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Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  Helping Hands - A Clan Bones Shop
Location:    The City of Gad's Landing, The Island of Archais
Recommended Level: 22

The following items are available for sale at this time:

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Prev Item - [    250] (tot  40) a green jade-inlaid spalted beaded bracelet
Curr Item - [    250] (tot  40) an apricot bead bracelet with a green jade battleaxe charm
Next Item - [    250] (tot  40) a green jade-inlaid peach beaded bracelet

This item has the following properties:
Item: 'beads bracelet apricot wood crystal green jade battleaxe '
Weight: 1  Size: 0'10"  Total levels: 40   Item quality: MASTERCRAFT LEVEL 3
Type: TREASURE   Composition: APRICOT
Weapon speed: very slow
Object is:  EPIC 
Wear locations are:  WRISTS 

Item has effects as:
Affects:  INT by 4
Affects:  MANA_REGEN by 0.5
Affects:  LUCK by 5
Affects:  STR by 1

Item description:
It's a handcrafted bead bracelet, made from apricot. The wood is
orangish-yellow. Hanging from it is a green jade battleaxe charm. The
jade is deep, rich green in color.


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