Alter Aeon Player Lookup
Note - player title and descriptions are settable by the player and
probably do not reflect the views of the administration.
Name: raa
Proper name: Raa
Ground string: Raa is here.
Title: moves through the days until Kralizec. NIGHT SD
Created: Sat Oct 18 01:11:44 2003
Description -----------------------------------------------------
You see before you a small dark man, as wide
about the shoulders as he is tall. His powerful
physical presence radiates menace, but it is only
when you look into his crazed eyes that you find
yourself moving away without meaning to...
Personality -----------------------------------------------------
"There must be some kind of way out of here,"
said the joker to the thief,
"There's too much confusion,
I can't get no relief.
Businessmen they drink my wine,
plowmen dig my earth
None of them along the line
know what any of it is worth."
"No reason to get excited,"
the thief, he kindly spoke
"There are many here among us
who feel that life is but a joke.
But you and I, we've been through that
and this is not our fate
So let us not talk falsely now,
the hour is getting late"
All along the watchtower
Princes kept the view
While all the women came and went
Barefoot servants, too
Outside in the cold distance
A wildcat did growl
Two riders were approaching
And the wind began to howl
To know Raa, scream his name into the howling wind.
Hear what the critics have to say about Raa:
"If you see three movies this year...don't sit next to Raa for any of them!
2 thumbs down on Raa" -- S & E
"Every thousand years, a child is born to avenge the undefended, right the
wronged, and restore the world to balance. That child is not Raa!" -- Seers
of B'Goth
Marth tells you, 'RAA' Marth tells you, 'i hate your guts' -- an unimaginative
but devoted critic.
"I don't fear none of my enemies, I don't fear bullets from uzis, I've been
dealing with something worse than these: RAA!" -- BEP
xp Glorida: raa is weird xp Glorida: opos you're on? -- a careless critic
Hear what the fans have to say about Raa:
Gwyn tells you, 'raa!' -- a devoted fan
Heart says, 'nice name' -- a lovable old soul
Thrash says, 'good name' -- a warrior at peace with himself
askstefen Merneau: ra'a'a'a''a'a'a'a'a'aaaa'a'a'''a''a''a'aa! -- an excited
Myst tells you, 'ara' Myst tells you, 'er i mean raa' -- a swirling mist
Smith says, 'raa! raa!' -- a quixotic punk
Tatung tells the group, 'raa, you're a monster' Elton tells the group,
'indeed' -- some observant fans
An old soldier says, 'diablo!' -- a perspicious old fan
Tia tells you, 'I said raa, now be a pal and put me in your
damn history.' -- a bored but formidable young woman.
Jamgirl replies to you, 'you're not a bot. just superhuman' -- a foxy fan
Unclejemima slips from the shadows. Unclejemima screams, 'RAA! -- a dirty old vodoo priest
Vember tells you, 'RAA!' -- a curiously short uberwench
History ---------------------------------------------------------
Quotes from around the mud:
Jamgirl tells the group, 'exploring is so taxing'
Void shouts, 'You are too stupid and evil to realize you do not exist.'
xp Tim: why is everyone a smart ass on here?
elfs Oedipus: Now are you calling me mofo figuratively, or literally?
ice Draak: this ain't Xanth
Watery auctions, 'gold means so little to me. there must be something wrong with me.'
(ppk) Dentin: reply dude, I use my god powers all the time to figure out
where you are so I can ppk you with my mort
(ppk) Dentin: mischan
xp Smith: all your xp are belong to me!
Kaoken gossips, 'you can be polite and decent and let someone know
you don't agree with them'
doom Prism: did i tell you about the spahgetti dream?
doom Prism: oof its a long one
[tazzy] Beauty: hey i got an idea
[tazzy] Beauty: neneko can be my slave
[tazzy] Neneko: this is the worst idea you've ever had
Stefen gossips, 'You're letting what someone says on a text game bother you?'
ice Shadowfax: i'm a bit fiery
A strong blacksmith *** ANNIHILATES *** Shift!
Shift tells the group, 'got annihilated'
none Myst: fuck love and understanding, we need to administer some pfile wiping
ice Bolt: im not all that bad, i am vulgar but i am ultimately kind.
Smith tells the group, 'best defense is a good offense'
Smith tells the group, 'they can't heal you when you're dead'
doom Jax: level 33 coming anytime soon?
Pakufax tells the group, 'i dont fail every spell'
Pakufax tells the group, 'i just cant see my elemental lore'
Axl gossips, 'yeah i'm in retard world'
Jamgirl tells the group, 'the short for displace '
Jamgirl tells the group, 'is not disp'
Braveheart newbies, 'What should I do if someone steals my kill?'
Malcolm newbies, 'kill em'
ice Samon: [...] if your really gay, i'm sorry i didn't know and if you are then uh,
well when i say "fag" i'm not trying to make like a mean remark towards you,
i've just had enough bad expirences with gay people to check myself before i hang out
around them
glorida Prism: im a girl, im unfamiliar with the concept, isnt consent automatic?
[samon] Dentin: You are fucking gay. STFU.
[samon] Dentin: muwahahaha
Alleira newbies, 'y0u h@v3 2 r33d th3 h3lp p@g35!
smith Smith: Even though you or your government previously held title to a number of lunar
facilities and space stations, I regret to inform you that we have taken control of them.
In the case where we haven't taken control of said facility, we still claim it as our own.
In other words, you are hereby denied all access to the aforementioned sovereignties.
Kutsu says, 'does a dentin give much exp?'
(ppk) Tyrant: For all I know you're a shit talker.
ice Draak: estoy asi asi
ice Draak: y tu?
ice Shift: resfriado :(
ninja Void: everyone knows that you're not a real ninja unless you're ppk
[none] Myst: im totally mystified now
Wyvren gossips, 'i built dentin in my basement to creat code'
Wyvren gossips, 'i mean sure the project ran amok but im not building more of them
Ashley newbies, 'where is the bear?'
Sirand newbies, 'all the eay west and then south in the newbie forest'
Kaoken newbies, 'in general giving out exact directions to a deed is frowned upon, try not to do it.'
Smith newbies, 'yeah people should earn the newbie bear deed'
Smith newbies, 'otherwise everyone would have it'
doom Doa Animus Messor: Well it's just like any other multi-user game,
people are going to be dumb and pricks
none Prism: well shooting is safe for coed naked virgins
Nubdestroyerx gossips, 'Recall then type quit ha ha'
Nubdestroyerx gossips, 'You've been owned'
glorida Cloak: Patience must keep patience
Void tells you, 'why does everyone shout your name when I restore?'
Level Mage: 30 Cler: 23 Thie: 31 Warr: 31 Necr: 14 Drui: 0
Microlevel Mage: 2 Cler: 0 Thie: 4 Warr: 0 Necr: 2 Drui: 0
Total levels in all classes: 129
Fame: 264
Level Feats Performed ---------------------------------
45 Eliminated the gnawing hunger, Muug'Vl Tal.
44 Slew the under krakken.
38 Defeated Vesden the Conquerer restoring peace to the city of Linholt.
43 Found and defeated The last of the fallen magi
38 Defeated the Mountain King and obtained Peacekeeper, sword of order
44 Acquired the Tome of Bone.
45 Bull's eyed a magical target.
35 Retrieved a wisp of flame for the alchemist Abicus from the outer planar fire world.
35 Retrieved some yellow dust for Kila the sorceress from the outer planar fire world.
45 Reclaimed the lost scepter of the Sorcerer King.
45 Acquired the Tome of Flesh.
45 Acquired the Tome of Blood.
46 Evicted the Hydragon from its watery domain, permanently!
48 has killed the chest mimic.
46 has killed the iron maiden.
46 has killed the giant deathstalker.
46 has killed the jade spider.
46 has killed the ethereal dragon.
46 Thwarted the aboleth ruler's plan for world domination.
40 Retrieved the Lost Spear of the Ancients
44 Destroyed the supposedly indestructible Battle Machine.
45 Slaughtered the barracuda saving the draconian food supply!
44 Has been cursed by the Time Dragon, and is hopelessly doomed.
13 Obtained the silver ring of the Gatekeeper
44 Defeated the worm horde and slew Spelldrinker, Mana Worm.
45 Saved the world from Herbanth the Rampant.
45 Banished the Arch-Fiend, Asranth.
18 Exterminated the master tonberry saving the moogle village.
45 Slew Susami, the yellow wyrm
43 Defeated the Mist Dragon of Avalon.
34 Slew the fearsome Dragon of the Ice Realm
45 Slew Lux, the ancient red dragon
46 Eliminated the dark scion of dragonkin, Uppsala Tal.
44 Defeated the elemental lord, the Water Baron.
37 Passed the test of the Body.
41 Penetrated the Heart of Tirgoth, and devastated the Ent society
44 Defeated one of Ali Baba's forty thieves
37 Sabotaged the great siege engine.
39 Victorious over the bloodied champion of the Jo'Kerin arena
42 Took the Malitad club away from the King
40 Slew the sickly kobold prince in cold blood
43 Rescued and reunited the paladin sisters.
43 Slew the dreaded mindflayer and took its crystal ball
35 Retrieved Jesric's spellbook from the outer planar ice world
26 Found and retrieved the Dagger of Stealth.
26 Found and retrieved the Sword of Strength.
25 Purged the world of Nafien's taint.
39 Assaulted the elderly.
25 Slew Locos, the terror under the well
Level Deeds Accomplished ---------------------------------
43 Discovered and toppled a dark conspiracy in the town of Marikest...
43 Returned the sacred fruit loops to the great blue toucan
47 Ransacked the Hall of Kings.
2 Brought the sunlight staff back to the encampment.
44 Obtained the black pearl necklace of Montezuma
15 Slew Roch'tar, master of the catacombs
Level Legacy Quests ---------------------------------
33 Holy Leaping Leprechauns 2009!
35 Slew the legendary basilisk and obtained the Silver Bow of the Moon
31 Helped construct the monastery of Dreams.
37 Competed in the First Annual Dje Well Wet T-Shirt Contest!
Time of last save: Sat Sep 17 15:40:00 2016
This page has been referenced 6389 times since last boot.