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Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  Xorn's Exotic Spices
Location:    The Town of Zin, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 36

Note - these prices are approximate and will usually be slightly
higher than you will actually be quoted at a shop. (Use the 'list'
command in a shop for exact quotes.)  Prices may be different based
on your characters notoriety, ability to haggle, and reputation.

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Curr Item - [    260] (lvl  13) a can of Tornius' Reagent
Next Item - [      8] (lvl  19) a handful of cumin seeds

This item has the following properties:
Item: 'can tornius reagent buffer'
Weight: 20  Size: 2'2"  Level: 13
Type: SPELLCOMP   Composition: BONE
Object is:  

Item description:
Tornius' Reagent is an unusual brewing component, in that it does not
contribute to or modify the spells found in any known brews.  However, it
can often make brews more powerful, or allow more of a given brew to be
created with fewer rare components used.

What really makes the reagent special is how easy yet unobvious it is to
make.  The vast bulk of the reagent is composed of simple, nonmagical
animal milk and ground bone (again from nonmagical creatures.)  While many
types of bone powder can be used spell components, most common herd animals
are non-magical and useless for potion making.

When preparing Tornius' Reagent, the non-magical bone powder and milk are
combined in a heated cauldron with a small amount of volcanic black clay
imported from around K'tin Lake in the southeast mainland.  The properties
of the clay spread throughout the bone and milk, allowing it to be used in
brewing without changing a brew's magical makeup.

It is named after one of the old Wizard-Kings of Q'Inag, who stumbled
across the formula during a failed attempt to create blackware for
necromantic rituals. He and his wife, a priestess of Schlyne, were slain by
their son, who was horrified at their plans to build an undead army.


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