Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: A hole in the wall (
Location: Town of Vemarken, The Island of Sloe
Recommended Level: 10
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Prev Item - [ 350] (lvl 11) a studded cat collar
Curr Item - [ 350] (lvl 11) a studded cat collar
Next Item - [ 350] (lvl 11) a studded cat collar
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'cat collar ring red studded'
Weight: 1 Size: 0'8" Level: 11
Type: ARMOR Composition: SKIN Defense: 0 ac-apply
Object is: GLOW
Wear locations are: NECK WRISTS
Item has effects as:
Affects: HITROLL by 2
Affects: HP_REGEN by -1
Item description:
It's a small cat collar, red in color. Though you could wear it if you
wanted, it'd be awfully small and would probably impede movement and
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