Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Location: The City of Ralnoth, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 29
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Prev Item - [ 150] (tot 151) a sumac-handled white bronze polemace
Curr Item - [ 300] (tot 158) a monster maul
Next Item - [ 795] (lvl 27) a length of half-inch chain
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'monster maul mace'
Weight: 60 Size: 4'10" Total levels: 158 (and 36 warrior)
Type: WEAPON Composition: IRON
Requires 32 strength to wield.
Weapon damage: 9 to 81 ice crush Weapon speed: very slow
Object is: WARRIOR
Wear locations are: 2_WIELD
Item has effects as:
Affects: DAMROLL by 8
Affects: HITROLL by 7
Affects: WARR_SKILL_LEVEL by 2
Affects: ABSORB_MAGIC by 4
Affects: CON by 4
Item description:
This huge, two-handed mace is nearly five feet in length. It is so
massive that you have difficulty even lifting it, and the damage it
does in combat must be incredible, although it is extremely slow. It
has been enchanted to absorb most any magic thrown at the wielder and
only the strongest can wield it with any effect.
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