Alter Aeon Player Lookup
Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and
probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: master
Proper name: Master
Ground string: Master is here frantically thumbing his iphone.
Title: [31 21 32 26] (ppk)Master Vivi, the black mage
Created: Thu Jul 3 16:59:34 2003
Description -----------------------------------------------------
___ ___
/\__\ ___ /\__\ ___
/:/ / /\ \ /:/ / /\ \
/:/ / \:\ \ /:/ / \:\ \
/:/__/ ___ /::\__\ /:/__/ ___ /::\__\
|:| | /\__\ __/:/\/__/ |:| | /\__\ __/:/\/__/
|:| |/:/ / /\/:/ / |:| |/:/ / /\/:/ /
|:|__/:/ / \::/__/ |:|__/:/ / \::/__/
\::::/__/ \:\__\ \::::/__/ \:\__\
---- \/__/ ---- \/__/
Personality -----------------------------------------------------
Master is about 5'9, and of athletic build, with dark green eyes that
remind you of a lush forest. His hair is dark brown, almost black, and
kept in better shape than most of the women you pass by on your travels.
He is light skinned, and has a clear face. His age seems to be unknown,
as he looks young, but when you look in his eyes, you can tell that they
are full of wisdom only an ancient could have. He looks small at first
glance, but don't underestimate him, as he looks to be hiding his
strength. This is one Assassin you do not want to mess with.
The air turns to purple fire as you summon forth your energy and attack A tired dwarf!
You gain a practice!
You gain 703320 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed A tired dwarf for 5664 damage, freak 32.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of A tired dwarf, mortally wounding him.
(notify) Master backstabbed The royal assassin for 3136 damage, freak 2.
(notify) Master backstabbed A tired dwarf for 3024 damage, freak 2.
A shatjan gate guard doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 353637 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed a shatjan gate guard for 3024 damage, freak 4.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of a shatjan gate guard, mortally wounding him.
(notify) Master backstabbed An Officer of the Royal Army for 3654 damage, freak 2.
(notify) Master backstabbed an Italian man for 3920 damage, freak 4.
The royal assassin doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 275666 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed The royal assassin for 3552 damage, freak 4.
The royal assassin doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 526496 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed The royal assassin for 6784 damage, freak 4.
(notify) Master backstabbed a beat up rag dummy for 10260 damage, freak 4.
(notify) Master backstabbed The great Falgur for 3794 damage, freak 4.
(notify) Master backstabbed Jakob the Tanner for 3776 damage, freak 4.
(notify) Master backstabbed Sneak for 7632 damage, freak 4.
You think to yourself, 'KAO-KEN ATTACK!' and spring into action!
You gain 409773 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed The royal assassin for 13200 damage, freak 8.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of The royal assassin, mortally wounding him.
You think to yourself, 'KAO-KEN ATTACK!' and spring into action!
You gain 205632 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed a sleeping girl for 6624 damage, freak 8.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of a sleeping girl, mortally wounding her.
You think to yourself, 'KAO-KEN ATTACK!' and spring into action!
You gain 250333 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed Jakob the Tanner for 4032 damage, freak 8.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of Jakob the Tanner, mortally wounding him.
You think to yourself, 'KAO-KEN ATTACK!' and spring into action!
You gain 238632 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed The old hippie for 3960 damage, freak 8.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of The old hippie, mortally wounding it.
History ---------------------------------------------------------
You think to yourself, 'KAO-KEN ATTACK!' and spring into action!
You gain 1851268 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed The magi for 5376 damage, freak 8.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of The magi, mortally wounding it.
The magus leans forward and seems to go down on one knee.. as his corporeal body disappears!
You receive 222000 experience.
You think to yourself, 'KAO-KEN ATTACK!' and spring into action!
You gain 1636992 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed Jakob the Tanner for 4480 damage, freak 8.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of Jakob the Tanner, mortally wounding him.
A Morlock warrior doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 565412 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed a Morlock warrior for 3240 damage, freak 4.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of a Morlock warrior, mortally wounding him.
Hansel the Innkeeper doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 249200 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed Hansel the Innkeeper for 4080 damage, freak 4.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of Hansel the Innkeeper, mortally wounding him.
Baca, the underpriestess of Seth doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 606505 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed Baca, the underpriestess of Seth for 3248 damage, freak 4.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of Baca, the underpriestess of Seth, mortally wounding her.
A trider doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 307105 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed a trider for 4166 damage, freak 4.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of a trider, mortally wounding it.
Frank doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 483458 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 11232 damage, freak 4.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of Frank, mortally wounding him.
A black belt fighter doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 448239 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed a black belt fighter for 3124 damage, freak 4.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of a black belt fighter, mortally wounding him.
A black belt fighter is mortally wounded, and will die soon if not aided.
A dancer doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 199111 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed A dancer for 3150 damage, freak 4.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of A dancer, mortally wounding him.
Jakob the Tanner doesn't even see you coming...
You gain 591963 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed Jakob the Tanner for 3196 damage, freak 4.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of Jakob the Tanner, mortally wounding him.
You circle behind a troop of baboons and find a perfect opportunity!
You gain 521620 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed a troop of baboons for 5336 damage, freak 2.
a troop of baboons looks mildly annoyed as you place a blood-stained lance in their back.
You circle behind a trider and find a perfect opportunity!
You gain 135062 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed a trider for 4118 damage, freak 2.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of a trider, mortally wounding it.
You circle behind a trider and find a perfect opportunity!
You gain 268974 experience!
(notify) Master backstabbed a trider for 3360 damage, freak 2.
You place a blood-stained lance in the back of a trider, mortally wounding it.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 5472 damage, freak 2.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 10368 damage, freak 2.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 5544 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 5292 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 3448 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 3024 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 3528 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 3822 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 4914 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 3528 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 3420 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 3132 damage.
(notify) Master backstabbed Frank for 6144 damage.
Level Mage: 31 Cler: 21 Thie: 32 Warr: 26 Necr: 2 Drui: 0
Total levels in all classes: 112
Fame: 188
Level Feats Performed ---------------------------------
43 Slew Magmos' guard familiar, the beholder Ralkaross
45 Slew the Fire Tower's guild leader, Tir'Roscha
43 Earned the rank of 'Flame Apprentice' in the Fire Towers' guild
43 Earned the rank of 'Burning Hand' in the Fire Towers' guild
42 Earned the rank of 'Candle' in the Fire Towers' guild
47 Destroyed the Antidentin
48 Flamed the forum troll
45 Slew the Deep Dragon
44 Defeated one of Ali Baba's forty thieves
45 Eliminated the perverted sorceror, Dr'Majj Tal.
44 Eliminated the ancient assassin, Kr'Path Tal
45 Eliminated the gnawing hunger, Muug'Vl Tal.
38 Defeated Vesden the Conquerer restoring peace to the city of Linholt.
42 Did compete one-on-one with a sumo wrestler and was victorious.
45 Sacrificed life and limb to defeat the maniacal Korrok!
38 Defeated the Mountain King and obtained Peacekeeper, sword of order
41 Correctly answered a gynosphinx's riddle.
45 Released the thirteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the seventh of 22 evils upon the world.
41 Marked with ill-favor by sea for slaying an albatross.
3 Killed one of the protected animals of the clearing.
30 Assassinated the alchemist on behalf of the shadowy demon.
45 Released the third of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the fourteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the first of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the twelfth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the twenty-second of the 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the fourth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the eighth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the eighteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the tenth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the fifteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the ninth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the nineteenth of 22 evils upon the world.
45 Released the sixth of 22 evils upon the world.
42 Doomed the great auks to extinction.
41 Doomed the dodos to extinction.
35 Retrieved Jesric's spellbook from the outer planar ice world
43 Survived and won a battle with Atlantian Elite Royal Guards
45 Survived an encounter with the Unnamed Ones.
43 Saved Ubar from Rub'Al-Khani, servant of Talos
43 Eliminated Rub'Al-Kali, evil servant of the Amir
42 Rescued a soldier of the Naginag Combine from imprisonment.
41 Found right side of tablet.
7 Defeated the ferocious mugwump on behalf of a retired hunter.
43 Found and defeated The last of the fallen magi
18 Exterminated the master tonberry saving the moogle village.
37 Passed the test of the Mind.
45 Murdered an innocent, defenseless, and lost faerie infant. You evil bastard.
44 Defeated the elemental lord, the Water Baron.
43 Defeated the Mist Dragon of Avalon.
40 Slew the sickly kobold prince in cold blood
10 Severed the head of the goblin hunter & gave the proof to the chief!
8 Stole the church's meager donations.
28 Ate the kitten.
41 Penetrated the Heart of Tirgoth, and devastated the Ent society
44 Restored the Shield of the Dark Lord
39 Victorious over the bloodied champion of the Jo'Kerin arena
42 Reassembled SoulReaper, Sword of the Nine Hells
5 Found the needle in the haystack!
33 Restored the legendary dwarven bracelet.
25 Slew Locos, the terror under the well
25 Purged the world of Nafien's taint.
39 Assaulted the elderly.
Level Deeds Accomplished ---------------------------------
6 Taught some punk kid a lesson he'll never forget.
40 Returned the king's worldly possessions to Queen Calene.
40 Provided a thirsty child with much needed water
43 Successfully completed the druids quest of honor!
45 Is an honorary Battle Master of the Tower of Power
18 Put a stop to the abuse of a child.
43 Gave Drache the brilliant sand dragon his antidote
17 Brought a farmer's daughter home to rest.
42 Crowned Tarrant the Overlord of Emerald City.
43 Found the crown.
44 Obtained the black pearl necklace of Montezuma
5 Chatted up the Mayor of Vemarken on behalf of the general storekeeper.
36 Defeated the bear marauding through the forest southwest of Ralnoth
Level Legacy Quests ---------------------------------
39 [15th anniversary event] Found a shard of the stone monolith
30 Smashed a bottle over an unsuspecting victim's head in honor of Thanksgiving 2009!
31 Smashed and pulverized some pumpkins on Halloween!
Time of last save: Wed May 15 15:20:00 2013
This page has been referenced 25330 times since last boot.