Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: Archangels' Grace, a Clan Heaven shop, 1 south, 2 west, 2 north, and 1 west of the Accepted Chapel of Dentin in Naphtali
Location: Island Kordan, town of Naphtali, The Island of Kordan
Recommended Level: 17
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Prev Item - [ 250] (lvl 16) a staff of animate dead
Curr Item - [ 250] (lvl 16) a staff of animate dead
Next Item - [ 230] (lvl 20) a silver-inked blue scroll
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'staff bone skull animate dead cleric keepsake'
Weight: 3 Size: 6'0" Level: 16
Type: STAFF Composition: BONE
Weapon speed: slow
Item has 7 charges of level 15 'animate dead'.
Item has effects as:
Affects: INT by 1
Affects: MANA by 13
Item description:
This staff is wrought from bones that have been warped together in a manner
similiar to a bone guardian. Surmounting the staff is the jawless skull of
a coyote. Someone has bound a lot of necromantic energy into this staff.
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