Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: A hole in the wall (
Location: Town of Vemarken, The Island of Sloe
Recommended Level: 10
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Prev Item - [ 350] (lvl 15) a pair of nightforge gauntlets
Curr Item - [ 350] (lvl 15) a pair of nightforge gauntlets
Next Item - [ 350] (lvl 9) a blue topaz ring
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'jet black metal nightforge pair gauntlets'
Weight: 2 Size: 2'6" Level: 15
Type: ARMOR Composition: ARJALE Defense: 4 ac-apply
Wear locations are: HANDS
Item has effects as:
Affects: DAMROLL by 1
Affects: HITROLL by 1
Affects: SAVING_COLD by 5%
Item description:
These gauntlets have been crafted out of a jet black metal. The metal feels
as strong as steel, but is much lighter and also fairly flexible like
leather. On the back of each hand has been engraved a triangle with a
lightning bolt painted a blood red in its center. A different rune has also
been engraved into each of the three corners of the triangle.
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