Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: Vemarken Donation Room
Location: Town of Vemarken, The Island of Sloe
Recommended Level: 10
All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis. Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.
Back to the list of all shops.
[ Price] Worn on head:
[ 0] (tot 11) a pink satin tophat
[ 0] (lvl 8) a dirty black helm
[ 0] (lvl 9) an orange leather helm
[ 0] (lvl 11) a miner's cap
[ 0] (tot 20) a brown sandstone mask
[ Price] Worn on neck:
[ 0] (lvl 8) a symbol to the dark gods
[ 0] (lvl 8) the unholy symbol of Shift
[ 0] (tot 17) a fingerbone necklace
[ 0] (lvl 11) a hemp necklace with a glass encased mushroom
[ 0] (lvl 11) a shark tooth necklace
[ Price] Worn on arms:
[ 0] (lvl 10) a pair of mithril chainmail sleeves
[ 0] (lvl 11) a pair of sharkskin sleeves
[ Price] Worn on fingers:
[ 0] (lvl 8) a ring of black iron
[ Price] Worn on body:
[ 0] (lvl 9) a red and green flannel shirt
[ 0] (lvl 9) black lizard skin armor
[ 0] (lvl 10) an elkskin tunic
[ 0] (lvl 10) a reddish-brown piece of bodyarmor
[ 0] (lvl 10) a light platemail
[ 0] (lvl 10) brass mail armor
[ 0] (lvl 12) a corroded breastplate
[ Price] Worn on waist:
[ 0] (lvl 9) an orange leather belt
[ 0] (tot 16) A blood red unicorn skin belt
[ 0] (tot 17) sealskin belt
[ 0] (lvl 11) a chastity belt
[ 0] (lvl 11) a belt of coral
[ 0] (lvl 11) a purple sash
[ Price] Worn on legs:
[ 0] (lvl 8) a pair of dark brown leggings
[ 0] (lvl 8) dirty grey overalls
[ 0] (tot 12) a pair of blue pants covered in blood red roses
[ 0] (lvl 11) brown cityguard leggings
[ Price] Worn on feet:
[ 0] (lvl 9) a pair of black lizard skin boots
[ 0] (lvl 10) a pair of muddy boots
[ 0] (tot 17) sealskin boots
[ 0] (lvl 11) a pair of hobnailed boots
[ 0] (lvl 12) polished black boots
[ Price] Shields:
[ 0] (tot 17) a light oak shield
[ 0] (lvl 13) the shield of the defender
[ Price] Held:
[ 0] (lvl 8) a wand of knocking
[ 0] (lvl 11) the harp of healing
[ 0] (lvl 12) a bauble of rejuvenation
[ Price] Two handed weapon:
[ 0] (lvl 8) a bloody broad sword
[ 0] (lvl 9) an emerald green shell
[ 0] (lvl 9) an emerald green shell
[ 0] (tot 17) a gorro mallet
[ 0] (lvl 9) a mithril chainmail hauberk
[ Price] One handed weapon:
[ 0] (lvl 7) a gleaming crescent bladed axe
[ 0] (lvl 8) a black-handled dirk
[ 0] (lvl 8) a vile staff of blackwood
[ 0] (lvl 10) a hoopak staff
[ 0] (lvl 10) a crude sword
[ 0] (lvl 10) a steel hammer
[ 0] (tot 16) a copper blowgun
[ 0] (lvl 11) a bone handled dirk
[ 0] (tot 19) a boot dagger
[ 0] (lvl 12) a short wooden spear
[ Price] Miscellaneous:
[ 0] (lvl 0) a light buff potion of rejuvenate
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bottle of mushroom wine
[ 0] (lvl 0) a scroll of identify
[ 0] (lvl 0) a scroll of identify
[ 0] (lvl 0) A small cluster of Caviar
[ 0] (lvl 0) a potion of change sex labeled 'FEMALE'
[ 0] (lvl 0) a potion of change sex labeled 'MALE'
[ 0] (lvl 0) a bottle of snake oil
[ 0] (lvl 1) a small dose of steroids
[ 0] (lvl 1) a healthful potion
[ 0] (lvl 1) an alabaster box of spikenard oil
[ 0] (lvl 1) a scroll of fungus
[ 0] (lvl 1) an old, battered scroll
[ 0] (lvl 5) a blue potion of recovery
[ 0] (lvl 8) an overview of elemental power
[ 0] (lvl 8) a green gland from a spider
[ 0] (lvl 8) a marlboro 72
[ 0] (lvl 8) a small brown bag
[ 0] (lvl 9) a silver hairpin
[ 0] (lvl 10) a vial of grease
[ 0] (tot 15) a tulipwood fishing pole
[ 0] (lvl 10) a good length of high test line
[ 0] (lvl 10) a purple broadcap
[ 0] (lvl 10) a phial of unicorn blood
[ 0] (lvl 10) a collector's bag
[ 0] (lvl 10) a collector's bag
[ 0] (lvl 10) a collector's bag
[ 0] (lvl 10) a collector's bag
[ 0] (lvl 10) a collector's bag
[ 0] (lvl 10) raw mahogany obsidian
[ 0] (lvl 10) the fingertip from the claw of a tyrannosaurus rex
[ 0] (lvl 10) a slime coated helm
[ 0] (lvl 10) a flechette
[ 0] (lvl 10) reorxite ore
[ 0] (lvl 10) titanite ore
[ 0] (lvl 11) a sphene cluster
[ 0] (lvl 11) a selenite crystal
[ 0] (lvl 11) a chunk of microline
[ 0] (lvl 12) a chunk of labradorite
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