Storefront: Clan Bones Bargains Location: The City of Ralnoth, The Mainland of Atmir Recommended Level: 29 The following items are available for sale at this time: Back to the list of all shops. [ Price] Held: ------------------------------------------------- [ 10] (lvl 40) a wooden druidic spellstaff of still air [ Price] Miscellaneous: ------------------------------------------------- [ 10] (lvl 27) a valronite crystal [ 10] (tot 153) a chunk of menilite [ 100] (lvl 39) stannite ore [ 100] (lvl 39) stannite ore [ 10] (lvl 42) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 45) a chunk of rhyolite [ 10] (lvl 45) a chunk of rhyolite [ 100] (lvl 46) tenorite ore [ 10] (lvl 46) a perovskite cluster [ 10] (lvl 46) a piece of chalk [ 10] (lvl 46) a piece of chalk [ 10] (lvl 47) a rutile cluster [ 10] (lvl 47) a piece of chalk [ 10] (lvl 47) a piece of chalk [ 10] (lvl 47) a chunk of anorthite [ 10] (lvl 48) a rutile cluster [ 10] (lvl 48) a rutile cluster [ 10] (lvl 48) a chunk of anorthite [ 10] (lvl 48) a chunk of anorthite [ 10] (lvl 48) a chunk of limestone [ 100] (lvl 48) arsenic [ 10] (lvl 49) a jeremejevite cluster [ 10] (lvl 49) a chunk of hornblende [ 10] (lvl 49) a chunk of hornblende [ 10] (lvl 49) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 49) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 49) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 49) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 49) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 49) a flat swatch of mica [ 1] (lvl 49) a carnelian cobble [ 1] (lvl 49) a carnelian cobble [ 10] (lvl 49) a chunk of pitchblende [ 10] (lvl 50) a jeremejevite cluster [ 10] (lvl 50) a jeremejevite cluster [ 10] (lvl 50) a jeremejevite cluster [ 10] (lvl 50) a scapolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 51) talc [ 10] (lvl 51) a greenockite crystal [ 10] (lvl 51) a greenockite crystal [ 10] (lvl 51) a roughly hewn granite cobble [ 10] (lvl 52) a greenockite crystal [ 10] (lvl 53) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 54) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 54) talc [ 10] (lvl 55) a zoisite crystal [ 10] (lvl 55) a zoisite crystal [ 10] (lvl 55) a zoisite crystal [ 10] (lvl 55) a zoisite crystal [ 10] (lvl 55) a zoisite crystal [ 10] (lvl 55) dolostone [ 10] (lvl 55) dolostone [ 10] (lvl 56) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 56) a chunk of limestone [ 10] (lvl 56) a chunk of limestone [ 100] (lvl 57) a greenockite crystal [ 10] (lvl 57) a chunk of argillite [ 10] (lvl 57) a bloedite crystal [ 10] (lvl 58) a fordite chunk [ 10] (lvl 58) a fordite chunk [ 10] (lvl 58) a fordite chunk [ 10] (lvl 58) a fordite chunk [ 10] (lvl 58) a chunk of argillite [ 10] (lvl 58) an anhydrite cluster [ 10] (lvl 58) a chunk of stibnite [ 10] (lvl 58) cinnabar ore [ 10] (lvl 58) a chunk of lapis lazuli [ 100] (lvl 58) a chunk of pitchblende [ 10] (lvl 58) a milky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 59) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 59) a chunk of brown sandstone [ 10] (lvl 59) a chunk of hornblende [ 10] (lvl 59) a chunk of hornblende [ 10] (lvl 59) an anhydrite cluster [ 10] (lvl 59) a chunk of stibnite [ 10] (lvl 59) a chunk of stibnite [ 10] (lvl 59) a chunk of stibnite [ 10] (lvl 59) a bloedite crystal [ 10] (lvl 59) a scapolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 59) a scapolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 59) a chunk of lapis lazuli [ 10] (lvl 59) rough potch opal [ 100] (lvl 59) a chunk of pitchblende [ 10] (lvl 59) a milky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 60) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 60) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 60) a lepidolite cluster [ 10] (lvl 60) a lepidolite cluster [ 10] (lvl 60) a lepidolite cluster [ 10] (lvl 60) a lepidolite cluster [ 10] (lvl 60) a lepidolite cluster [ 10] (lvl 60) a lepidolite cluster [ 10] (lvl 60) a chunk of brown sandstone [ 10] (lvl 60) a chunk of brown sandstone [ 10] (lvl 60) a chunk of brown sandstone [ 10] (lvl 60) a chunk of brown sandstone [ 10] (lvl 60) a chunk of realgar [ 10] (lvl 60) a staurolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 60) a chunk of stibnite [ 10] (lvl 60) halite [ 10] (lvl 60) trona [ 10] (lvl 60) trona [ 10] (lvl 60) trona [ 10] (lvl 60) a bloedite crystal [ 10] (lvl 60) a bloedite crystal [ 10] (lvl 60) a bloedite crystal [ 10] (lvl 60) a scapolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 60) diatomaceous earth [ 10] (lvl 60) diatomaceous earth [ 10] (lvl 60) diatomaceous earth [ 10] (lvl 60) a clear quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 60) dolostone [ 10] (lvl 60) dolostone [ 10] (lvl 61) bitumen [ 10] (lvl 61) bitumen [ 10] (lvl 61) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 61) natural gas [ 10] (lvl 61) talc [ 10] (lvl 61) talc [ 10] (lvl 61) talc [ 10] (lvl 61) talc [ 10] (lvl 61) a spinel crystal [ 10] (lvl 61) a roughly hewn granite cobble [ 10] (lvl 61) a lepidolite cluster [ 10] (lvl 61) a lepidolite cluster [ 10] (lvl 61) a zircon crystal [ 10] (lvl 61) a prehnite crystal [ 10] (lvl 61) rough howlite [ 10] (lvl 61) a painite hexagon [ 10] (lvl 61) a chunk of rhyolite [ 10] (lvl 61) a chunk of rhyolite [ 10] (lvl 61) a chunk of rhyolite [ 10] (lvl 61) a chunk of rhyolite [ 10] (lvl 61) a scapolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 61) a shard of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 61) a small piece of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 61) a small piece of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 61) a shard of beryl [ 10] (lvl 61) a blood quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 61) a clear quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 61) an ametrine cluster [ 10] (lvl 61) an ametrine cluster [ 10] (lvl 62) a spinel crystal [ 10] (lvl 62) a roughly hewn granite cobble [ 10] (lvl 62) a triplite crystal [ 10] (lvl 62) a chunk of orpiment [ 10] (lvl 62) a chunk of orpiment [ 10] (lvl 62) a chunk of orpiment [ 10] (lvl 62) a chunk of orpiment [ 10] (lvl 62) rough howlite [ 10] (lvl 62) a staurolite crystal [ 100] (lvl 62) abhurite ore [ 100] (lvl 62) abhurite ore [ 10] (lvl 62) a chunk of rhyolite [ 10] (lvl 62) a chunk of rhyolite [ 10] (lvl 62) a scapolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 62) a shard of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a small piece of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a small piece of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a small piece of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a small piece of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a small piece of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a small piece of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a small piece of dull beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a shard of beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a shard of beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a shard of beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a shard of beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a shard of beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a shard of beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) a shard of beryl [ 10] (lvl 62) cinnabar ore [ 10] (lvl 62) rough potch opal [ 10] (lvl 62) rough potch opal [ 10] (lvl 62) rough potch opal [ 10] (lvl 62) rough potch opal [ 10] (lvl 62) rough potch opal [ 10] (lvl 62) rough potch opal [ 10] (lvl 62) a vermarine crystal [ 10] (lvl 63) a spinel crystal [ 10] (lvl 63) a spinel crystal [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of menilite [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of menilite [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of hornblende [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of hornblende [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of hornblende [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of hornblende [ 10] (lvl 63) a kyanite crystal [ 10] (lvl 63) a prehnite crystal [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of orpiment [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of realgar [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of realgar [ 10] (lvl 63) rough howlite [ 10] (lvl 63) rough howlite [ 10] (lvl 63) a staurolite crystal [ 100] (lvl 63) telluric iron [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of stibnite [ 10] (lvl 63) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 63) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of labradorite [ 10] (lvl 63) a banded onyx cobble [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of limestone [ 100] (lvl 63) horn silver [ 100] (lvl 63) horn silver [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of lapis lazuli [ 10] (lvl 63) a chunk of lapis lazuli [ 10] (lvl 63) rough white opal [ 10] (lvl 63) rough potch opal [ 10] (lvl 63) pumice [ 10] (lvl 63) a vermarine crystal [ 10] (lvl 63) a vermarine crystal [ 100] (lvl 64) bismuthinite ore [ 100] (lvl 64) pyrolusite ore [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of menilite [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of menilite [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of menilite [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of menilite [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of menilite [ 10] (lvl 64) a rose quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 64) a rose quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 64) a rose quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of thulite [ 10] (lvl 64) a prehnite crystal [ 10] (lvl 64) a clinohumite crystal [ 10] (lvl 64) a piece of chalk [ 100] (lvl 64) stannite ore [ 100] (lvl 64) stannite ore [ 100] (lvl 64) stannite ore [ 100] (lvl 64) stannite ore [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of anorthite [ 10] (lvl 64) a jasper cobble [ 10] (lvl 64) citrine quartz [ 10] (lvl 64) a turquoise nugget [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of lapis lazuli [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of lapis lazuli [ 10] (lvl 64) rough white opal [ 10] (lvl 64) rough white opal [ 10] (lvl 64) rough white opal [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of marlstone [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of marlstone [ 10] (lvl 64) a chunk of marlstone [ 10] (lvl 64) pumice [ 10] (lvl 64) a milky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 64) a vermarine crystal [ 100] (lvl 64) estanite ore [ 10] (lvl 65) a zircon crystal [ 100] (lvl 65) bismite ore [ 10] (lvl 65) a chrysoberyl crystal [ 10] (lvl 65) rough lazulite [ 10] (lvl 65) rough lazulite [ 10] (lvl 65) rough lazulite [ 10] (lvl 65) a prehnite crystal [ 10] (lvl 65) a chunk of orpiment [ 10] (lvl 65) a sillimanite crystal [ 10] (lvl 65) a staurolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 65) a chunk of hackmanite [ 10] (lvl 65) a clinohumite crystal [ 10] (lvl 65) a piece of chalk [ 10] (lvl 65) a piece of chalk [ 10] (lvl 65) a chunk of microline [ 10] (lvl 65) a jasper cobble [ 10] (lvl 65) a jasper cobble [ 10] (lvl 65) rough olivine [ 10] (lvl 65) a vermarine crystal [ 10] (lvl 65) a chunk of greenstone [ 10] (lvl 66) bitumen [ 10] (lvl 66) a chunk of gneiss [ 100] (lvl 66) a greenockite crystal [ 100] (lvl 66) a greenockite crystal [ 10] (lvl 66) a roughly hewn granite cobble [ 10] (lvl 66) rough iolite [ 10] (lvl 66) rough iolite [ 10] (lvl 66) rough iolite [ 10] (lvl 66) a sillimanite crystal [ 10] (lvl 66) a sillimanite crystal [ 10] (lvl 66) a sillimanite crystal [ 10] (lvl 66) a staurolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 66) a staurolite crystal [ 10] (lvl 66) a painite hexagon [ 10] (lvl 66) an azurite gemstone [ 10] (lvl 66) an azurite gemstone [ 10] (lvl 66) a calcite crystal [ 10] (lvl 66) a chunk of chrysoprase [ 10] (lvl 66) a chunk of chrysoprase [ 10] (lvl 66) an ametrine cluster [ 10] (lvl 66) an ametrine cluster [ 10] (lvl 66) an ametrine cluster [ 10] (lvl 66) an ametrine cluster [ 10] (lvl 66) an ametrine cluster [ 10] (lvl 67) bitumen [ 10] (lvl 67) bitumen [ 10] (lvl 67) bitumen [ 10] (lvl 67) a chrysoberyl crystal [ 10] (lvl 67) trona [ 10] (lvl 67) a chunk of limestone [ 10] (lvl 67) rough olivine [ 10] (lvl 67) rough olivine [ 10] (lvl 67) a vermarine crystal [ 10] (lvl 67) a vermarine crystal [ 10] (lvl 68) bitumen [ 10] (lvl 68) potash [ 10] (lvl 68) rough golden beryl [ 10] (lvl 68) rough golden beryl [ 10] (lvl 68) rough golden beryl [ 10] (lvl 68) a triplite crystal [ 10] (lvl 68) a triplite crystal [ 10] (lvl 68) trona [ 10] (lvl 68) soda niter [ 10] (lvl 68) soda niter [ 10] (lvl 68) citrine quartz [ 10] (lvl 68) citrine quartz [ 10] (lvl 68) citrine quartz [ 10] (lvl 68) diatomaceous earth [ 10] (lvl 69) potash [ 10] (lvl 69) rough golden beryl [ 10] (lvl 69) rough golden beryl [ 10] (lvl 69) rough golden beryl [ 10] (lvl 69) rough golden beryl [ 10] (lvl 69) halite [ 10] (lvl 69) soda niter [ 10] (lvl 69) a chunk of heartstone [ 10] (lvl 69) a chunk of greenstone [ 10] (lvl 69) a chunk of greenstone [ 10] (lvl 70) oil shale [ 10] (lvl 70) oil shale [ 10] (lvl 70) talc [ 10] (lvl 70) a chunk of brown sandstone [ 10] (lvl 70) a chunk of brown sandstone [ 10] (lvl 70) a celestine geode [ 10] (lvl 70) a celestine geode [ 10] (lvl 70) a chunk of shungite [ 10] (lvl 70) a roughly hewn unakite cobble [ 10] (lvl 70) a roughly hewn unakite cobble [ 10] (lvl 70) a roughly hewn unakite cobble [ 10] (lvl 70) a piece of apatite [ 10] (lvl 70) a piece of apatite [ 10] (lvl 70) a shadowy crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a shadowy crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a shadowy crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a shadowy crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a shadowy crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a shadowy crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a shadowy crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a shadowy crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a shadowy crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a yellow crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a yellow crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a yellow crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a yellow crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a yellow crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a yellow crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a yellow crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a yellow crystal [ 10] (lvl 70) a chunk of heartstone [ 10] (lvl 70) a chunk of greenstone [ 10] (lvl 71) a perovskite cluster [ 10] (lvl 71) a chunk of brown sandstone [ 10] (lvl 71) a chunk of brown sandstone [ 10] (lvl 71) an epidote cluster [ 10] (lvl 71) an epidote cluster [ 10] (lvl 71) an epidote cluster [ 10] (lvl 71) an epidote cluster [ 10] (lvl 71) a roughly hewn unakite cobble [ 10] (lvl 71) a roughly hewn unakite cobble [ 10] (lvl 71) halite [ 10] (lvl 71) halite [ 10] (lvl 71) halite [ 10] (lvl 71) halite [ 10] (lvl 71) soda niter [ 10] (lvl 71) soda niter [ 10] (lvl 71) soda niter [ 10] (lvl 71) a jasper cobble [ 10] (lvl 71) a jasper cobble [ 10] (lvl 71) a jasper cobble [ 100] (lvl 71) an azurite gemstone [ 100] (lvl 71) iodargyrite ore [ 10] (lvl 71) a chunk of heartstone [ 10] (lvl 72) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 72) montan wax [ 10] (lvl 72) a lepidolite cluster [ 10] (lvl 72) a chunk of realgar [ 10] (lvl 72) halite [ 10] (lvl 72) soda niter [ 10] (lvl 72) a jasper cobble [ 10] (lvl 72) a jasper cobble [ 10] (lvl 72) an onyx gemstone [ 10] (lvl 72) rough aquamarine [ 10] (lvl 72) rough aquamarine [ 10] (lvl 72) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 72) a chunk of marlstone [ 10] (lvl 72) a chunk of marlstone [ 10] (lvl 72) rough potch opal [ 10] (lvl 72) a serpentine cobble [ 10] (lvl 72) a serpentine cobble [ 10] (lvl 72) an aventurine cobble [ 10] (lvl 72) an aventurine cobble [ 10] (lvl 72) a chunk of heartstone [ 10] (lvl 72) a rose hematite [ 10] (lvl 73) a chunk of garnet [ 10] (lvl 73) an andalusite cluster [ 10] (lvl 73) a dioptase cluster [ 10] (lvl 73) a piece of chalk [ 10] (lvl 73) a piece of chrysocolla [ 10] (lvl 73) rough aquamarine [ 10] (lvl 73) horn silver [ 10] (lvl 73) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 73) rough potch opal [ 10] (lvl 73) a milky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 73) a rose hematite [ 10] (lvl 73) a rose hematite [ 10] (lvl 74) a chunk of gneiss [ 10] (lvl 74) a chunk of mtorolite [ 10] (lvl 74) a chunk of mtorolite [ 10] (lvl 74) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 74) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 74) a flat swatch of mica [ 10] (lvl 74) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 74) pumice [ 10] (lvl 74) pumice [ 10] (lvl 74) pumice [ 10] (lvl 74) pumice [ 10] (lvl 74) pumice [ 10] (lvl 74) a chert cobble [ 10] (lvl 74) an aventurine cobble [ 10] (lvl 74) a rose hematite [ 10] (lvl 75) rough iolite [ 10] (lvl 75) rough iolite [ 10] (lvl 75) a chunk of argillite [ 10] (lvl 75) a chunk of realgar [ 10] (lvl 75) a chunk of realgar [ 10] (lvl 75) a chunk of realgar [ 10] (lvl 75) a chunk of limestone [ 10] (lvl 75) red-veined rock [ 10] (lvl 75) a smoky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 75) a tiger-paw stone [ 10] (lvl 75) purple thunderstone [ 10] (lvl 75) a chert cobble [ 10] (lvl 75) a chert cobble [ 10] (lvl 75) a chert cobble [ 10] (lvl 75) a vermarine crystal [ 10] (lvl 75) a rose hematite [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of gneiss [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of gneiss [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of gneiss [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of garnet [ 10] (lvl 76) a spinel crystal [ 10] (lvl 76) a spinel crystal [ 10] (lvl 76) a chrysoberyl crystal [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of orpiment [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of orpiment [ 10] (lvl 76) a celestine geode [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 76) a chunk of chrysoprase [ 10] (lvl 76) a smoky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 76) a smoky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 76) a clear quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 76) purple thunderstone [ 10] (lvl 76) purple thunderstone [ 10] (lvl 76) purple thunderstone [ 10] (lvl 76) purple thunderstone [ 10] (lvl 76) purple thunderstone [ 10] (lvl 76) an aventurine cobble [ 10] (lvl 76) an aventurine cobble [ 10] (lvl 76) an aventurine cobble [ 10] (lvl 76) an aventurine cobble [ 10] (lvl 76) an aventurine cobble [ 10] (lvl 77) a spinel crystal [ 10] (lvl 77) a roughly hewn granite cobble [ 10] (lvl 77) citrine quartz [ 10] (lvl 77) a chunk of quartzite [ 10] (lvl 77) a chunk of chrysoprase [ 10] (lvl 77) a tiger-paw stone [ 10] (lvl 77) purple thunderstone [ 10] (lvl 77) rough olivine [ 10] (lvl 77) rough olivine [ 10] (lvl 77) a milky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 77) a milky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 77) a milky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 77) a chunk of greenstone [ 10] (lvl 78) rough yellow sapphire [ 10] (lvl 78) a roughly hewn granite cobble [ 10] (lvl 78) a roughly hewn granite cobble [ 10] (lvl 78) a chunk of chrysoprase [ 10] (lvl 78) a smoky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 78) a smoky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 78) a tiger-paw stone [ 10] (lvl 78) rough olivine [ 10] (lvl 78) rough olivine [ 10] (lvl 78) rough olivine [ 10] (lvl 78) a milky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 79) a rose quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 79) a smoky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 80) rough yellow sapphire [ 10] (lvl 80) a roughly hewn granite cobble [ 10] (lvl 80) a smoky quartz crystal [ 10] (lvl 82) a chunk of greenstone [ 10] (lvl 84) a tektite