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Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Old Forge
Location:    The City of Gad's Landing, The Island of Archais
Recommended Level: 22

Note - these prices are approximate and will usually be slightly
higher than you will actually be quoted at a shop. (Use the 'list'
command in a shop for exact quotes.)  Prices may be different based
on your characters notoriety, ability to haggle, and reputation.

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Prev Item - [    231] (tot  40) a purple badge with a silver cross
Curr Item - [    248] (lvl  21) a scarlet red battle band
Next Item - [      1] (lvl  20) a chain shackle

This item has the following properties:
Item: 'red scarlet collar band metal battle '
Weight: 1  Size: 0'3"  Level: 21
Type: ARMOR   Composition: IRON   Defense: 2 ac-apply
Weapon speed: normal
Object is:  GLOW WARRIOR 
Wear locations are:  NECK 

Item has effects as:
Affects:  HITROLL by 2
Affects:  DAMROLL by 1
Affects:  HIT_POINTS by 3

Item description:
A soft glow surrounds every inch of this wide band specially designed for
one's neck. The collar or band itself is crafted out of steel chain links
that have been lacquered with a scarlet red substance. A clasp in the shape
of a hammerhead is used to connect the two ends and secure it in place. 


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