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Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  Welcome to Gillic's Awesome Alloys and ores! Thank You for Your Patronage! Do a tell or mudmail to me if you don't see what you are looking for, and I will add it to the list.
Location:    The City of Finspang, The Continent of Suboria
Recommended Level: 40

The following items are available for sale at this time:

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   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [    250] (lvl   0) a bar of steel
   [    250] (lvl   0) a bar of steel
   [    250] (lvl   0) a bar of steel
   [    500] (lvl   0) a bar of blood steel
   [    500] (lvl   0) a bar of blood steel
   [    500] (lvl   0) a bar of blood steel
   [    225] (lvl  12) a bar of silver
   [    225] (lvl  12) a bar of silver
   [    225] (lvl  12) a bar of silver
   [    225] (lvl  12) a bar of silver
   [    225] (lvl  12) a bar of silver
   [    225] (lvl  12) a bar of silver
   [    225] (lvl  12) a bar of silver
   [    250] (lvl  12) a bar of sterling silver
   [    250] (lvl  12) a bar of sterling silver
   [    250] (lvl  12) a bar of sterling silver
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of electrum
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of electrum
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of electrum
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of electrum
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of gold
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of gold
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of electrum
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of electrum
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of electrum
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of gold
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of electrum
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of gold
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of gold
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of gold
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of gold
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of gold
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of gold
   [    225] (lvl  20) a bar of electrum
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of blue gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of blue gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of white gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of white gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of white gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of white gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of white gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of blue gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of blue gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of blue gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of blue gold
   [    250] (lvl  20) a bar of white gold
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of electrum
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of white gold
   [    350] (lvl  30) a bar of platinum
   [    350] (lvl  30) a bar of platinum
   [    350] (lvl  30) a bar of platinum
   [    350] (tot 105) a bar of platinum
   [    350] (lvl  30) a bar of platinum
   [    350] (lvl  30) a bar of platinum
   [    350] (lvl  30) a bar of platinum
   [    350] (lvl  30) a bar of platinum
   [    350] (lvl  30) a bar of platinum
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of silver
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of silver
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of sterling silver
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of sterling silver
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of sterling silver
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of sterling silver
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of sterling silver
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of sterling silver
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of lead
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of lead
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of lead
   [    500] (lvl  30) a bar of pearl mithril
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    225] (lvl  30) a bar of copper
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of nickel silver
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of bronze
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of white copper
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of white copper
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of bronze
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of bronze
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of white copper
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of white copper
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of white copper
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of liver copper
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of bronze
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of brass
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of nickel silver
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of liver copper
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of white copper
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of white copper
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of nickel silver
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of bronze
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of liver copper
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of bronze
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of bronze
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of nickel silver
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of liver copper
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of nickel silver
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of white copper
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of black bronze
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of white copper
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of black bronze
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of black bronze
   [    250] (lvl  30) a bar of bronze
   [    250] (tot 105) a bar of brass
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of tin
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of tin
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of tin
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of tin
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of tin
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of zinc
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of zinc
   [    300] (tot 105) a bar of cadmium
   [    300] (tot 105) a bar of cadmium
   [    300] (tot 105) a bar of cadmium
   [    300] (tot 105) a bar of cadmium
   [    300] (tot 105) a bar of cadmium
   [    150] (lvl  30) a bar of bismuth
   [    150] (lvl  30) a bar of bismuth
   [    150] (lvl  30) a bar of bismuth
   [    150] (lvl  30) a bar of bismuth
   [    150] (lvl  30) a bar of bismuth
   [    150] (lvl  30) a bar of bismuth
   [    150] (lvl  30) a bar of bismuth
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of manganese
   [    300] (lvl  30) a bar of selenium
   [    300] (tot 105) a bar of selenium
   [    300] (lvl  30) a bar of selenium
   [    500] (lvl  30) a bar of sky iron
   [    500] (lvl  30) a bar of sky iron
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of nickel
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of nickel
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of nickel
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of nickel
   [    225] (tot 105) a bar of iron
   [    400] (tot 105) a bar of cobalt
   [    400] (tot 105) a bar of cobalt
   [    400] (tot 105) a bar of cobalt
   [    400] (tot 105) a bar of cobalt
   [    400] (tot 105) a bar of cobalt
   [    400] (tot 105) a bar of cobalt
   [    400] (tot 105) a bar of cobalt
   [    225] (lvl  35) a bar of lead
   [    225] (lvl  35) a bar of lead
   [    225] (lvl  35) a bar of lead
   [    225] (lvl  35) a bar of lead
   [    150] (tot 165) a bar of lead
   [    225] (tot 165) a bar of lead
   [     50] (tot 165) a chunk of sodalite
   [     25] (tot 174) a smoky quartz crystal
   [     50] (lvl  46) halite
   [     50] (lvl  46) halite
   [     50] (lvl  47) kasolite ore
   [     50] (lvl  47) kasolite ore
   [     50] (lvl  47) kasolite ore
   [     50] (lvl  47) kasolite ore
   [    100] (lvl  49) kasolite ore
   [    100] (lvl  50) kasolite ore
   [    100] (lvl  50) kasolite ore
   [    100] (lvl  68) fulgurite
   [    200] (lvl  68) fulgurite
   [    100] (lvl  71) an onyx gemstone
   [    100] (lvl  71) an onyx gemstone
   [    100] (lvl  71) an onyx gemstone
   [    100] (lvl  71) an onyx gemstone
   [    100] (lvl  71) an onyx gemstone
   [    100] (lvl  71) an onyx gemstone
   [    100] (lvl  71) an onyx gemstone
   [    100] (lvl  71) an onyx gemstone
   [     50] (lvl  71) a clear quartz crystal
   [     75] (lvl  77) purple thunderstone
   [    100] (lvl  77) purple thunderstone
   [    100] (lvl  77) purple thunderstone
   [    100] (lvl  77) purple thunderstone
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of adamantium
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of wind steel
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of adamantium
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of wind steel
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of wind steel
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of adamantium
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of adamantium
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of wind steel
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of snow adamantine
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of adamantium
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of rose adamantine
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of rose adamantine
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of adamantium
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of snow adamantine
   [    500] (lvl 100) a bar of rose adamantine


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