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Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  A hole in the wall (
Location:    Town of Vemarken, The Island of Sloe
Recommended Level: 10

The following items are available for sale at this time:

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   [  Price] Worn on head:
   [    350] (lvl  13) the red hat of a warmage
   [    350] (lvl  13) the red hat of a warmage
   [    350] (lvl  15) a nightforge helm

   [  Price] Worn on neck:
   [    150] (lvl   0) the beads of the dead
   [    350] (lvl   8) a skull necklace
   [    350] (lvl   8) a skull necklace
   [    350] (lvl   8) a skull necklace
   [    350] (lvl  11) the gate keeper's cloak
   [    350] (lvl  11) the gate keeper's cloak
   [    300] (lvl  11) a white ocarina
   [    300] (lvl  11) a white ocarina
   [    300] (lvl  11) a white ocarina
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz necklace
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz necklace
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz necklace
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz necklace
   [    350] (lvl  12) a necklace of imp fangs
   [    350] (lvl  12) a necklace of imp fangs
   [    350] (lvl  12) a necklace of imp fangs
   [    350] (lvl  14) a shark tooth necklace
   [    350] (lvl  14) a unicorn pendant
   [    350] (lvl  14) a unicorn pendant
   [    350] (lvl  14) a unicorn pendant
   [    350] (lvl  15) a dark black cape
   [    350] (lvl  15) a dark black cape
   [    350] (lvl  15) a dark black cape

   [  Price] Worn on arms:
   [    350] (lvl  11) a black demon tattoo
   [    350] (lvl  12) phantom leather sleeves
   [    350] (lvl  13) sleeves of the warmage
   [    350] (lvl  13) sleeves of the warmage
   [    350] (lvl  13) sleeves of the warmage

   [  Price] Worn on wrists:
   [    225] (lvl   6) a wooden bracer
   [    225] (lvl   6) a wooden bracer
   [    350] (lvl  11) a bracelet made of hemp
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz bracelet
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz bracelet
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz bracelet
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz bracelet
   [    350] (lvl  12) a mystical blue band
   [    350] (lvl  12) a mystical blue band
   [    350] (lvl  12) a mystical blue band
   [    350] (lvl  12) the crystal band of a warmage
   [    350] (lvl  12) the crystal band of a warmage
   [    350] (lvl  12) the crystal band of a warmage
   [    350] (lvl  12) the crystal band of a warmage
   [    200] (lvl  13) a silver charm bracelet
   [    350] (lvl  13) a coiling serpent bracer
   [    350] (lvl  15) a nightforge bracer
   [    350] (lvl  15) a nightforge bracer
   [    350] (lvl  11) a studded cat collar
   [    350] (lvl  11) a studded cat collar
   [    350] (lvl  11) a studded cat collar
   [    350] (lvl  11) a studded cat collar

   [  Price] Worn on hands:
   [    350] (lvl  10) a pair of red mage gloves
   [    350] (lvl  10) a pair of red mage gloves
   [    350] (lvl  10) a pair of red mage gloves
   [    350] (lvl  10) a sparkling black glove
   [    350] (lvl  10) a sparkling black glove
   [    225] (lvl  11) a pair of purple gloves
   [    350] (lvl  13) a set of fiery claws
   [    350] (lvl  13) a set of fiery claws
   [    350] (lvl  13) a set of mole claws
   [    350] (lvl  13) Magefist
   [    350] (lvl  13) Magefist
   [    350] (lvl  13) Magefist
   [    400] (lvl  15) gloves of wit
   [    350] (lvl  15) a pair of nightforge gauntlets
   [    350] (lvl  15) a pair of nightforge gauntlets

   [  Price] Worn on fingers:
   [    350] (lvl   9) a mystical black ring
   [    350] (lvl   9) a mystical black ring
   [    350] (lvl   9) a mystical black ring
   [    350] (lvl  11) a ring with a green stone
   [    350] (lvl  11) a ring with a green stone
   [    350] (lvl  11) a ring with a green stone
   [    350] (lvl  11) an eagle ring
   [    350] (lvl  11) an eagle ring
   [    350] (lvl  11) an eagle ring
   [    350] (lvl  11) an odd yellowish ring
   [    350] (lvl  11) an odd yellowish ring
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz ring
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz ring
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz ring
   [    225] (lvl  11) a rose quartz ring
   [    350] (lvl  12) an imp eye ring
   [    350] (lvl  12) an imp eye ring
   [    350] (lvl  12) an imp eye ring
   [    350] (lvl  12) an imp eye ring
   [    350] (lvl  12) a ring of mending
   [    350] (lvl  12) a ring of mending
   [    350] (lvl  12) a ring of mending
   [    350] (lvl  12) a ring of mending
   [    350] (lvl  15) the ring of the runed raven

   [  Price] Worn on body:
   [    350] (lvl   8) a set of tattered blood red robes
   [    350] (lvl   8) a set of tattered blood red robes
   [    350] (lvl   9) black lizard skin armor
   [    300] (lvl  11) a neon blue tiara
   [    350] (lvl  13) a spectral gown
   [    400] (lvl  15) robes of wit
   [    350] (lvl  15) nightforge chainmail

   [  Price] Worn about body:
   [    350] (tot  18) a cloak of skins
   [    350] (lvl  12) an old mage's cloak
   [    350] (lvl  13) a cow hide cape
   [    350] (lvl  13) a cow hide cape
   [    350] (lvl  13) a cow hide cape

   [  Price] Worn on waist:
   [    225] (lvl   8) a dark red sash
   [    300] (tot  15) an iridescent black sequined sash
   [    225] (lvl  10) a lightweight thief's utility belt
   [    350] (lvl  14) a coyote skin loincloth
   [    350] (lvl  15) a crude leather girdle
   [    350] (lvl  15) a crude leather girdle
   [    350] (lvl  15) a crude leather girdle
   [    350] (lvl  15) a nightforge girth
   [    350] (lvl  15) a nightforge girth

   [  Price] Worn on legs:
   [    300] (tot  12) a pair of blue pants covered in blood red roses
   [    300] (tot  12) a pair of blue pants covered in blood red roses
   [    400] (lvl  10) a pair of twilight gray pants
   [    400] (lvl  10) a pair of twilight gray pants
   [    400] (lvl  10) a pair of twilight gray pants
   [    350] (lvl  11) neon pink tights
   [    350] (lvl  11) neon pink tights
   [    350] (lvl  13) a pair of fluorescent lime green pants
   [    400] (lvl  15) gruesome leggings of interwoven human bones
   [    400] (lvl  15) gruesome leggings of interwoven human bones
   [    350] (lvl  15) a set of nightforge shin guards
   [    350] (lvl  15) a set of nightforge shin guards

   [  Price] Worn on feet:
   [    150] (lvl   3) a pair of green moccasins
   [    250] (lvl   6) a pair of green imp skin boots
   [    250] (lvl   6) a pair of green imp skin boots
   [    350] (lvl   9) a pair of black lizard skin boots
   [    350] (lvl   9) a pair of black lizard skin boots
   [    300] (lvl  11) neon blue sweatsocks
   [    300] (lvl  11) neon blue sweatsocks
   [    225] (lvl  11) a pair of purple slippers
   [    350] (lvl  12) a pair of wolf hide boots
   [    350] (lvl  12) a pair of wolf hide boots
   [    350] (lvl  12) a pair of wolf hide boots
   [    400] (lvl  12) the boots of wit
   [    350] (lvl  13) a pair of mystical blue slippers
   [    350] (lvl  13) a pair of mystical blue slippers
   [    350] (lvl  13) a pair of mystical blue slippers
   [    350] (lvl  13) a pair of mystical blue slippers
   [    350] (lvl  14) a pair of black velvet boots
   [    350] (lvl  14) a pair of black velvet boots
   [    350] (lvl  14) a pair of black velvet boots
   [    350] (lvl  15) a pair of nightforge boots
   [    350] (lvl  15) a pair of nightforge boots
   [    350] (lvl  12) a set of Tiger paws
   [    350] (lvl  12) a set of Tiger paws
   [    350] (lvl  12) a set of Tiger paws
   [    350] (lvl  12) a set of Tiger paws
   [    350] (lvl  12) a set of Tiger paws

   [  Price] Held:
   [     50] (lvl   0) a wand of scorch
   [     50] (lvl   1) a wand of crystal light
   [     50] (lvl   1) a wand of infravision
   [     50] (lvl   1) a wand of infravision
   [     50] (lvl   1) a wand of infravision
   [     50] (lvl   1) a wand of infravision
   [     50] (lvl   1) a wand of infravision
   [     50] (lvl   1) a wand of infravision
   [    350] (lvl  12) a blackware rod
   [    350] (lvl  12) a blackware rod
   [    350] (lvl  12) a blackware rod
   [    225] (lvl  12) a bauble of rejuvenation
   [    350] (lvl  14) a birch leaf
   [     75] (lvl  10) a backpack of holding
   [     75] (lvl  10) a backpack of holding

   [  Price] One handed weapon:
   [     50] (lvl   5) a red-bladed sword
   [     50] (lvl   5) a yellow-bladed sword
   [    350] (lvl   8) a heavily enchanted crystal bladed dagger
   [    350] (lvl   8) a vile staff of blackwood
   [    350] (tot  15) a heavily enchanted shortsword
   [    350] (tot  15) a heavily enchanted shortsword
   [    350] (lvl  10) a heavily enchanted crystal bladed dagger
   [     25] (lvl  13) an iron pickaxe
   [    350] (lvl  14) a flaming hammer
   [    350] (lvl  14) a flaming hammer
   [    350] (lvl  14) a flaming hammer
   [    350] (lvl  15) a pitch-black longsword that flames brightly...

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [     25] (lvl   0) a heavily enchanted waterskin
   [     25] (lvl   0) a heavily enchanted waterskin
   [     25] (lvl   0) a heavily enchanted waterskin
   [     25] (lvl   0) a heavily enchanted waterskin
   [     25] (lvl   0) a short length of driftwood
   [     25] (lvl   0) a short length of driftwood
   [     25] (lvl   0) a short length of driftwood
   [     25] (lvl   0) a short length of driftwood
   [     25] (lvl   0) a short length of driftwood
   [     30] (lvl   3) a mixing bowl
   [    250] (lvl  10) a collector's bag
   [    250] (lvl  10) a collector's bag
   [    250] (lvl  10) a collector's bag
   [    250] (lvl  10) a collector's bag
   [    250] (lvl  10) a collector's bag
   [    250] (lvl  10) a collector's bag
   [    250] (lvl  10) a collector's bag
   [    250] (lvl  10) a collector's bag


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