Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: The Old Forge
Location: The City of Gad's Landing, The Island of Archais
Recommended Level: 22
Note - these prices are approximate and will usually be slightly
higher than you will actually be quoted at a shop. (Use the 'list'
command in a shop for exact quotes.) Prices may be different based
on your characters notoriety, ability to haggle, and reputation.
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[ Price] Worn on head:
[ 845] (lvl 21) a simple gold crown
[ 845] (lvl 21) a simple gold crown
[ 429] (lvl 24) an iron sallet
[ Price] Worn on neck:
[ 1] (lvl 15) a broken heart on a black cord
[ 1] (lvl 15) a broken heart on a black cord
[ 104] (lvl 16) a plain black iron collar
[ 104] (lvl 16) a plain black iron collar
[ 104] (lvl 16) a plain black iron collar
[ 231] (tot 40) a purple badge with a silver cross
[ 248] (lvl 21) a scarlet red battle band
[ Price] Worn on wrists:
[ 1] (lvl 20) a chain shackle
[ 591] (lvl 21) a scarlet red battle bracer
[ Price] Worn on fingers:
[ 584] (lvl 21) a scarlet red battle ring
[ Price] Worn on body:
[ 240] (tot 50) a mail shirt
[ 125] (tot 50) poor quality scale armor
[ 266] (tot 62) a rusty cuirass
[ 321] (lvl 25) a rusted iron cuirass
[ 321] (lvl 25) a rusted iron cuirass
[ Price] Worn on waist:
[ 560] (lvl 21) a scarlet red battle girth
[ Price] Worn on feet:
[ 340] (lvl 25) a crusty old horseshoe
[ 340] (lvl 25) a crusty old horseshoe
[ 1] (lvl 25) a rusted iron shackle
[ Price] Shields:
[ 288] (lvl 17) a bishop's personal bodyguard
[ 288] (lvl 17) a bishop's personal bodyguard
[ 288] (lvl 17) a bishop's personal bodyguard
[ 302] (lvl 22) A heavy war shield
[ 302] (lvl 22) A heavy war shield
[ 302] (lvl 22) A heavy war shield
[ Price] Held:
[ 36] (lvl 15) a brass pocket watch
[ 36] (lvl 15) a brass pocket watch
[ 36] (lvl 15) a brass pocket watch
[ Price] Two handed weapon:
[ 342] (lvl 16) a two handed grain sickle
[ 370] (lvl 17) a two handed woodcutters axe
[ 483] (lvl 20) a two handed battlehammer
[ 483] (lvl 20) a two handed battlehammer
[ 483] (lvl 20) a two handed battlehammer
[ Price] One handed weapon:
[ 895] (lvl 20) a Mithril battle axe
[ 3502] (lvl 21) a bloodstained broadsword
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