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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Kooky Tanuki Sushi Bar
Location:    Daigaku-Tatami, capital of Kurita Province, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 33

Note - these prices are approximate and will usually be slightly
higher than you will actually be quoted at a shop. (Use the 'list'
command in a shop for exact quotes.)  Prices may be different based
on your characters notoriety, ability to haggle, and reputation.

Back to the list of all shops.

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [      1] (lvl  25) an assortment of vegetarian norimaki
   [     13] (lvl  31) a plate of narezushi
   [     15] (lvl  33) an assortment of seafood norimaki
   [     45] (lvl  36) an assortment of nigiri
   [     13] (lvl  39) an order of inarizushi
   [     43] (lvl  40) an assortment of sashimi


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