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Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Devotional -- Cleric Supplies
Location:    Island Kordan, town of Naphtali, The Island of Kordan
Recommended Level: 17

Note - these prices are approximate and will usually be slightly
higher than you will actually be quoted at a shop. (Use the 'list'
command in a shop for exact quotes.)  Prices may be different based
on your characters notoriety, ability to haggle, and reputation.

Back to the list of all shops.

   [  Price] Worn on head:
   [    326] (lvl  17) a ceremonial mitre

   [  Price] Worn on arms:
   [    377] (lvl  17) a ceremonial drape

   [  Price] Worn on fingers:
   [   1471] (lvl  16) a blessed ring

   [  Price] Worn on body:
   [    393] (lvl  17) a priestly robe

   [  Price] Worn on waist:
   [    266] (lvl  15) a blue, purple and scarlet sash

   [  Price] Worn on legs:
   [    393] (lvl  17) ceremonial breeches

   [  Price] Worn on feet:
   [    311] (lvl  17) ceremonial sandals

   [  Price] Shields:
   [    191] (lvl  15) a ceremonial buckler

   [  Price] Held:
   [     73] (lvl   5) a wand of soothe wounds
   [    344] (lvl  16) a bronze ankh

   [  Price] One handed weapon:
   [   1855] (lvl  17) a consecrated brass censer

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [      3] (lvl   4) a scroll of faerie fire
   [    233] (lvl  12) a scroll of slow poison
   [    193] (lvl  12) a scroll of detect undead
   [     71] (lvl  12) a scroll of protection
   [    907] (lvl  13) a scroll of sanctuary
   [    907] (lvl  13) a scroll of sanctuary
   [    198] (lvl  14) a scroll of mystic armament
   [     53] (lvl  14) a scroll of blessings
   [     57] (lvl  17) a scroll of word of recall
   [    655] (lvl  19) a scroll of hold undead


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