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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Temple Donation Room ('list' to see items)
Location:    The City of Ralnoth, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 29

All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis.  Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.

Back to the list of all shops.

   [  Price] Worn on head:
   [      0] (lvl  30) an imperial hanburi
   [      0] (lvl  33) Mask of the Dominatrix
   [      0] (lvl  33) a llama hair extension
   [      0] (lvl  35) a ceramic helmet
   [      0] (tot 143) a beaded stone helmet
   [      0] (lvl  37) a silver gladiator's mask
   [      0] (lvl  37) a silver gladiator's mask
   [      0] (lvl  37) an emerald-studded electrum crown
   [      0] (tot 178) a hematium spiked helm

   [  Price] Worn on neck:
   [      0] (lvl  30) a solid gold pendant
   [      0] (tot 111) the regal headdress of the Pharaoh
   [      0] (tot 120) an old and dusty amulet
   [      0] (lvl  33) a dark obsidian necklace
   [      0] (lvl  34) A magical aura
   [      0] (tot 143) a black velvet cape
   [      0] (lvl  37) a white ruffled collar
   [      0] (lvl  37) a white ruffled collar
   [      0] (lvl  37) a necklace of danger-sense
   [      0] (lvl  37) a necklace of sugilite beads
   [      0] (tot 166) a thin mahogany choker

   [  Price] Worn on arms:
   [      0] (lvl  30) a pair of imperial sode
   [      0] (lvl  33) black slime-covered sleeves
   [      0] (lvl  35) sea urchin pauldrons
   [      0] (tot 156) warbands of defense

   [  Price] Worn on wrists:
   [      0] (lvl  30) a blackened steel bracer
   [      0] (lvl  32) a double strand of black seeds
   [      0] (lvl  32) a Combine issue glazed bracer
   [      0] (lvl  33) an onyx bracer
   [      0] (lvl  33) dark water bands
   [      0] (lvl  34) a Combine issue spiked leather strap
   [      0] (lvl  35) a coral bracer
   [      0] (lvl  35) a silvery bracelet of luck
   [      0] (lvl  36) a bracelet of gold and agates
   [      0] (tot 143) a beaded stone bracer
   [      0] (tot 161) a black obsidian charm
   [      0] (tot 166) A studded leather bracer
   [      0] (tot 174) a black houndstooth pointed cuff
   [      0] (lvl  32) officers' insignia

   [  Price] Worn on hands:
   [      0] (lvl  33) shoulder length black latex gloves
   [      0] (tot 128) adamantium bound crystal gauntlets
   [      0] (lvl  35) heavy living scale gloves
   [      0] (lvl  35) sea urchin handguards
   [      0] (lvl  35) doeskin gloves
   [      0] (tot 143) beaded stone gloves
   [      0] (tot 144) heavy black leather gauntlets
   [      0] (tot 160) a pair of dragon-claw tekko

   [  Price] Worn on fingers:
   [      0] (lvl  29) a blue ring
   [      0] (lvl  30) a carved bone ring
   [      0] (lvl  31) a warden's signet ring
   [      0] (tot 114) a red steel ring
   [      0] (lvl  33) a dark amber ring
   [      0] (lvl  33) A plain silvery ring
   [      0] (tot 123) a sun engraved ring
   [      0] (tot 126) a gleaming sunstone ring
   [      0] (tot 138) an ancient bronze ring
   [      0] (tot 140) a dragonsteel ring
   [      0] (lvl  36) a fire-ward ring
   [      0] (lvl  37) a ring of blackstone
   [      0] (lvl  37) a blue pearl ring
   [      0] (tot 153) a moon-kissed ring
   [      0] (tot 165) a ring of ebonwood
   [      0] (tot 166) A small golden band

   [  Price] Worn on body:
   [      0] (lvl  30) a priestly white robe
   [      0] (lvl  31) King Tut's Royal wrappings
   [      0] (lvl  31) a spotted jaguar tlahuiztli
   [      0] (lvl  33) white leather minidress
   [      0] (lvl  33) a black hauberk
   [      0] (lvl  33) a set of tattered chestnut brown robes
   [      0] (tot 128) the harness we wear to not be naked
   [      0] (tot 128) a flapping robe of flatulence
   [      0] (lvl  34) a filthy fur tunic

   [  Price] Worn about body:
   [      0] (tot 115) Tough manticore hide
   [      0] (tot 120) a flaming shroud of heated magma
   [      0] (tot 125) a goatskin cloak
   [      0] (lvl  36) a powder blue brocade coat
   [      0] (lvl  37) a platinum threaded robe
   [      0] (lvl  37) a platinum threaded robe
   [      0] (lvl  37) a black and red cape
   [      0] (lvl  37) a cheetah skin cape
   [      0] (lvl  32) a navy blue capote

   [  Price] Worn on waist:
   [      0] (lvl  34) a belt of balance
   [      0] (lvl  36) a ceremonial bronze girth
   [      0] (lvl  38) a delicate gold chain
   [      0] (lvl  40) a simple rope belt

   [  Price] Worn on legs:
   [      0] (lvl  29) a pair of dirty brown pants
   [      0] (lvl  30) an imperial haidate
   [      0] (lvl  30) stylish brown pants
   [      0] (tot 128) sleek leather pants
   [      0] (tot 154) saffron silk hakama
   [      0] (tot 174) a pair of giant black scorpion shell knee pads

   [  Price] Worn on feet:
   [      0] (lvl  30) black open toe leather sandals
   [      0] (lvl  31) toe loop sandals
   [      0] (lvl  32) soft black boots
   [      0] (lvl  33) white leather boots
   [      0] (lvl  33) white ankleboots
   [      0] (lvl  33) black leather sandals
   [      0] (tot 128) boots of the infinite trek through darkness
   [      0] (lvl  34) red leather boots
   [      0] (lvl  35) boots of deflection
   [      0] (tot 159) black wool tabi
   [      0] (tot 166) a pair of worn leather boots
   [      0] (tot 178) a set of hematium spiked boots

   [  Price] Shields:
   [      0] (lvl  33) a massive rock shield
   [      0] (lvl  33) a heavy black tower shield
   [      0] (lvl  33) a heavy wooden spiked shield
   [      0] (lvl  35) a ceramic shield
   [      0] (lvl  37) a Naginag Watch buckler

   [  Price] Held:
   [      0] (lvl  30) a tasseled wakizashi
   [      0] (tot 109) a golden griffon claw
   [      0] (lvl  31) the royal ankh of the Pharaoh
   [      0] (lvl  31) the Magius Staff of Fire
   [      0] (lvl  32) a glowing red-hot coal
   [      0] (lvl  34) rarefied air
   [      0] (lvl  35) A fabric-bound book of spells
   [      0] (lvl  37) a wooden druidic spellstaff of thorn armor
   [      0] (lvl  37) a brass chimera scepter
   [      0] (tot 154) a black opal orb
   [      0] (lvl  39) a razorback tusk
   [      0] (lvl  39) a Jubokko branch
   [      0] (lvl  30) Nothing.

   [  Price] Two handed weapon:
   [      0] (tot 154) a black ice lance
   [      0] (tot 157) an energy bow

   [  Price] One handed weapon:
   [      0] (lvl  31) a tasseled katana
   [      0] (tot 121) A gigantic alligator skin whip
   [      0] (lvl  33) a spiked ball mace
   [      0] (lvl  34) an iron javelin
   [      0] (lvl  36) a quadruple-headed flail
   [      0] (lvl  38) a black nightstick
   [      0] (tot 159) a flaming dragon's breath katana
   [      0] (lvl  40) a handful of fire
   [      0] (lvl  40) a handful of fire
   [      0] (lvl  40) a handful of fire
   [      0] (lvl  40) a handful of fire

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [      0] (lvl  30) a shamanic scroll of vulnerability
   [      0] (lvl  30) a stack of titanium billets
   [      0] (lvl  30) an issue arrow
   [      0] (lvl  31) a small bladder of green fluid
   [      0] (lvl  31) a saffron milkcap
   [      0] (lvl  31) a bauxite sling bullet
   [      0] (lvl  31) a desert rose
   [      0] (lvl  32) a small bladder of green fluid
   [      0] (lvl  32) harlot's veil fungus
   [      0] (lvl  33) a bottle of tabasco sauce
   [      0] (lvl  34) a pine truffle
   [      0] (tot 129) a yeti hide
   [      0] (lvl  35) some bone marrow
   [      0] (lvl  35) a horse nettle
   [      0] (lvl  35) the wand of boldness
   [      0] (lvl  35) a bloodthorn scar
   [      0] (lvl  35) a northern wild ginger root
   [      0] (lvl  35) a skin filled with red fluid
   [      0] (tot 139) a flawless epidote
   [      0] (lvl  36) a goblet of fire
   [      0] (lvl  36) a fishing gig
   [      0] (lvl  37) a medium pelt from a red wolf
   [      0] (lvl  37) a wild rose
   [      0] (tot 150) a pristine zerleg hide
   [      0] (lvl  38) mummy dust
   [      0] (lvl  39) a sprig of Ramanekean mint
   [      0] (tot 163) a studded steel sling bullet
   [      0] (lvl  40) a red-figure amphora
   [      0] (lvl  40) a black-figure krater
   [      0] (lvl  41) a kauri wood chest
   [      0] (lvl  41) a kauri wood chest
   [      0] (lvl  41) a kauri wood chest
   [      0] (lvl  41) a kauri wood chest
   [      0] (lvl  41) a kauri wood chest
   [      0] (tot 173) a shadow bolt
   [      0] (tot 174) a rowan grip


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