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Alter Aeon Quests

Quest Name:  Procured a worldly wonder from Shil'tara
Location:    The city of Atlantis
Area Level:  37

Approximate rarity (scale from 1 to 9):     9
Average level of players who complete it:  39

Zotiko, the proprietor of the Worldly Wonders curiosity shop is hoping that
you might be able to help him acquire a very specific item from Shil'tara.
Seek him out for more information. 

Related and nearby quests on The Mainland of Atmir

Level Align Name -------------------------------------------------------- 37 Survived and won a battle with Atlantian Elite Royal Guards 39 Recovered a missing heirloom for a wealthy Atlantian 39 Ambushed an international courier and stole his delivery 39 Assassinated princess Ariadne 39 Earned the respect of the Atlantis underworld 39 Discovered a mermaid's name 40 Made a delivery for a worried dock hand 40 Fixed a leak and saved the city 40 Delivered a princess her favourite flower 40 Brought chief magistrate Kosokov's killer to justice 40 Stole a priceless masterpiece 40 Recovered a keepsake for Captain Jack 42 Defeated the weapon masters of Atlantis

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