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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  Naphtali Donation Room
Location:    Island Kordan, town of Naphtali, The Island of Kordan
Recommended Level: 17

All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis.  Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.

Back to the list of all shops.

   [  Price] Worn on head:
   [      0] (lvl  13) a battle worn half helm
   [      0] (tot  28) a focusing headband
   [      0] (tot  29) a blue wool bicorn
   [      0] (tot  30) a feathered red cap
   [      0] (lvl  18) a jet black helmet
   [      0] (lvl  19) a viking helm
   [      0] (lvl  20) a water beetle's air bubble
   [      0] (lvl  21) a pair of caribou antlers

   [  Price] Worn on neck:
   [      0] (lvl  12) a silver leaf amulet
   [      0] (lvl  15) a small studded wolf's collar
   [      0] (lvl  15) a dusty cape
   [      0] (tot  33) a large copper neckring
   [      0] (tot  37) THE Orcish Medal of Honor
   [      0] (lvl  17) a heavily spiked dog collar
   [      0] (lvl  22) a stretched skin and wood drum
   [      0] (lvl  22) a bolo tie

   [  Price] Worn on arms:
   [      0] (lvl  15) dragonskin bracers
   [      0] (tot  38) orcish pauldrons
   [      0] (lvl  18) a pair of jet black armplates
   [      0] (lvl  20) a pair of satin blue sleeves

   [  Price] Worn on wrists:
   [      0] (tot  25) a birch bark bracer
   [      0] (lvl  18) a dull steel bracer
   [      0] (tot  45) a copper-spiked half-dragon ettin skin bracer
   [      0] (lvl  19) Thor's band
   [      0] (lvl  22) a dragon skin wrap

   [  Price] Worn on hands:
   [      0] (lvl  13) a serving platter
   [      0] (lvl  13) a set of mole claws
   [      0] (lvl  13) a pair of magical mittens
   [      0] (lvl  15) coyote paw gloves
   [      0] (lvl  18) a set of jet black gauntlets
   [      0] (lvl  18) a pair of scarlet red gauntlets
   [      0] (lvl  20) a thorny length of vine

   [  Price] Worn on fingers:
   [      0] (lvl  15) a mtorolite stone ring
   [      0] (lvl  20) a golden sunburst ring

   [  Price] Worn on body:
   [      0] (lvl  11) some used TP
   [      0] (lvl  11) a purple robe
   [      0] (lvl  13) AMF shirt
   [      0] (lvl  14) a black ringmail shirt
   [      0] (lvl  15) nightforge chainmail
   [      0] (lvl  17) a set of rusted chain-link armor
   [      0] (lvl  18) a jet black platemail
   [      0] (lvl  18) a chestnut brown robe
   [      0] (lvl  19) a padded vest
   [      0] (lvl  19) a hooded blood red robe
   [      0] (lvl  21) a rusted black metal chestplate
   [      0] (lvl  22) a charred steel breastplate

   [  Price] Worn about body:
   [      0] (lvl  13) a cow hide cape
   [      0] (lvl  14) an enchanted arctic wolf pelt
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (tot  30) a quiver of arrows
   [      0] (lvl  16) a tan hooded robe
   [      0] (lvl  16) a gray hooded robe
   [      0] (lvl  16) a fiery red cloak
   [      0] (lvl  19) an emerald green silk cloak
   [      0] (lvl  20) a simple robe
   [      0] (lvl  20) a knitted afghan
   [      0] (lvl  22) an arbalist's reinforced leather body armor

   [  Price] Worn on waist:
   [      0] (lvl  13) a knotted grass belt
   [      0] (lvl  14) a coyote skin loincloth
   [      0] (tot  27) a Red Raven belt
   [      0] (lvl  18) a leather belt with a lion-headed buckle
   [      0] (lvl  19) a tin fauld
   [      0] (lvl  20) a black leather loincloth
   [      0] (lvl  22) the belt of lost souls
   [      0] (lvl  22) a tattered loincloth
   [      0] (lvl  22) sash of the iceweaver

   [  Price] Worn on legs:
   [      0] (tot  30) red and white striped leggings
   [      0] (lvl  20) dented imperial haidate
   [      0] (lvl  13) a set of blackened metal rings

   [  Price] Worn on feet:
   [      0] (tot  29) a pair of redwood clogs
   [      0] (lvl  15) coyote paw boots
   [      0] (lvl  17) a pair of cuffed goatskin boots
   [      0] (lvl  17) a pair of scarlet red boots
   [      0] (lvl  18) a pair of black sneakers
   [      0] (lvl  19) a pair of knee-high black boots
   [      0] (lvl  12) a set of Tiger paws

   [  Price] Shields:
   [      0] (lvl   7) a large dwarven shield
   [      0] (lvl  13) the shield of the defender
   [      0] (lvl  13) a thieves buckler
   [      0] (lvl  15) a nightforge shield

   [  Price] Held:
   [      0] (lvl  13) a wand of water breathing
   [      0] (lvl  13) the book of legends, the dragon elves
   [      0] (lvl  13) the book of legends, the wyvrens
   [      0] (tot  27) staff of disease and infestation
   [      0] (lvl  14) a golden horn
   [      0] (lvl  14) a book of rainbows
   [      0] (lvl  15) the book of legends, the Frost dwarves, the Snowhammer Clan
   [      0] (lvl  16) a black lantern
   [      0] (lvl  17) a metal water pail
   [      0] (lvl  17) a set of dice
   [      0] (lvl  18) a small dark red box
   [      0] (lvl  18) a small dark red box
   [      0] (lvl  18) a small dark red box
   [      0] (lvl  19) the fabled blue diamond
   [      0] (lvl  20) a small silver rod
   [      0] (lvl  20) The History of Atlantis
   [      0] (tot  50) a mercenary contract
   [      0] (lvl  20) The Book of Ages
   [      0] (lvl  20) a ruby dragon figurine
   [      0] (lvl  20) a sentinel's horn
   [      0] (lvl  16) a silver holy symbol
   [      0] (lvl  20) a pair of panties

   [  Price] Two handed weapon:
   [      0] (lvl  13) an enchanted shovel
   [      0] (lvl  17) a rusty, corroded shovel
   [      0] (lvl  20) a large stone axe
   [      0] (lvl  22) the legendary dwarven hammer known as thunderstrike

   [  Price] One handed weapon:
   [      0] (lvl  12) a grave beater
   [      0] (lvl  13) the Heartseeker
   [      0] (lvl  14) a small crude shovel
   [      0] (lvl  15) a billyclub
   [      0] (lvl  15) a smooth silver mace
   [      0] (lvl  15) a whisper thin rapier
   [      0] (lvl  15) small cudgel
   [      0] (lvl  15) a small trowel
   [      0] (lvl  15) a nightforge broad axe
   [      0] (lvl  16) a butchers knife
   [      0] (lvl  16) the rod of the Rubicon Magister
   [      0] (lvl  16) a zurkhwood staff
   [      0] (lvl  17) a big wooden mallet
   [      0] (lvl  17) the burning tail of a fire demon
   [      0] (lvl  17) a broad dagger
   [      0] (lvl  17) a dark steel spear
   [      0] (lvl  18) a wooden shovel
   [      0] (lvl  18) ghost ripper
   [      0] (lvl  20) a bit of sand
   [      0] (lvl  21) a steel rapier
   [      0] (lvl  21) a magical wooden staff
   [      0] (lvl  22) a long handled hammer
   [      0] (lvl  22) a stone club

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [      0] (lvl   0) an old pair of spectacles
   [      0] (lvl   0) a tattered and dusty note
   [      0] (tot  10) a silver lantern
   [      0] (lvl  10) Albacus's diary
   [      0] (lvl  12) an oaken spellstaff
   [      0] (tot  21) a calcite crystal
   [      0] (lvl  12) a rigid waxycap
   [      0] (tot  24) a pierced heart terracotta lowball
   [      0] (lvl  13) a chunk of labradorite
   [      0] (lvl  13) a gold and silver twisted root
   [      0] (lvl  13) a black and white twisted root
   [      0] (lvl  13) a red and blue twisted root
   [      0] (lvl  14) a roll of skin
   [      0] (lvl  14) a tattered old map
   [      0] (tot  28) a curative ointment
   [      0] (lvl  15) a potion pack
   [      0] (lvl  15) a potion pack
   [      0] (lvl  15) a luminous chunk of fungus
   [      0] (lvl  15) a scroll of Dowart's Final Appeal
   [      0] (lvl  15) a bloated agaric mushroom
   [      0] (tot  32) an ingot of copper
   [      0] (lvl  16) a jagged yellow stone
   [      0] (lvl  16) a vial of bile
   [      0] (lvl  16) a bar of pig iron
   [      0] (lvl  16) asbestos
   [      0] (lvl  16) a small metal flask
   [      0] (tot  38) a tourmaline crystal
   [      0] (tot  38) a clear quartz crystal
   [      0] (lvl  18) a large white bag
   [      0] (lvl  18) Dante's journal
   [      0] (lvl  18) a bowl of chunky meat stew
   [      0] (lvl  18) a large bluecap mushroom
   [      0] (lvl  19) a large bag
   [      0] (lvl  19) a large bag
   [      0] (lvl  19) a large bag
   [      0] (lvl  19) a large bag
   [      0] (lvl  19) a large bag
   [      0] (lvl  19) a large bag
   [      0] (lvl  19) a large purple bag
   [      0] (lvl  19) a large yellow bag
   [      0] (lvl  19) a large yellow bag
   [      0] (lvl  19) a gnome's arm root
   [      0] (lvl  20) a high calorie olive and nut slice
   [      0] (lvl  20) a red mushroom
   [      0] (lvl  20) some powdery gray mold
   [      0] (lvl  20) a large dark red root
   [      0] (tot  50) an old manuscript
   [      0] (tot  51) a lead bullet
   [      0] (lvl  21) a large ghost white mushroom
   [      0] (lvl  21) a speckled brown mushroom
   [      0] (lvl  21) a saffron creamcap
   [      0] (lvl  22) a small hide-covered diary


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