Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: A hole in the wall (
Location: Town of Vemarken, The Island of Sloe
Recommended Level: 10
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Prev Item - [ 350] (lvl 8) a set of tattered blood red robes
Curr Item - [ 350] (lvl 8) a set of tattered blood red robes
Next Item - [ 350] (lvl 9) black lizard skin armor
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'set tattered red blood red robes robe'
Weight: 2 Size: 3'0" Level: 8
Type: ARMOR Composition: FABRIC Defense: 1 ac-apply
Object is: GLOW MAGE
Wear locations are: ON_BODY
Item has effects as:
Affects: MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Item description:
This set of robes is a blood red in color and look to have been made
out of some kind of soft material. They are very tattered and old
with many small holes and are falling apart at several of the seams.
The way they glow and vibrate, one would think they might be magical
and might still contain a little magic.
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