destroyed a huge gohlbrorn nest, effectively ridding the world of their kind. 45 Defeated Triste's Despair. 45 Defeated Triste's Betrayal. 45 Defeated Triste's Confusion. 43 Saved a boy from the horrors of Stoke-on-the-Mound 13 Harvested some honeycomb for the local bakery. 12 Squashed a spider and made me some armor! 19 Retrieved and returned Russell's golden compass 18 Climbed the beanstalk, and retrieved a golden egg. 14 Stop the reproduction of the brooms. 10 Dispelled a chicken and found a mage. 8 Defeated the ferocious mugwump on behalf of a retired hunter. 4 Returned the sacred chalice to the Shrine of the Vemarken Faithful. 5 Returned a lost memento to an old man. 6 Returned a lost child to his mother 3 Killed one of the protected animals of the clearing. 46 Explored the dead reefs and uncovered an ancient shipwreck! 42 Constructed and animated a magical servant. 42 Slew Oni'Ni'Kanabou the Ancient Shadow Dragon! 40 Was named Master of the Five Winds 37 Defeated the Master of the East Wind in mortal combat! 37 Defeated the Master of the North Wind in mortal combat! 37 Defeated the Master of the West Wind in mortal combat! 37 Defeated the Master of the South Wind in mortal combat! 40 Defeated the Master of the Void in mortal combat! 45 Reassembled Oathbreaker, sword of Chaos 41 Doomed the dodos to extinction. 42 Killed Krug the crag troll 42 Killed Ookla the yakfolk 42 Killed Regunus the satyr 42 Killed Nijluz the forest troll. 31 Thrashed Deeamos and gave his book of secrets to Pantrell. 44 Defeated Triste's Solitude. 45 Defeated Triste's Suffering. 38 Defeated Vesden the Conquerer restoring peace to the city of Linholt. 21 Completely destroyed a giant fiery red drake. 40 Broke into and looted the Shrine of the Ethereal king. 47 Reconstructed one of the ancient talismans. 47 Obtained Soul Eater, ultramarine form 45 Found the strange talisman 42 Restored the Shield of the Dark Lord 45 Eliminated the undead abomination, Tin'Sak Tal. 45 Vanquished the five great Krakkens of the South. 44 Slew the deep krakken. 42 Helped a dwarf bind the essence of the swamp into a sword. 46 Exorcised the demon of pride from the world! 46 Exorcised the demon of envy from the world! 42 Freed the souls of the hungry dead from the curse of the Ryuu Graveyard. 44 Exorcised the demon of lust from the world! 44 'Freed' the lost dark elf 43 'Freed' the lost paladin 43 'Freed' the lost rogue 44 'Freed' the lost wizard 42 Destroyed the Gorgon, Euryale Farspringer. 41 Destroyed the Gorgon, Stheno the Mighty. 40 Destroyed the Gorgon, Dionese the Disgraced. 40 'Freed' the lost Quickling 46 Slew the mighty Dracolich, master of the Labyrinth. 30 Defeated the helpless coma patient in mortal combat. 44 used all their skills to feed an amethyst wyvren. 44 Defeated the Mandrill Shaman in combat 33 Slew the monsters Scylla and Charybdis. 45 Slew Delgado, Lord of Earth 45 Slew the Deep Dragon 45 Exorcised the demon of greed from the world! 40 Slew the ravenous preta, putting it out of its eternal misery. 46 Defeated Khir Ablishak in her icy lair 49 Brought down the wards around the ice fortress! 47 has killed the chest mimic. 42 Reassembled SoulReaper, Sword of the Nine Hells 45 Battled the Powers of Darkness to free the soul of an innocent man. 45 Exorcised the demon of gluttony from the world! 42 Killed Tarrant, forfeiting any chance of doing his quest. 44 Assembled the forever burning ring and slew the jeweler who tried to keep it 43 Put down the ghost of the dreaded ice drake, T'yarnefess na-Draj 45 used all their skills to feed a smoky gray wyvren. 43 Survived an encounter with the Tall Man. 44 Cleansed the defiled temple of Q'thelas. 44 Penetrated the Demon Realm and destroyed the Demon King, Magmos 45 Saved the world from Herbanth the Rampant. 33 Put an end to Sh'kar the evil biomancer's foul experiments. 30 Tracked down and returned the stolen crate of repair parts to Dordak. 45 used all their skills to feed a citrine wyvren. 45 Eliminated the traitor, Korven Tal. 35 Regained the armor of a lost and forgotten warrior. 45 Slew the Fire Tower's guild leader, Tir'Roscha 44 Earned the rank of 'Fire Master' in the Fire Towers' guild 45 Saved the mortal realm from the apocalyptic demon Kultan, and thwarted Magmos' plans 44 Earned the rank of 'Fire Wizard' in the Fire Towers' guild 43 Slew Magmos' guard familiar, the beholder Ralkaross 44 Earned the rank of 'Fire Caller' in the Fire Towers' guild 43 Earned the rank of 'Flame Adept' in the Fire Towers' guild 42 Earned the rank of 'Flame Apprentice' in the Fire Towers' guild 43 Earned the rank of 'Burning Hand' in the Fire Towers' guild 45 Eliminated the gnawing hunger, Muug'Vl Tal. 45 has killed the giant deathstalker. 45 has killed the iron maiden. 45 has killed the jade spider. 45 has killed the ethereal dragon. 46 Evicted the Hydragon from its watery domain, permanently! 42 Earned the rank of 'Candle' in the Fire Towers' guild 44 Murdered an innocent, defenseless, and lost faerie infant. You evil bastard. 45 Slew Chrysalis, Lord of Air 45 Slew Cyralix, Lord of Fire 46 Slew Musasha, Lord of Water 44 Recovered the sword 'Blight' 4 Translate the strange paper from Uffspigot 44 Sacrificed life and limb to defeat the maniacal Korrok! 46 Shed the blood of a noble crimson dragon. 44 Slew the icy krakken. 45 Stopped the Ejja, for now. 42 Rescued Prince Fiernid and Princess Angelina from the Skavens. 42 Rescued Prince Fiernid 41 Rescued Princess Angelina 41 Reforged the legendary Golden axe! 41 Gave tablet to blacksmith. 41 found left side of tablet 41 found the dragon essense 41 Found a chunk of pure mithril ore. 41 Found the hickory axe handle. 41 Found right side of tablet. 41 Found center piece of tablet. 42 Slew Robin Masters the Vampire, providing sweet revenge for Bruce 42 Cursed the world by unlocking the Dark God's prison. 46 Cleared the Dark Moon Forest of the evil presence. 45 Exorcised the demon of sloth from the world! 36 Slew the witch and set the animated objects free 44 Acquired the missing pieces and rebound The Necronomicon. 45 Reclaimed the lost scepter of the Sorcerer King. 44 Acquired the Tome of Bone. 44 Acquired the Tome of Flesh. 46 Thwarted the aboleth ruler's plan for world domination. 44 Recovered irreplaceable research on the rare myconid race. 42 Slew the brown krakken. 45 Faced the hawkman champion in a no magic battle and was victorious. 44 Acquired the Tome of Blood. 46 Slew the fiery krakken. 37 Saved the city of Koralia's Heart from certain doom. 37 Murdered a defenseless, poor man who only wanted some money. 38 Murdered a small boy on behalf of the assassin Roran. 44 Slew Lux, the ancient red dragon 43 Completed the quest for the Platemail of Great Beauty 46 Defeated the vampire lord deep within the ruins. 44 Banished the Arch-Fiend, Asranth. 38 Defeated the Mountain King and obtained Peacekeeper, sword of order 41 Correctly answered a gynosphinx's riddle. 43 Translated Dante's journal, and uncovered his horrific plot 31 Annihilated the shadowy demon and sent him to his final resting place. 44 Retrieved the Blessed Sword, Angel's Cry. 47 Destroyed the Antidentin 6 Put down the deadly white wolf. 5 Found the needle in the haystack! 42 Chose death before dishonor, and committed seppuku. 40 Retrieved the Lost Spear of the Ancients 44 Assembled the Scimitar of Souls. 42 Recovered and restored the ancient cuirass. 43 Defeated one of Ali Baba's forty thieves 44 Eliminated the perverted sorceror, Dr'Majj Tal. 46 Eliminated the dark scion of dragonkin, Uppsala Tal. 14 Obtained the silver ring of the Gatekeeper 45 Slew Voss'Darzi the white wyrm, liberating the Shii'lok mountains. 44 Survived an encounter with the Unnamed Ones. 40 Saved the cows of Cornia from being abducted by 'them' 45 Victorious over the hungry fangs of the giant water spider. 45 Slaughtered the barracuda saving the draconian food supply! 11 Severed the head of the goblin hunter & gave the proof to the chief! 44 Has been cursed by the Time Dragon, and is hopelessly doomed. 18 Exterminated the master tonberry saving the moogle village. 44 Overthrew the tyrannical reign of the CyberWarrior and liberated the Dargonesti. 44 Slew the under krakken. 43 Murdered a kidnapped elf princess, because she deserved it. 8 Did not eat the kitten. 40 Got a pair of kenderskin gloves 43 Defeated the Mist Dragon of Avalon. 43 Defeated the worm horde and slew Spelldrinker, Mana Worm. 44 Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine. 44 Eliminated the ancient assassin, Kr'Path Tal 35 Slew the fearsome Dragon of the Ice Realm 45 Slew Susami, the yellow wyrm 41 Penetrated the Heart of Tirgoth, and devastated the Ent society 42 Found a hand-held shield generator in the wreckage of an ancient starship 43 Helped Gabstall the Great get his groove on. 42 Soul Retrieval 42 Found and defeated The last of the fallen magi 11 Obtained the title: Mouseslayer, mmk 37 Passed the test of the Shadows. 42 Survived and won a battle with Atlantian Elite Royal Guards 24 Defeated Mostyn, the strong man, in an unarmed fight to the death. 37 Sabotaged the great siege engine. 35 Retrieved a wisp of flame for the alchemist Abicus from the outer planar fire world. 9 Stole the church's meager donations. 39 Slew the sickly kobold prince in cold blood 41 Defeated the dreaded Ice Worm of the Ash Mountains 31 Captured the escaped faerie and sent her back to her cell. 35 Retrieved some yellow dust for Kila the sorceress from the outer planar fire world. 40 Victorious over the bloodied champion of the Jo'Kerin arena 43 Slew the dreaded mindflayer and took its crystal ball 43 Saved Ubar from Rub'Al-Khani, servant of Talos 43 Eliminated Rub'Al-Kali, evil servant of the Amir 39 Is the reigning chess grandmaster by defeating Viktor 38 Passed the test of the Body. 38 Passed the test of the Soul. 44 Slayer of the mighty Tunnel Wurm 44 Defeated the elemental lord, the Water Baron. 42 Took the Malitad club away from the King 26 Found and retrieved the Staff of Understanding. 38 Passed the test of the Mind. 36 Retrieved Jesric's spellbook from the outer planar ice world 26 Found and retrieved the Sword of Strength. 26 Purged the world of Nafien's taint. 25 Slew Locos, the terror under the well 39 Assaulted the elderly. Level Deeds Accomplished --------------------------------- 52 Helped a mysterious stranger appease her employers. 52 Humanely dealt with a pest problem. 52 Gathered information from regional mines on behalf of the Ralnoth Guilds Mining Cooperative. 51 Discovered the nature of the pest problem. 51 Helped Bas create some pest-proof items. 37 Foiled the plans of a vampire cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild. 19 Hunted down a rabid coyote. 15 Slew the cold drake in Pilar's Hideaway 16 Performed a wellness check on Sir Cadenisimo 17 Looked upon Califax's prison within the Vault of the Fallen Star 37 Made an ethically questionable food delivery. 24 Helped to restock and make deliveries for the Citadel Supply. 24 delivered a tonic of pain relief to The repairman Borlan. 24 Returned a musty old tome to Aerlon the librarian. 24 Accepted delivery quests from Taron in Gad's Landing. 37 Retrieved a bog drake jawbone for Luth the black necromancer in Ralnoth. 55 Disrupted the orc's communication network on Erom Bhooj 54 Explored the caverns of Torment and discovered its mysteries. 40 Recovered a misplaced battery for the factory foreman 40 Found and returned a highly enriched uranium to a nuclear reactor operator 53 Tried to establish an economic relationship between Ironheart and Hartmur 53 Boldly accepted Lance Ironhand's challenge to invade the sea of despair. 52 Survived an encounter with Zir'Mar the six headed obsidian dragon! 55 Gathered arjale for a transmutation experiment. 55 Gathered adamantium for a transmutation experiment. 56 Scouted the area beyond the barrier in the Ramanek wasteland for orcs. 52 Ran some errands for the shopkeepers of the city of Ironheart. 56 Helped the chieftain's son bond with the spirit of one of the great animals 55 Helped cure a sick child on Corona 55 Facilitated the successful return of a cherished family heirloom 55 Opened trade negotiations between Morjah and the island of Corona 53 Saved the city of Ironheart from an impending doom. 46 Bravely defeated all Gorthic's army of monsters! 55 Agreed to gather various metals for Quark the herbalist. 54 Ransacked the ruins to gather items for a herbalist to complete their petition into the alchemist guild. 52 Gathered a few herbs Balk needed for his petition into the Ramanek Alchemist guild. 53 Prevailed against the Dragon Emperor's Terracotta Army! 47 Routed an infestation of mutant dreekers in Ishi Province. 46 Became an honorary member of the Researcher's Guild in the capital city of Airam. 51 Humored Cezoram's paranoia, which turned out to be justified 53 Faced the wilds of Gianasi to help Kero the master skinner fill all his special orders! 52 Put a troubled dodomeki to rest. 51 Retrieved smokeberries from the Dragon's Dish. 34 Went wyvren hunting and brought back several valuable skins for Aretris the skinner. 32 Foiled the evil plans to corrupt the wyvren forest. 46 Found and defeated each of the kings buried within the Tombs of the Forgotten, claiming their treasures for their own. 46 Talked to Julio Santos about firearms proficiency 48 Decimated the Darkwater Guardians after uncovering their criminal activities 32 Sealed away the ghosts that were haunting the brimstone dwarves. 32 Felt sorry for a drunk and helped them to recover a lost shield. 32 Hunted down a one horned helm for the wife and son of a fallen dwarf. 32 Exterminated some brood worms in order to curb the insect population within Mount Jahtaras. 31 Discovered what happened to the missing priest from Mount Jahtaras. 31 Helped Isaac the research cartographer complete one of his maps. 45 Is an honorary Battle Master of the Tower of Power 49 Created all four buildable tomes from the sunken temple of Magar 46 Rescued a Third legionnaire from an Ubar prison 47 Saved Colonel Sebastian 46 Talked to Jahal the troll and helped him get his home back 44 Performed a service for the Princess of the Thalenwood 52 Cleansed the Apiarch Hive of the corruption infesting it. 49 Investigate the drow threat in the wasteland. 50 Plundered the island of Jahmecca for exports to the mainland. 49 Brought back a blood griffin egg to help Arelaem fulfill a special order. 50 Brought back forest dragon blood to help Arelaem fulfill a special order. 50 Brought back a shrythikit paw to help Arelaem fulfill a special order. 50 Hunted down all the legendary mythical beasts of Jahmecca 51 Helped the shipwrecked spirits of the Ayakashi Archipelago find rest. 47 Checked on Wassailia to see if she was all right 47 Notified the Finspang captain of the guard of the trolloc attack on Egmondville 17 Helped an apprentice mage free his master from the clutches of some power-hungry imps. 46 Brought ambergris to the cloud giant jarl. 47 Earned the right to pray at the Onsen Haiden in Suboria. 46 Gathered food to help feed a pygmy village 46 Was given a bag to protect against bad juju. 50 Explored the city of Kithika to discover its hidden mysteries. 50 Reforged the Sword of the Saints. 49 Recovered the only known cure for the curse afflicting the city of Kithika. 49 Provided Malakinn with a means of escaping the deformities surrounding him. 49 Spoke to Malakinn the Royal Alchemist on behalf of Merkil the hunter. 48 Became a senior researcher at the Atlantis academy 26 Avenged the death of a woman's only child. 26 Prevented the ghostface orcs from gaining access to Gad's via the sewers. 32 Breached the Fetid Caves of Pestilence to rescue a dwarven child. 33 Ruined the plans of Malkon the Plague Vampire and saved Archais from his evil machinations. 32 Hunted down and eliminated Malkon the Plague Vampire in the fetid Caves of Pestilence. 32 Searched the fetid Caves of Pestilence and destroyed the weather machine. 47 Explored the ancient runic lore of the Coral Castle. 38 Retrieved an ancient seeing stone for the Ralnoth Mage's Guild. 47 Ended Koschei the Deathless's reign of terror. 47 Recovered the Cassis Crista of the Gold Millennium 31 Delivered an important letter from Sandrick the ranger to Fort Magnesia. 31 Discovered what happened to Azeroth Keep and uncovered drow invasion plans. 34 Delivered some provisions to the soldiers camped outside the village of Cranston Hills 34 Helped purify the water supply in Cranston Hills 34 Eliminated the source of the hideous mutations in Cranston Hills 34 Rescued all the survivors in Cranston Hills 47 Retrieved a bottle of Silent Centaur vintage for a discreet customer. 47 Discovered the fate of the Amber Lady in Castle Dunnhurst. 47 Solved a murder for the Investigators' Guild 46 Gave hope to Viscountess Millicent Rogon during her captivity. 51 Recovered several lost books for the church of the Silver Flame. 48 Regained and remade The Spear of High Aalvenkind. 46 Provided proof that Gaius is innocent of murder 47 Executed the arsonist burning down buildings in the Naginag North District 47 Explored the ancient runic lore of the Mud Volcano 46 Collected some magical items for a sorceress to do various tests on. 46 Broke up an illegal slavery ring operating in Rogonia and West Naginag 46 Became a member of the Delta Sigma fraternity 46 Completed the kings dash in Atlantis 46 Recovered the statue of a forgotten king 46 Recovered a missing item after a fraternity prank 45 Returned a part finished text book to its author 48 Retrieved the Mirror of the Amber Lady. 46 Returned Ragabash the Rogonian's engagement ring. 46 Delivered love letters between Lady Dana of Rogonia and Duke Rambert of West Naginag. 49 Pleased the Laughing Swarm, gaining entry to Dunnhurst. 30 Has been thoroughly manipulated by the fae of Archais. 30 Assassinated Lady Kindri, ending her bid to take over the fae kingdom. 29 Discovered the smuggling ring's purpose and uncovered catastrophic plans. 29 Found, broke up, and looted the elusive smuggling ring's headquarters. 29 Tracked down a leprechaun smuggler. 29 Helped a leprechaun to obtain their missing supplies and make a pair of boots. 28 Fought bravely and was victorious over the mist drake. 28 Quenched the fires of the lava worm. 28 Proved The loch ness monster was real and then killed it. 28 Partied it up in the Magnolia Festival. 28 Invoked the fabled Magnolia Festival. 28 Met the Fairy Queens. 47 Helped create horrible-tasting candy for the children of Eisdorf! 28 Did some hunting on behalf of a werewolf pack. 28 Met the leader of the werewolves and learned about their history. 28 Investigated a diplomatic crisis between the cliff gnomes and the dryads. 28 Disposed of some nuisances bothering the cliff gnomes. 27 Became a friend of the forest by curing a sick unicorn. 27 Did a little dirty work for a "good" cause. 27 Returned Custos' missing key. 27 Captured some sunlight for Custos. 27 Momentarily saw through a powerful illusion, confirming a cartographer's theory. 47 Salvaged a set of platinum weighing scales from the Sahuagin Coral Reef 47 Discovered the true history of Atlantis and saved the city 46 Qualified as a fully certified Atlantis Librarian 46 Collected some overdue library books 46 Acquired some specific books for the Atlantis library 46 Repaired a damaged library book 45 Tracked down some misplaced books in the Atlantis library 46 Set the Atlantis academy mascot loose on the college grounds as a fraternity prank. 47 Cleansed a benevolent kitsune of her ills. 50 Collected various DNA samples from the giant creatures roaming about the continent of Gianasi. 46 Reunited two ill-fated lovers at the Inn of the Silent Centaur. 47 Slew the Jungfrau Jennie. 47 Slew the fell aalf necromancer at Fort Ziegeburg. 46 Recovered the crown of Ritterholm from Seth'sarra the Venerable 47 Killed the traitorous Avae von Ritter 47 Recovered the stolen painting of Marquess Kord von Ritter 47 Joined the beorn clan of the Wasserwald by slaying their enemies. 37 Helped prevent the Black Rot from swallowing Ralnoth. 45 Procured a worldly wonder from Shil'tara 36 Found the cure to restore the kurman tortoise to health. 47 Risked life and limb to rescue the Princess of Airam. 47 Tried, but failed to locate the missing battery for a crazy-eyed scientist. 46 Helped Sylvester the trill servant become Sylvia 46 Discovered whether Schrodie the cat was dead or alive 45 Quashed the trill resistance before they could overthrow Queen Regan. 33 Found the battered body of a dwarven explorer and returned a diary to his kin. 21 Successfully passed through the Naphtali tower of learning. 45 Earned the respect of the Atlantis underworld 48 Defeated the weapon masters of Atlantis 46 Fixed a leak and saved the city 47 Caught a bunch of the stray animals roaming the North District of Naginag 50 Helped the sect of White Necromancy recreate an ancient artifact, and was given it as a reward. 44 Collected some gemstones to create a pendant. 47 Participated in an eventful date night. 45 Proved their courage in the face of danger and became a member of the Black Dragon watch! 47 Revived the Staff of Seasons. 46 Helped to establish contact between the humans and the Trollsingers. 46 Put the Drunken Donkey out of business 46 Stopped Pranab from organizing a labor union 46 Repossessed a silver pocket watch from Lenny Numbers 46 Forcibly divorced Otto and Bala 46 Removed Rajendra from his house 47 Slew the frost queen, dispersing her minions. 48 Destroyed the ice lich of the White Coast. 47 Rescued Erkbolt from the clutches of the wind-troll mother. 47 Assassinated Sevilo Takar so he cannot raise support for his father. 47 Slew the Night Stallion, breaking his compact with the Takari. 40 Drove the Anchorite garrison out of Steinhaus 46 Slew the undead sea dragon. 47 Wiped out a den of thieves and returned their booty to the rightful owners. 46 Recovered a stolen painting of Don Milano for the History department. 46 Recovered a stolen family heirloom for a visiting diplomat from Ralnoth. 46 Recovered some stolen herbs to save the life of a sick child. 46 Recovered a very important book for the school of White Necromancy. 46 Eliminated the den of thieves hiding in the capital city of Airam. 46 Discovered who was behind the break-ins in the capital city of Airam. 43 Ended the war between the two tribes once and for all. 43 Infiltrated the Kuo-toa tunnels and was victorious. 38 Tricked into making the crappiest leggings in the world! 32 Defeated the legendary rougarou, while investigating the reports of a missing cleric. 32 Exorcised the evil spirit that possessed the Hedgemaid of the Shadowclaw Swamp. 32 Recovered various ingredients to help Daggda the alchemist create a special brew. 9 Successfully passed through the Vemarken tower of learning. 9 Delivered a package to the Lady Angelia. 24 Helped the mayor of Northshore to clean up his crab problem. 23 Solved the mystery of the strange noises coming from below Vera's house in Northshore. 23 Made a few deliveries to Northshore from the village of Seaside. 26 Slayed a chromatic dragon to prevent it from attacking Gad's Landing. 26 Dived into the sewers below Gad's Landing to discover what was causing a blockage. 14 Secured the master vampire's rule by slaying a would-be vampire lord 14 Investigated the mysterious attack on the gnomes. 46 Salvaged a container of saffron from a sunken ship 32 Discovered what happened to a missing delivery from the village of Woodhaven. 33 Helped the villagers of Woodhaven out of a bind. 32 Crafted an item to make the life of a retired ranger a bit easier. 32 Purged the Amber Forest of all the evil that was corrupting it. 32 Escorted a shipwrecked sailor back to his captain. 32 Fulfilled the life long dream of a wood carver by helping them to craft a shield of blackwood. 32 Helped a Shaman to further her studies in poisons. 32 Expelled the curse placed on a little girl by Kaladun the lich. 32 Freed a druid from a truly dire predicament. 47 Reforged the Biretta of the Dreamer. 46 Helped in the rediscovery of an ancient, non-magical mummification technique. 47 Re-assembled an ancient crystal light cannon! 47 Retrieved the Tabulus Arcanorum for study. 17 Proved to be a real treasure hunter by discovering all the secrets of the minotaurs maze. 17 Informed the proper authorities of the demise of a missing man. 16 Skillfully navigated the maze of the black minotaur and laid claim to his prize possessions. 17 Sought out the barkeep for more information. 47 Investigated and discovered evidence for the mysterious 'swamp yeti'. 47 Rescued Annalee Gilasgalow from the Royal Dungeons of Naginag. 42 Delivered the mail to Ooahu 41 Helped sustain a homeless dryad. 46 Helped the Society of Succor hide their emancipation efforts in Naginag. 46 Quested to find the Third Legion's lost mascot in the sewers of Naginag 46 Helped beautify the city of Naginag, capital of the Naginag Combine. 46 Brought back rubbings of stonework from Q'thelas. 46 Slew the latokrob queen in the Naginag Sewers. 46 Stole the signet ring of House Azgalor. 46 Prevented the Cult of Igneous from gaining a foothold in Naginag. 46 Banished the filth wraith from the Naginag Sewers. 45 Went on a diamond heist for house Azgalor! 43 Completed tasks for the god Seth in order to use the waypoint at the Naginag Pantheist Temple 44 Rescued the lost dwarven scouting party from the mirror world 45 Released twenty two evils to destroy the world. 32 Valiantly avenged the deaths of several dwarves for one of their kin. 32 Killed the trider. 32 Eliminated the black arachnid. 32 Found the missing dwarf in the Blackwater Hollows. 21 Delivered a message from the captain in Naphtali to the Ranger Patch in Gad's. 21 Exterminated the fungus that was animating the dead on the Ancestral Island. 21 Pounded an ogre into a bloody pulp to recover a lost heirloom. 21 Visited a faerie circle and brought a mushroom back to the ranger. 21 Returned a stolen pendant to its rightful owner. 21 Took a dive into Clearwater cove to recover a lost chest. 19 Reported to the captain of the Naphtali guard of the defeat of Qoorik. 19 Found and brought down the demon city of Qoorik. 16 Broke the curse on the Haunted Highway 13 Solved the curse of the haunted hills and reported to the Hierophant. 12 Routed the necromantic cult from the interior of Ancalador. 11 Reported to the Hierophant. 32 Defeated the mad smith's mechanical monstrosity 38 Won the rat race by eliminating the competition thus winning the coveted green cheese 37 Defeated the void saving the magic of the world. 38 Recovered a dependent clause for a bookworm 48 Outflanked the titans and returned all the holy relics they had stolen. 47 Stormed the Shadowhaven Fortress and brought an ancient draconic symbol to the draconians. 47 Rid the Nightmare Plane of the thirteen titans intent on world domination. 48 Recovered an ancient elven relic from the Shadowhaven Fortress for the High Elf Veran Arimara. 40 Defeated the werewolf lord of the Dark Forest South 40 Extracted a brain sample from a werewolf 46 Cleansed the Island of Maoi from the taint of necromancy 45 Uncovered and broke a demonic conspiracy to invade the material plane. 21 Assisted the villagers of Idlewood to solve their problems and in fulfilling their needs. 21 Showed a devil ray who the true devil was. 20 Gathered some clams, caught a few fish and trapped a lobster for the Deep Sea Delights in Idlewood. 21 Disbanded the evil sect and released the lifestones of the seven legendary sisters. 20 Prevailed over Tegla the temptress, collected and then released the lifestone of Celaeno. 21 Prevailed over Bledri the necromancer, collected and then released the lifestone of Alcyone. 20 Prevailed over Lilin the warrioress, collected and then released the lifestone of Maia. 20 Prevailed over the avatar Uball, collected and then released the lifestone of Sterope. 20 Prevailed over Erov the druid, collected and then released the lifestone of Merope. 20 Prevailed over Rataga the assassin, collected and then released the lifestone of Electra. 20 Tracked down and recovered a missing antique ring. 20 Beheaded some hornets to collect a bounty on their heads. 21 Collected the special ingredients needed to save the life of Kolok the mystic. 20 Prevailed over Durath the Sorcerer, collected and then released the lifestone of Taygete. 19 Delivered a map and accepted the quest to retrieve the seven lifestones. 45 Retrieved a lost relic from the abandoned Temple of Tlaloc. 19 Spoke to the Naphtali commander on behalf of the ranger Taros. 24 Delivered a message to Smuggler's Cove from the Archipelago. 23 Delivered a letter from Sharkie to Ekans. 26 Delivered a small bag of chickory coffee to Hal in the Lotus Monastery. 46 Assisted in laying a greater ghul to rest. 46 Slew the black amphitere, releasing it from its misery. 45 Put a stop to the thefts on the docks of Kora'tur. 43 Stole a bottle of root beer from a temple of Vember for a shady thief. 44 Exposed the plot to return an ancient dragon to life. 43 Gathered the ingredients necessary to create a poultice to cure a migraine. 43 Slew a giant squid and retrieved its ink sac. 43 Helped the town of Brodin unclog the nearby pollution lake. 43 Put an end to Drat the Cheat's crooked ways. 44 Slew the fire giant mage in the Fire Swamps for Blanagan the Scientist 41 Drove away the nightmares that haunted the Governor of Hartmur. 41 Answered the Governor of Hartmur's plea for assistance. 35 Wiped out a human supremacist cult for the Ralnoth Clerics' Guild. 39 Retrieved a sprig of candlewort for the apothecarist in Ralnoth. 47 Recovered the idol of Draak from Lux, the great red wyrm. 45 Obtained a gold spirit tablet of Aleph for Don Milano 25 Expunged the taint from a forest and the rogue druid that created it. 25 Ended the evil plans of a rogue druid. 25 Treated the soil in the forest north of Smuggler's in hopes of removing the taint. 25 Gathered various samples throughout the tainted forest for a group of druids. 25 Escorted a druidess through the tainted forest on behalf of Smuggler's Cove. 46 Stormed the realm of Mictlantecuhtli and terminated his evil plans 45 Recovered the golden chainmail tunic for Don Milano 45 Recovered the legendary greatsword for Don Milano 46 Retrieved the Lyre of Building from the necropolis of Q'monmwer 46 Attained the fabled El Dorado from the realm of Huitzilopochtli 45 Accepted the quests to recover the golden chainmail tunic and legendary greatsword 33 Freed Iron Bay of the kobold menace 45 Saved the honor of a humble bronze smith 47 Solved the locked room murder of the royal heir of Dorna 39 Exterminated Red Rover and evicted the moblins from the Clan Unforgiven area 42 Helped the barman make his signature dish 42 Made a beer run for the giants 42 With a little help from our elemental friends 41 Delivered contraband in the form of a succulent steak dinner to a prisoner 41 Delivered a remedy to a very sick prisoner 41 Went fishing and completed Varno's tropical fish collection 41 Received a reward for retrieving some hops for Raldo. 39 Assisted a Morlock warrior in finding shadowstrike equipment, so he could destroy it. 38 Delivered a repaired medallion to a warrior in Mount Zendular. 38 Retrieved the ebony kris from the Dark Forest Graveyard for the Thieves' Guild. 36 Helped repair the sewer blockage for the Ralnoth Public Works Department. 44 Brought justice to Mallox for the murder of Cylindra the druid 45 Retrieved Cylindra's notebook from the haunted forest east of Natchsburg 47 Exorcised the seven deadly sins from the world! 46 Banished the vengeful spirit haunting Sas'kwal Bay. 45 Recovered the Seven Silver Maces of the ancient Quelese 46 Accepted the quest to recover the Seven Silver Maces 43 Slew the hill orc king in order to protect the Ostiary Occidental Camp 42 Defeated the keeper of the shrine 32 Travelled all over Archais gathering books for the library in Gad's Landing. 32 Acquired a book titled "The legendary dwarven bracelet" from Glankas in Dragon Tooth. 23 Acquired a guide to fishing from Gil Dunne in the Archais Archipelago. 30 Acquired the tome of Demonic Lore from Cyrilla the Black in the Inn of the Lonely Wanderer. 26 Acquired a book titled "The Lotus Monastery" from the scholar Bruticus. 22 Acquired a book titled "Quickness of Action" from the Wizard Brightflame in Seaside. 30 Aided Fil the Secondboy by assassinating his older brother, thus promoting his status. 46 Retreived a red marble altar from the Swamps of Sorrow 46 Garnered information from Don Milano's spy in Huixtocihuatl 45 Acquired a silver-paged book from the Disused Fane of the City of Kings for Don Milano 45 Recovered an acid etched adamantium katana from the Jade Pyramid 40 Freed the gnomes of Schwergheim from the drow 45 Recovered the Book of the Dead from King Tut for Don Milano 43 Brought white gold nuggets to a master geomancer in U'lugl. 46 Recovered a dwarven gun artifact from Mt. Sartus 38 Cleaned out some of the corruption running rampant through Castle Dragnok. 38 Squashed the plans of the Mistress Camilla bent on world domination. 38 Freed the rune spider from the spell that binded her. 38 Crushed the hopes of Durant, the Master Enchanter of creating an army of glass. 38 Eliminated the leader of the mercenaries in Dragnok. 38 Extinguished the heart of the fire. 38 Ended all the sacrifices to the dark gods in Dragnok. 38 Put an end to the evil intentions of a drug crazed worshipper. 37 Answered a call for aid from Dragnok. 38 Obtained the Red Claws of the Slayer. 37 Rescued the Princess of Radobaj 31 Cleared the poison from the ancient drow city. 32 Plundered the decimated drow city and uncovered its history. 31 Discovered what was causing the patrol soldiers of Fort Magnesia to become ill. 15 Delivered a letter to the bronzesmith. 15 Braved the Forgotten Muskeg to collect a special ingredient for an alchemist. 15 Uncovered the mystery of the Forgotten Muskeg. 16 Freed a druid from imprisonment in the underground city of Runn-Khal. 16 Scouted out the abandoned mines in the Kordwood for a bronzesmith. 17 Collected some black ore for a bronzesmith in Naphtali. 46 Seeded a storm elemental with silver iodide just to see what would happen. 46 Found and captured a skysower seed! 45 Bottled lightning for the King of the Storm Giants. 46 Slew the legendary bunyip. 35 Protected the secrets of Thaumaturgy from undeserving djinni 35 Gave that bully a taste of his own medicine! 34 Extricated Burgundy's pet cloud from a hostile storm elemental 27 Put an end to the unnatural experiments of the druid Guillermo Dunkelbaum 45 Rescued the Granadan captives from the Temple of Creation 40 Discovered and put an end to the evil plans of the drow for the elves of Trinsic. 39 Destroyed the castorid dam plugging up the Ciernan River 41 Found medicinal ingredients for the apothecary in Mercia. 44 recovered some smuggled artifacts. 45 Found a suitable spot for colonization on behalf of Filimoeika 45 Captured another demon to replace Asranth and keep the Stone Dragon imprisoned forever 44 Defeated the hellborn vampire 44 Retrieved the Scimitar of Souls for Avalon 44 Retrieved the body of Arthur from Thendulomassar 45 Found a lost faerie infant and returned her safely to her parents. 27 Defeated the guardian serpent to gain access to Asgaard. 45 Helped a redsmith rediscover the ancient art of hardening copper. 36 Prevented Ralnoth from being devoured by an invasion of giant termites. 46 Overpowered Krustallos the war-sorceress and took her prized possession. 18 Made an unexpected profit on some winter wolf hair. 16 Found new questions to the mystery of what happened to New Thalos. 44 Slew Silatris the Rock Dragon, saving the gnome clan 44 Earned the trust of Cinvan and his clan 41 Delved the depths of Khal-Moria to destroy the remains of the cursed blade SoulReaper. 37 Thwarted Falnar the Shadowmancer's plans. 40 Provided a thirsty child with much needed water 45 Helped the village of Xochitl gain independence from the Aztec Empire 45 Accepted the assignment to kill the Aztec subchief and Shorn One in Xochitl 45 Recovered stolen property from the thief-king Ali Baba 42 Helped boost the morale of the Combine garrison in Draj. 43 Exterminatus pestorus gardenum 40 Lifted the spirits of the barkeep at the Drunken Dragon Inn 38 Recovered the Ancient Warhammer of Valor. 13 Broke the curse on the Haunted Hills 11 Recovered and restored the champion's helm. 11 Snuffed out the mole king and rescued the Mayor's wife. 10 Extricated the Gnomian slaves from the caves of the moles. 35 Collected a DNA sample from one of the Tyranid warriors for Sh'kar the evil biomancer. 32 Helped to repair Captain Uro's merchant ship. 23 Made a child happy by returning his ball 23 Made an old fisherman's day by giving him his favorite food. 34 Retrieved some shavings for the alchemist Abicus from the outer planar ice world. 31 Collected wyvren scales on behalf of Tarkon the blacksmith 30 Brought Nammen some hides for tanning. 31 Helped the centaurs rid their land of wyvren 23 Collected a few debts owed to the villagers of Seaside. 23 Collected a debt owed to Nailo in The Golden Phoenix Restaurant. 43 Neutralized both the threats to the village of Silverwind! 43 Discovered & neutralized the Bloodice Vampire! 47 Bested the caves of trial and became a member of the Snowhammer Clan. 43 Discovered & neutralized the Hydrax! 44 Talked to the king to reveal his quests. 27 Achieved the rank of journeyman in the Thieves Guild. 27 Achieved the rank of apprentice in the Thieves Guild. 27 Achieved the rank of bandit in the Thieves Guild. 27 Achieved the rank of thug in the Thieves Guild. 27 Received a bounty for taking out a pair of murderous thieves. 26 Made a secret delivery to the Thieves Den. 26 Ambushed some bandits and took back a stolen money sack. 26 Rescued a group of musicians from the ghostface orcs. 26 Freed Curlie the musician from the Skull caverns. 26 Freed Moe the musician from the Skull caverns. 26 Freed Larry the musician from the Skull caverns. 26 Got rid of some pesky birds and helped the Lotus Monastery get back to business. 26 Challenged the six masters of the Lotus Monastery and was victorious. 26 Hired on as a mercenary for a time to prove they were a skilled fighter. 27 Apprenticed to a blacksmith in the Lotus Monastery for a time. 26 Eliminated a threat to the Lotus Monastery and brought them peace at last. 26 Had to do some fishing to trade for a lost book. 29 Destroyed and dismantled the whirling machine of destruction known as the Juggernaut. 29 Help the tinker gnomes to solve a crash landing problem with their elevator system. 29 Broke the ice with the tinker gnomes by helping to thaw out a frozen gnome. 29 Tested a gnomish rocket pack and had a blast! 29 Delivered a broken gadget to the Master Tinker for the cook in the Inn of the Lonely Wanderer. 32 Grounded the aerial acrobatics of Leo the squirrel and took away his nuts! 30 Tried to negotiate a deal with Azeroth Keep for their fruit, but failed. 33 Felt froggie, so leaped on a toad and took their legs. 30 Halted the attempt of the necromancer Darsakius from opening a rift to the demon world. 27 Cleansed the Archais swamp of the Great Unclean One. 25 Informed Yassi of the sinking of the viking cargo ship. 24 Became the fabled Black Bandit of Seaside. 24 Swiped a basilisk's egg off the Grumpy Dwarf. 24 Pilfered the chains of true binding off the ship known as the Leviathan. 24 Plundered the Copper Dragon for the Magistrate's book. 24 Heisted the fabled blue diamond off the Lady Luck. 24 Sunk Thor's Hammer blocking the Viking raiders from getting their supplies. 24 Reclaimed a lost family heirloom. 37 Destroyed the Chaos Beholder, disrupting the forces of Chaos in Old Thalos. 33 Harvested some webbing from the spider caves for the cleric Helina in Dragon Tooth. 34 Delivered a bundle of herbs and spices to the monks in the Monastery of Dreams. 33 Liberated a special mushroom from the Trogdolytes for an alchemist in Dragon Tooth. 34 Assisted an angry dwarf in finding out what happened to his missing companions. 34 Recaptured a dwarven smith's mightiest weapon 24 Snooped out and eliminated the spy hidden amongst the smugglers. 24 Assassinated some young upstart who was trying to replace the boss in Smuggler's Cove. 24 Disposed of evidence that might have convicted a prisoner in Gad's Landing. 24 Smuggled a few items to prove they could be trusted. 31 Aided the smith in finishing his greatest creation. 23 Collected a debt owed to Kyna in Kyna's General Store. 22 Hunted down and exterminated the bugs in the cellar of the Golden Phoenix Inn. 23 Dealt with the foul stench of Castle Kraftrager. 23 Collected a debt owed to Torba Hammerclaw. 23 Collected a debt owed to Slade the bartender in the Nightshade Tavern. 23 Collected a debt owed to Fargan the butcher. 23 Cleared out the castle. 35 Became an honorary member of the Planar Research Guild 35 Collected data from the wind tunnels on the astral plane of air. 35 Collected data from Valhalla 35 Collected data from the elemental plane of earth 35 Collected data from the outer planar ice world 35 Collected data from the fire world of Khinzhai 35 Collected data from the nomagic biolab 22 Delivered a puppet to a woman in the carnival. 22 Cured the old mage of the hiccups! 22 Helped the citadel to restock its supply of healing mud. 45 Defeated the machinations of the Third Sun cult and their false god Tlaloc. 44 Brought King Tut's royal wrappings to the Benzani alchemist. 43 Retrieved a hardened copper weapon 43 Slew the demonic patron of the White Sands Abbey 44 Retrieved an obsidian idol from the Temple of Magar 45 Thwarted an assassination plot against Don Milano 45 Destroyed the evil influence corrupting the primates of Kookien 43 Broke the siege of Xochitl 42 Returned Raquel Orinoco to Don Milano 39 Delivered a letter to Bandera Azul 41 Cleared out a colony of giant prospector bees from the Forest of Brigands 41 Discovered Don Milano's hoarded treasure and obtained Lightbringer, sword of truth 33 Constructed a special portal to help free Zeyda the collector of dreams. 33 Helped to make the dream nectar and awaken the sleepers. 33 Risked life and limb to recover a stolen egg and return it to Graystorm the dragon. 33 Braved the dark forest to deliver some supplies to a mad hermit. 35 Aided the blue gang in its quest to conquer the North Ralnoth Slums. 39 Reclaimed the Celestial Circle for its rightful owners. 23 Went fishing without a pole and got me a dragonfish. 23 Eradicated the adaro in the atoll so the researchers could complete their work. 23 Delivered some much needed provisions to the lighthouse. 44 Solved the Ancient Ones Quest. 42 Rid The Greenhole of the force corrupting it, though the cost was great. 41 Extinguished the flames of the Sunangel Madriel. 41 Defeated the Avatar of light and the sun-angel Madriel. 33 Sent the undead drow priestess to meet her goddess, allowing the svirfneblin to live in peace. 33 Found and returned the svirfneblin king's lost club. 41 Recovered the body of Maxi and brought a letter from Brent to Hzune 41 Recovered and returned Kerwal's supplies. 41 Thwarted a high security prison break by exterminating Vermoth. 44 Sealed a rift between the elemental plane of darkness and the astral plane of air. 45 Helped Triste face down her demons. 24 Lifted the curse cast upon Dentin's temple by Kenai. 20 Spent some time as a page to the Earl Montebac. 19 Returned Ardin's remains to his wife, Edna. 19 Soothed a mother's soul by helping cure her sick son. 19 Completed a few tasks given by the ranger in Naphtali. 14 Cleaned up the broom problem at the Mad Alchemist's Castle. 14 Killed the orange broom. 14 Killed the yellow broom. 14 Killed the red broom. 14 Killed the green broom. 9 Helped to cure a sick child. 14 Killed the blue broom. 10 Vanquished the rat king and put an end to its machinations. 8 "Took care" of Ol' Blue. 8 Vanquished the foul Nekker of the Blue Marshes. 6 Helped to make some important deliveries between Vemarken and Indira. 7 Delivered an important package from the mayor of Hildabrad to Vemarken. 7 Became an honorary member of the village of Hildabrad. 7 Helped Joann to find her name tag. 7 Helped the town shaman to get rid of a bully. 7 Put a big fat rat on a diet, permanently! 6 Brought Dinger a bag of goodies. 6 Gathered a few items for an apothecary in Vemarken. 5 Solved the riddle of the foaming fountain. 0 Discovered an ambush party! 42 Brought a freshwater shrimp to a fish vendor in Daigaku-Tatami. 43 Rescued the golden unicorn, Persius 43 Gave a daughter of Natchsburg a decent burial. 44 Restored the gauntlets of perpetual burning. 42 Slew Chieftain Kicking-Hooves and collected the bounty. 43 Slew the derro savant and collected the bounty. 43 Killed Agnes the witch and collected the bounty. 43 Hunted down a deserter from the Naginag Combine. 42 Killed a lesser hydra and collected the bounty. 43 Eliminated a gang of dangerous mercenaries from the Giftsmarch 42 Gave the sealed scroll case to satyr Regunus in the Giftsmarch, now needs to kill him and all his cohorts! 43 Brought Marikest under Combine tribute 43 Discovered and toppled a dark conspiracy in the town of Marikest... 44 Became the Master of the Wild Hunt. 43 Thwarted an invasion of Albion 44 Tracked down a missing wagon wheel (which is a lot harder than it sounds!) 40 Returned the king's worldly possessions to Queen Calene. 47 Freed Lahlia the Damned from her bondage to the powers of darkness. 44 Rescued Lady Lyonors and slew Lady Morgana 45 Put down the Dao rebellion in the Mines of Minos. 46 'Freed' the lost adventurers from their despair, deep within the Labyrinth. 39 Expedited a pistol replica for the Ralnoth Museum of World Wonders 32 Discovered the hospitals namesake and put an end to his diabolical plan. 32 Is the new hobgoblin champion. 43 Destroyed the three Gorgon sisters. 45 Successfully completed the ranger's quest. 46 Passed the test of the Elements. 43 Showed the ghost of a dwarf that the love of his life is dead 40 Rescued Rodon the Wizard from the creatures on the other side of the vortex 46 Grounded the electrifying Dragon known as Zal'Shira. 43 Brought a traitor to the Naginag Combine to justice. 6 Taught some punk kid a lesson he'll never forget. 47 Ransacked the Hall of Kings. 43 Took down the leader of an insurgent group for the Naginag Combine. 44 Completed a top secret mission for the Eighth Legion of the Naginag Combine. 43 Gained the service of a Quelese battle golem. 43 Reforged the three lost mail shirts of the Sun. 47 Convinced the ancient golden dragon to teach you a spell 43 has proven their patience & kindness in their path to becoming a ranger. 44 Toured the Sussex pub crawl 22 Broke the curse afflicting the hero of Seaside. 43 Built up a resistance to poison by ingesting deadly concoctions 42 Slew the jackalope 42 Returned the Shadowstrike sword to its rightful heir 42 Investigated the disappearance of Eugene's daughter 42 Recovered Lloyd's glasses from the highwayman, Thrizz 42 Saved a young paladin's companion from being eaten by the legendary basilisk. 35 Tracked down the research team stranded on the fire world of Khinzhai. 42 Retrieved the Tome of Memories from the ruins underneath Nueva Granada 41 Slew the Phantasm of the Ancients and took the Tome of Memories 41 Spoke to the Phantasm of the Ancients 43 Pleased the Lord of Wellinghall by slaying the vile knucker. 45 Took revenge on Flamewing the king of the fire dragons on behalf of an elven hunter! 45 Restored the soul of an elven prince trapped in chaos 44 Helped Djorb become a master biomancer 10 Reported to Mayor Widgetbottom in Gnomian. 18 Discovered the fate of a young lady's missing uncle. 17 Brought a farmer's daughter home to rest. 18 Verified the rumors threatening Naphtali 10 Culled the spider infestation in the old Indira forest. 9 Returned to Angelia and told her the news about the copper mines. 9 Parlayed a deal between the demons and the gnomes to get the mines operating again. 6 Reported to the general storekeeper. 5 Exposed the cult of Kenai near Vemarken. 5 Removed the leader of the false temple. 4 Made it to Pellam and broke the blockade 3 Freed the graveyard from the Vampiress 2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment. 0 Defeated the Carver Shaman in mortal combat! 18 Hewed the head from the orc chieftain as a warning to the rest of his kind. 43 Helped Larsagauga become a master geomancer 43 Successfully completed the druids quest of honor! 40 Cured Zarians writer's block and was rewarded. 39 Brought a retired hunter one last trophy 40 Played the role of messenger for a day. 42 Collected a bounty for ridding the world of the Bugbear Chieftain 43 has mastered the art of assassination. 41 Slew Xerios the Evil Necromancer 45 Found and defeated the dreaded rockworm of the firbolg hills. 29 Bested the Norse gods and took their most prized possessions. 29 Bested the flying Valkyrie and took her most prize possession. 29 Bested Odin and took his prize possession. 29 Bested Thor and took his prize possession. 41 Escorted a merchant through the Shady Vale. 43 Returned the exiled myconid king to power by slaying his usurper. 42 Repossessed the stolen heirlooms of the wizard Kahari. 42 Crowned Tarrant the Overlord of Emerald City. 43 Found the crown. 6 Helped the local merchants of Sloe deliver crucial shipments. 6 Chatted up the Mayor of Vemarken on behalf of the general storekeeper. 43 Ended the captivity of the spirit of Perseus. 28 Has proven to be worthy of being called a rogue. 40 Rid the were-panther's enclave of the spirits that haunted them. 44 Obtained the black pearl necklace of Montezuma 43 Returned the sacred fruit loops to the great blue toucan 40 Avenged the villagers murdered by their own. 43 Attained the title, 'Witch Hunter' 18 Put a stop to the abuse of a child. 43 Gave Drache the brilliant sand dragon his antidote 15 Slew Roch'tar, master of the catacombs 14 Freed the spirit of King Rathborne 36 Defeated the bear marauding through the forest southwest of Ralnoth Level Legacy Quests --------------------------------- 49 Helped to feed the hungry during the Spring Festival of 2024. 46 Outwitted a leprechaun and stole their treasure during the spring festival of 2024! 46 Successfully caught a leprechaun. 47 Explored the Alter Aeon Museum of Player Nostalgia in 2024. 43 One summer night I expelled a menacing scarecrow! 32 Wandered the world collecting lost gift baskets during the Spring Festival of 2023. 41 Hacked up trees in 2022 to prevent them from globally warming the world. 40 Manned the EPDS to deliver a little joy in 2022! 45 Electrified a coldfire snowman and sent it back to Dimension X! 39 Searched the toy factory for any information about the missing toys. 38 Delivered a Christmas present using the EPDS in 2021! 40 Chased off a Christmas bandit before he could steal anymore toys. 44 Saved a metarrex infested spaceship from utter destruction [Mayday 2021] 41 Accepted the Quizmaster's challenge and was victorious in 2020! 41 Unmasked the one behind the chaos during the Winter Solstice of 2020! 29 Out boxed the toys in the toy factory! 37 Recovered Santa's stolen sleigh. 36 Helped Santa to find his lost deer during the Winter Solstice of 2020. 35 Found and returned Prancer to the stable. 36 Found and returned Vixen to the stable. 39 A friend shared with me the coming of 2021 with a boom! 38 Celebrated the coming of 2021 with a boom and a friend! 34 Froze off my butt trying to restock Frosty's ice supply. 36 Found and returned Blitzen to the stable. 36 Found and returned Donner to the stable. 35 Found and returned Dancer to the stable. 35 Found and returned Comet to the stable. 35 Found and returned Cupid to the stable. 34 Found and returned Dasher to the stable. 41 Helped an injured woman collect twelve christmas gifts for her true love. 51 Last one standing in the turkey brawl of 2020. 44 Bested an aspect of Chalchuihtotolin, weakening the final wave of the turkey plague. 43 Defeated one of the avatars of Chalchuihtotolin, slowing the advance of the first wave of the turkey plague. 33 Slew a feral turkey for Thanksgiving 2020. 33 Talked to Nurse Happiness for an empty critter carrier 42 Generously donated some food to the people of Mainland on the feast of the sacrifice 2020! 40 Generously donated some food to the people of Archais on the feast of the sacrifice 2020! 35 Generously donated some food to the people of Sloe and Kordan on the feast of the sacrifice 2020! 37 Successfully tracked down good enough sheep on the feast of the sacrifice 2020! 55 Completed Wave 30 of the Puzzlewood Mire 2020 44 Killed 100 monsters on the Starving Rock 2020 54 Completed Wave 20 of the Puzzlewood Mire 2020 53 Completed Wave 10 of the Puzzlewood Mire 2020 51 Completed Wave 0 of the Puzzlewood Mire 2020 44 Searched the land to find my baby the perfect rose on Valentine's Day! 46 Transformed into a creature of the night and bested the rest in the Havoc of 2018! 58 Eliminated even more cats to avoid a catastrophe! 21 Helped Rojo the red witch to avoid a catastrophe during the Havoc of 2018! 37 Achieved the rank of witch in their supernatural training! 36 Achieved the rank of broom trimmer in their supernatural training. 34 Achieved the rank of hexling in their supernatural training. 32 Achieved the rank of novice in their supernatural training. 31 Achieved the rank of apprentice in their supernatural training. 30 Helped the white witch to fill one of her Halloween gift bags. 37 Played the fool, as I was tricked by Azule on Halloween 2018. 34 Helped Azule to catch a nasty fangtooth to add to her stew. 32 Helped Azule to gather potatoes to add to her legendary stew. 31 Helped Azule to get some mushrooms to add to her legendary stew. 29 Helped Azule to gather a liquid base to make her legendary stew. 25 Did some chores for Salma. 26 Generously donated to the poor around the world on Eid al-Adha 2018! 25 Successfully tracked down a good enough sheep on Eid al-Adha 2018! 36 Vanquished the dissident cultists of Taran in the name of Lord Vox 35 Retrieved the artifact known as "the Corrupter" for Lord Vox 35 Slew the dissident priest Betrayus the Bold on behalf of Lord Vox 35 Slew the dissident priest Karf on behalf of Lord Vox 34 Attended the Godsmoot on behalf of the Church of Taran 34 Retrieved the Staff of the Serpent 33 Ran errands for Lord Vox to advance the cause of Taran's church 32 Gathered cursainium for Lord Vox 32 Gathered dogmalite pebbles for Lord Vox 40 Completed Wave 40 of the Puzzlewood Forest - Shooting the Curl event of 2018 40 Completed Wave 30 of the Puzzlewood Forest - Shooting the Curl event of 2018 39 Killed 500 monsters in the Puzzlewood Forest - Endless Waltz event of 2018 34 Killed 100 monsters in the Puzzlewood Forest - Endless Waltz event of 2018 39 Completed Wave 20 of the Puzzlewood Forest - Shooting the Curl event of 2018 37 Completed Wave 10 of the Puzzlewood Forest - Shooting the Curl event of 2018 36 Completed Wave 0 of the Puzzlewood Forest - Shooting the Curl event of 2018 42 While wearing a bit of the green, I bested all the rest in the leprechaun bash of 2018. 37 Hunted down and stole the shoes from a nasty little leprechaun during the spring festival of 2018! 33 Took on the leprechaun mafia to recover the seven stolen symbols of spring. 31 Recovered a green shamrock, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring. 32 Recovered a sparkling sun charm, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring. 32 Recovered a leprechaun's top hat, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring. 32 Recovered a baby blue egg, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring. 30 Recovered a shillelagh, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring. 32 Recovered a golden pot full of rainbows, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring. 32 Recovered a bouquet of fresh flowers, one of the seven stolen symbols of spring. 49 Rubbed out a few of the leprechaun mafia during the spring festival. 27 Quest to recover the seven stolen symbols of spring. 35 Reconciled Linlin and Noony's love with their respective villages 33 Survived the nostalgia trip during the anniversary celebration of 2018 33 Smashed the bandit ring terrorizing the Alter Aeon anniversary of 2018. 32 Demonstrated the law of the Wayfarers to a bunch of Combine deserters. 31 Turned the tables on the bandits and raided them for a change. 30 Was awarded a symbol of the Wayfarers' esteem. 30 Failed to ambush the bandits at Red Dell, but triumphed anyway! 30 Almost, but didn't quite, capture the bandit leader! 29 Found correspondence giving clues to who is behind the bandit raids. 29 Became a full member of the Guild of Wayfarers 32 Helped to thwart the bandit raids during the Alter Aeon Anniversary of 2018 40 Hammered and blasted your way to the year's end, 2017 36 Successfully faced all the challenges of both Baron brothers. 35 Victoriously faced and defeated all the challenges of the Flame Baron. 34 Slapped around old Jack Frost till he gave up his crown. 34 Helped the elves to collect more items as a favor for the Flame Baron. 34 Boldly faced Vazgore, chief of the glacier dwarves and was victorious. 34 Gathered various items needed to make the winterberry punch. 34 Spanked the Snow Queen in one on one combat. 33 Helped the elves to collect various items as a favor for the Flame Baron. 33 Met Kilzann the ice king in one on one combat and was victorious. 29 Chose the way of the Flame Baron. 35 Victoriously faced and defeated all the challenges of the Snow Baron. 35 Slapped around the mighty Harry Flames till he gave up his crown. 34 Helped the elves to collect more items as a favor for the Snow Baron. 34 Boldly faced Kurthag-Zill, the brimstone dwarf chieftain and was victorious. 31 Helped the elves to restock the EPDS supply of presents. 30 Helped Frosty with a little cosmetic reconstruction 34 Gathered different items needed to make the winterberry punch. 33 Spanked the Inferno Queen in one on one combat. 32 Helped the elves to collect various items as a favor for the Snow Baron. 31 Bested Mikitarvis the fire king in one on one combat. 28 Chose the way of the Snow Baron. 21 Hunted the world for the proper present. 18 I was blessed by an elf during the winter solstice of 2017. 30 While exploring during the winter solstice of 2017, I found a present, and kept it! 30 Delivered a Christmas present using the EPDS in 2017! 39 Wasn't allowed to play in the reindeer games, so I killed them all. 40 Ousted all the other turkeys to become number one in the turkey mash of 2017! 35 Discovered and eliminated the source of the mutations in the fall festival center. 35 Purged the fall festival center of the mutated turkeys. 30 Assisted in preparing the Thanksgiving feast of 2017. 30 Fully explored the 2017 Turkey Days Corn Maze! 41 Helped to save the environment from an over abundance of turkeys in 2017! 47 Helped to clear the Valley of Shadows. 40 Found the Great Pumpkin and squashed it! 28 Carved some jack-o-lanterns for the less fortunate on Halloween 2017 40 Tracked down and exterminated one of the elusive pumpkinheads during the Halloween Havoc of 2017. 38 Transformed into a creature of the night and battled it out for supremacy in 2017! 18 Tracked down and exterminated one of the elusive pumpkinheads during the Halloween Havoc of 2017. 26 Successfully tracked down a good enough sheep on Eid al-Adha 2017 24 Did some chores for Salma. (2017) 24 Generously donated to the poor around the world on Eid al-Adha 2017 39 Destroyed one of the metarrexi masterminds infesting the Material Plane for the Fall Kickoff Event of 2017 39 Sunk one of the metarrexi dreadnoughts on the high seas during the Fall Kickoff Event of 2017 40 Completed Wave 50 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 37 Slew the rogue incarnates, releasing their energy into the universe. 40 Completed Wave 40 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 36 Defeated each of the teraphim camp commanders, preventing them from becoming archangels 35 Destroyed the metarrex infestation near the Rainbow Factory 39 Completed Wave 30 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 39 Completed Wave 20 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 38 Completed Wave 10 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 34 Completed Wave 0 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 2017 30 Freed an apiarch hive from the machinations of the demon Dvukyk. 29 Defeated each of the vesperine lords, uniting them under the choir of Archangel Selene 26 Escorted the Archangel Selene to Fort Telestia 36 Drove away a frost devil to keep the innocent safe on Christmas 2016! 40 Assisted in the assembly of a mass driver 39 Retrieved a fragment of a heavily inscribed slab and brought it to the Naginag Hierophant 38 Donated a starcatcher to Blanagan the Scientist 38 Retrieved an instruction manual for petitioning incarnates and brought it to Blanagan the Scientist 37 Consulted the Naginag Hierophant and the Keeper of the Elwood regarding the incoming planetoid 10 Inquired with the mayor about more work. 38 Last archetype standing in the new year bash of 2015! 32 Melted Jack Frost's icy plans and saved the coming New Year of 2016! 32 Stormed into the Icereave Caverns to recover the staff of time. 32 Helped the Ralnoth Department of Civil Services to setup the New Year celebration. 32 Prevented the spread of greenpeace disease by cutting back the number of trees in the world. 32 Hunted the tunnels of Icarrus for one last shard of greenish-blue ice. 32 Invaded the palace of the Snow queen to recover the New Year top hat. 31 Gathered ingredients that a master chef needed to make a cake for the New Year celebration. 31 Ransacked the tunnels of Icarrus to obtain another long shard of greenish-blue ice. 30 Recovered the New Year sash from the glacier dwarves. 30 Collected several items to build a firework cannon to bring in the new year with a bang!. 30 Braved the tunnels of Icarrus to obtain a long shard of greenish-blue ice. 24 Saved Christmas from the evil plans of Krampus, Scrooge and the Grinch. 24 Sent Krampus packing and ended the captivity of Rudolph. 24 Restocked Santa's lumber supply 24 Collected various items to make a magical snare. 23 Recovered Santa's stolen sleigh from the clutches of the Grinch. 31 Helped save the world from an overabundance of holiday cheer! 23 Helped spread some holiday cheer! 36 Ruled supreme in the reindeer games of 2015! 22 Collected 10 stockings. 26 Delivered a Christmas present using the EPDS in 2015! 22 Acquired the needed items to brew up some magical dust. 22 Freed Santa's elves from their stony imprisonment. 21 Recovered ten presents stolen by a band of Christmas bandits. 20 Recovered the Eye of Medusa from Scrooge. 31 Captured a Christmas bandit before he could ruin the holidays. 38 Gobbled up all of the other turkeys and proved to be the best turkey on Thanksgiving 2015. 30 Fully explored the 2015 Turkey Days Corn Maze! 33 Hunted down a turkey and cooked it Alter Aeon style! 35 Helped some pals to kill Armageath the Tree of Eternal Night. 34 Ended the plans of a dark sect to free the exiled titans from the nightmare plane. 34 Entered the clearing in the Valley of Shadows and destroyed the armageath tree. 33 Braved the Valley of Shadows and eliminated The dark druid Nikadimas. 31 Defeated Zulcann the dark necromancer, closing the gateway that was allowing the darkuri into this world. 31 Sought out the green man of the forest for more information about the mysterious black seed. 31 Rescued some researchers from being devoured by a bunch of plants. 30 Saved a small farming community from an undead invasion. 29 Rescued an injured farmer. 28 Investigated a village and put an end to the necromancer raising children into zombies. 38 Smashed and bashed, talked some trash, but in the end won the monster mash of 2015! 39 Exterminated a large, creepy death roach before it infested an entire city. 24 Gathered a sample from a Darkuri and returned it to Rundahl. 29 Hunted down and exterminated a darkuri on Halloween 2015. 37 Ran with Alvis in a Death March during the Labor Daybor Mini-event 40 Completed Wave 70 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Completed Wave 50 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Ran with Boreas in a Death March during the Labor Daybor Mini-event 40 Completed Wave 40 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Ran with Morpheus in a Death March during the Labor Daybor Mini-event 37 Ran with Gandor in a Death March during the Labor Daybor Mini-event 40 Ran with Shadowfax in a Death March during the Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Completed Wave 60 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Completed Wave 30 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Completed Wave 20 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 39 Completed Wave 10 of the Puzzlewood Labor Daybor Mini-event 37 Completed Shadowfax's firewalking challenge! 40 Completed Wave 50 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 37 Completed Wave 1 of the Puzzlewood survival challenge 21 Went to steal a leprechaun's treasure and he beat me to it! 21 Stole a leprechaun's treasure on St. Paddy's day in 2015! 24 Helped Wee Willie Winkie the leprechaun to get ready for the Leprechaun party of 2015. 25 Saved the new year baby from the clutches of Jack Frost. 28 Joined in on the fun in celebrating the New Year! 22 Valiantly rushed to put an end to the frost goblin raid upon the world. 21 Helped to clean up the world by collecting the EPDS misfires. 23 Worked with Scrooge to prevent Santa from just giving toys away for free. 24 Helped Santa find his lost sleigh deer for Xmas 2014. 23 Found and returned Comet to the stable. 23 Found and returned Dasher to the stable. 24 Found and returned Dancer to the stable. 24 Found and returned Prancer to the stable. 24 Found and returned Vixen to the stable. 23 Found and returned Cupid to the stable. 24 Found and returned Blitzen to the stable. 24 Found and returned Donner to the stable. 23 starter quest 29 Helped slay a giant mutant turkey for Thanksgiving 2014! 28 Fully explored the 2014 Turkey Days Corn Maze! 35 Victorious in the 2014 Turkey Day Arena! 33 Burnt a spoiled and rotten turkey to prevent others from getting sick on Thanksgiving. 22 Provided a delicious baked turkey for a homeless family for Thanksgiving 2014! 34 Fearlessly slew a menacing scarecrow for Thanksgiving 2014! 21 Participated in the Great Turkey Massacre of 2014! 37 Banded together with a group of heroes to destroy a gateway to the spirit world. 37 Banded together with a group of heroes to destroy a gateway to the spirit world. 38 Received a new ectovac. 36 Sent some ghosts to their final resting place during the Halloween Havoc of 2014. 29 Played messenger for the Research Guild. 37 Baked a birthday cake for Dentin! 36 Combined cake pieces together! 41 Fell for Salk's April Fools Day prank in 2014'! 38 [19th anniversary event] Placed a spell network anchor 39 [19th anniversary event] Brought arjale ore for forging 35 [19th anniversary event] Donated a suncatcher to the cause 36 [19th anniversary event] Discovered the zombie's weakness 41 [19th anniversary event] Helped to secure the western cities 38 [19th anniversary event] Found the silver paged book 39 [19th anniversary event] Found the dusty manuscript 36 [19th anniversary event] Searched for a way to break the runaway spell 35 [19th anniversary event] Delivered messages through the zombie swarm 34 [19th anniversary event] Warn the city of Orton 34 [19th anniversary event] Warn the desert city of Linholt 34 [19th anniversary event] Warn the Thalenwood elves 34 [19th anniversary event] Discover the source of the zombie invasion 34 [19th anniversary event] Gather information from the western guards and Firbolgs 33 [19th anniversary event] Warn nearby towns about the possible zombie threat 38 Dismembered frankenstein into pieces on halloween 2013! 36 Put a stop to Zankous second attempt at a demon invasion on Halloween 2013. 21 Helped to turn the haunters into the haunted on Halloween 2013! 24 Egged a pal on halloween, leaving them with egg on their face! 37 Saved the Ethereal Plane of Fire from being used by the Scalding Lord to blow up the Northern Ocean. 37 Delivered mephit leavings to the Red Mage 37 Rescued the innocent by defeating a giant demonic leprechaun on Saint Paddy's day! 30 Bested a leprechaun and stole his prized possession on St. Paddy's day. 38 [18th anniversary event] Defeated the great ice demon in his stronghold 36 Defeated but did not kill the great frost dragon, Khir Ablishak 43 [18th anniversary event] Brought down the wards around the ice fortress! 37 [18th anniversary event] Helped recover knowledge of ancient ward spells 36 [18th anniversary event] Found the ancient books on ward spells 36 [18th anniversary event] Exposed the ward network around the ice fortress 34 Defeated the ancient warrior in mortal combat. 30 Helped slay a giant mutant turkey for Thanksgiving 2012! 29 Provided a delicious baked turkey for a homeless family for Thanksgiving 2012! 26 Participated in the Great Turkey Massacre of 2012. 30 Cook a turkey in a stove? Bah! I did it Alter Aeon style! 33 Holy Leaping Leprechauns 2009! 30 Helped Shadowfax steal Christmas! 32 Participated in the 2008 Thanksgiving Day Turkey hunt! 33 Created havoc on Halloween! 37 Joined the great turkey hunt of 2007. 33 Donated books to the monastery of dreams. Time of last save: Wed Oct 16 07:20:00 2024

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