Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: A hole in the wall (
Location: Town of Vemarken, The Island of Sloe
Recommended Level: 10
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Prev Item - [ 25] (lvl 13) an iron pickaxe
Curr Item - [ 350] (lvl 14) a flaming hammer
Next Item - [ 350] (lvl 14) a flaming hammer
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'flaming hammer'
Weight: 4 Size: 2'7" Level: 14
Type: WEAPON Composition: METAL
Requires 13 strength to wield.
Weapon damage: 3 to 30 fire pound Weapon speed: slow
Object is: GLOW
Item has effects as:
Affects: DAMROLL by 3
Affects: HITROLL by 3
Affects: SAVING_COLD by 15%
Affects: MOVE by 20
Affects: HIT_POINTS by 20
Affects: SAVING_FIRE by -15%
Item description:
The handle of this crude hammer is made by a dark red metal, which emanates
heat, that provides the wielder warmth. A circle of red and orange flame
rotates around the head of the weapon, burning everything it comes in
contact with.
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