Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: Naphtali Donation Room
Location: Island Kordan, town of Naphtali, The Island of Kordan
Recommended Level: 17
All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis. Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.
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Prev Item - [ 0] (lvl 18) the ring of stamina
Curr Item - [ 0] (lvl 21) the ring of a rogue
Next Item - [ 0] (lvl 13) a spectral gown
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'shift rogue ring rogues sneaking'
Weight: 1 Size: 0'1" Level: 21
Type: ARMOR Composition: METAL Defense: 0 ac-apply
Wear locations are: FINGERS
Item has effects as:
Affects: CAST_ABILITY by 2
Affects: DAMROLL by 2
Affects: SNEAK by 2
Affects: HIDE by 1
Item description:
This small ring is made of a special kind of metal, which seems to enhance
your casting abilities as well as your thief-like skills. The color of the
ring is dark green, facilitating the wearer to go on unnoticed in the fields.
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