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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Pit of Charity
Location:    The City of Fonts, Purnima, The Realms of Light
Recommended Level: 45

All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis.  Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.

Back to the list of all shops.

   [  Price] Worn on head:
   [      0] (tot 168) a Gohk Shin mask
   [      0] (tot 174) a death mask
   [      0] (tot 175) an enclosed green jade kabuto

   [  Price] Worn on neck:
   [      0] (tot 164) a black sun talisman
   [      0] (lvl  40) a solar disc amulet
   [      0] (lvl  40) an ancient jade monkey pendant
   [      0] (tot 173) a lucky double dragon nickel silver necklace

   [  Price] Worn on arms:
   [      0] (tot 159) a pair of smoky gray quartzhide sleeves
   [      0] (tot 165) a gold armband
   [      0] (tot 166) the Untouchable Sode
   [      0] (tot 169) Dark Legionaire insignia

   [  Price] Worn on wrists:
   [      0] (tot 153) a water drake scale bracer
   [      0] (tot 161) a black obsidian charm

   [  Price] Worn on fingers:
   [      0] (tot 160) a jade ring of willpower
   [      0] (tot 164) the Signet of Shenlong
   [      0] (lvl  40) an ancient jade monkey ring

   [  Price] Worn on body:
   [      0] (lvl  38) a padded black shitagi
   [      0] (lvl  39) a battered iron breastplate
   [      0] (tot 166) ash chitin body armor
   [      0] (tot 175) the Gi of Harmony

   [  Price] Worn on waist:
   [      0] (lvl  38) ancient haidate
   [      0] (tot 159) a black uwa-obi

   [  Price] Worn on legs:
   [      0] (tot 174) a pair of patchwork leather kneepads
   [      0] (tot 174) a pair of black cashmere tights
   [      0] (tot 171) a smattering of runed black bands

   [  Price] Worn on feet:
   [      0] (lvl  38) insubstantial boots
   [      0] (tot 159) black wool tabi

   [  Price] Shields:
   [      0] (tot 163) an ancient steel shirudo

   [  Price] Held:
   [      0] (tot 153) a tin plate
   [      0] (tot 160) a green fluorspar rod
   [      0] (lvl  40) a wooden druidic spellstaff of thorn armor
   [      0] (lvl  90) a smooth, black stone

   [  Price] Two handed weapon:
   [      0] (tot 170) an ash-handled yari

   [  Price] One handed weapon:
   [      0] (lvl  39) a crude iron axe
   [      0] (lvl  40) an iron longsword
   [      0] (tot 172) a juniper-handled copper pick
   [      0] (tot 173) a naginata of manslaughter

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [      0] (lvl  39) a goat horn
   [      0] (lvl  39) a Xidan sickle arrow
   [      0] (lvl  40) montan wax
   [      0] (lvl  40) diatomaceous earth
   [      0] (lvl  40) a red-figure amphora
   [      0] (lvl  40) a black-figure krater
   [      0] (lvl  41) agate spangles
   [      0] (lvl  41) an ash cud
   [      0] (lvl  41) a platinum burial coin
   [      0] (lvl  41) an orichalcum plate
   [      0] (tot 172) a flawless warpstone sword
   [      0] (tot 173) a shadow dart
   [      0] (tot 174) a steel pickaxe head
   [      0] (tot 174) a bee yellow glass lowball
   [      0] (lvl  42) a blade of grass
   [      0] (lvl  44) a jack-o-lantern mushroom
   [      0] (lvl  44) a branch from a creosote bush
   [      0] (lvl  44) raw black obsidian
   [      0] (lvl  44) pumice
   [      0] (lvl  45) a silver dragontongue flower
   [      0] (lvl  46) hematite ore
   [      0] (lvl  46) a gray pinkgill
   [      0] (lvl  47) talc
   [      0] (lvl  47) cattierite ore
   [      0] (lvl  47) soda niter
   [      0] (lvl  47) a moss deer antler
   [      0] (lvl  48) pyrolusite ore
   [      0] (lvl  49) cassiterite ore
   [      0] (lvl  49) crocogator blood
   [      0] (lvl  50) a jagged yellow stone
   [      0] (lvl  50) a chunk of orpiment
   [      0] (lvl  50) giant petrel stomach oil
   [      0] (lvl  50) a heavy tankard
   [      0] (lvl  50) a set of snake fangs
   [      0] (lvl  50) a twisted scrap of arjale
   [      0] (lvl  51) powdered cadmium ore
   [      0] (lvl  51) the eye of an oni
   [      0] (lvl  51) coal
   [      0] (lvl  51) a shock rock
   [      0] (lvl  54) a cracked suncatcher bottle
   [      0] (lvl  54) a piece of chalk
   [      0] (lvl  54) a bar of silver
   [      0] (lvl  55) a perovskite cluster
   [      0] (lvl  55) horn silver
   [      0] (lvl  56) a chunk of gneiss
   [      0] (lvl  57) garnierite ore
   [      0] (lvl  57) selenide ore
   [      0] (lvl  58) manganite ore
   [      0] (lvl  58) bismuthite ore
   [      0] (lvl  58) abhurite ore
   [      0] (lvl  59) tetrahedrite ore
   [      0] (lvl  59) a friedelite cluster
   [      0] (lvl  59) psilomelane ore
   [      0] (lvl  60) memory moss
   [      0] (lvl  61) bismuthinite ore
   [      0] (lvl  61) nickeline ore
   [      0] (lvl  61) an amethyst cluster
   [      0] (lvl  61) iron pyrite ore
   [      0] (lvl  61) a chunk of pitchblende
   [      0] (lvl  62) iodargyrite ore
   [      0] (lvl  63) stannite ore
   [      0] (lvl  64) a giant prospector bee egg
   [      0] (lvl  67) a piece of slime
   [      0] (lvl  67) crystallized bee pap
   [      0] (lvl  67) a hog quill
   [      0] (lvl  90) millerite ore
   [      0] (lvl  90) black-veined rock
   [      0] (lvl  98) a handful of pine needles
   [      0] (lvl 100) a small journal
   [      0] (lvl 100) a torch


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