Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: Naphtali Donation Room
Location: Island Kordan, town of Naphtali, The Island of Kordan
Recommended Level: 17
All items in this donation room are freely available on a first
come, first serve basis. Use the 'list' and 'take' commands to
list and take items in the game.
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Prev Item - [ 0] (lvl 17) a froggy kimono
Curr Item - [ 0] (lvl 17) a set of rusted chain-link armor
Next Item - [ 0] (lvl 17) a star-patterned robe
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'chain link chain-link armor rusted set'
Weight: 6 Size: 2'6" Level: 17
Type: ARMOR Composition: IRON Defense: 7 ac-apply
Weapon speed: normal
Object is:
Wear locations are: ON_BODY
Item has effects as:
Affects: HIT_POINTS by 18
Item description:
This set of chain-link armor has obviously seen better days. It is
rusted in several places and even some of the links appear to have
parted company. In any case it is still very sturdy and should
provide decent protection in battle.
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