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Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  Immortals' Grace, a Clan Celestials Shop, 1 north, 1 east, 2 south, and 1 southeast from the Indira Waypoint
Location:    The Town of Indira, The Island of Kordan
Recommended Level: 12

The following items are available for sale at this time:

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Prev Item - [     25] (lvl   5) a silver potion of protection from evil
Curr Item - [     30] (lvl   5) a draw poison salve
Next Item - [     30] (lvl   5) a draw poison salve

This item has the following properties:
Item: 'jar green salve draw poison'
Weight: 1  Size: 0'4"  Level: 5
Type: POTION   Composition: GLASS
Object is:  GLOW 

Item has level 20 spells of:
draw poison

Item description:
This small glowing jar has a cap on the top and has been made out of
a green glass. Etched into the front of the jar are the words, "Draw
poison salve". This would come in handy when dealing with the undead
and their poisonous claws and bites. 


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