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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Kitsune's Den.
Location:    The City of Ralnoth, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 29

The following items are available for sale at this time:

Back to the list of all shops.

   [  Price] Worn on head:
   [   1000] (tot  62) a shadowy black mask
   [   1000] (tot  62) a pair of protective goggles
   [   1000] (tot  75) the skull of a dragonette
   [   1000] (lvl  26) a battered steel helm
   [   1000] (lvl  26) a battered steel helm
   [   1000] (lvl  26) a rune engraved black helm
   [   1000] (tot  82) an arcane headdress
   [   1000] (lvl  27) a red bandana
   [   1000] (lvl  27) a red bandana
   [   1000] (lvl  30) a gem studded turban
   [   1000] (lvl  30) a red bandana
   [   1000] (lvl  30) a red bandana
   [   1000] (tot 105) a tacky purple hat with green stars
   [   1000] (lvl  30) a diamond-encrusted ammolite crown
   [   1000] (lvl  31) a conical red headdress
   [   1000] (lvl  33) a white warlock cowl
   [   1000] (lvl  33) the crown of King Elsdrasael
   [   1000] (lvl  33) the crown of King Elsdrasael
   [   1000] (tot 124) a blood-stained steel crown
   [   1000] (tot 124) a blood-stained steel crown
   [   1000] (lvl  34) a twisted wrought-iron crown inlaid with opals
   [   1000] (lvl  34) a twisted wrought-iron crown inlaid with opals
   [   1000] (lvl  34) a twisted wrought-iron crown inlaid with opals
   [   1000] (lvl  36) a horned orc warhelm
   [   1000] (tot 154) a bronze sapphire helm
   [   1000] (tot 156) a titanium crown inlaid with blue diamonds
   [   1000] (tot 172) an iron sugarloaf helm

   [  Price] Worn on neck:
   [   1000] (lvl  21) cloak of mist
   [   1000] (lvl  22) A knotted silver choker
   [   1000] (lvl  23) a gnomish inventors badge
   [   1000] (lvl  24) an amber chaos symbol tattoo
   [   1000] (lvl  25) a gnomish inventors badge
   [   1000] (lvl  25) a gnomish inventors badge
   [   1000] (lvl  29) a gold Rubicon medallion
   [   1000] (lvl  32) insignia of the High Paladin
   [   1000] (tot 123) a sardius and kunzite beaded necklace of genius
   [   1000] (lvl  33) an insubstantial amulet
   [   1000] (tot 123) a star cluster necklace
   [   1000] (lvl  34) a necklace of eagle talons
   [   1000] (lvl  37) a necklace of sugilite beads
   [   1000] (lvl  37) a necklace of sugilite beads
   [   1000] (tot 148) a bronze necklace of stamina

   [  Price] Worn on arms:
   [   1000] (lvl  21) white silken sleeves
   [   1000] (tot 146) a mithril armband set with a white soulstone
   [   1000] (lvl  37) dozens of precious metal armbands
   [   1000] (tot 149) gold silk sleeves
   [   3500] (tot 156) grey silken sleeves

   [  Price] Worn on wrists:
   [   1000] (tot  40) a white steel bangle with a yellow jade unicorn charm
   [   1000] (tot  42) a feathered bracelet
   [   1000] (lvl  18) a bracelet of twisted vines
   [   1000] (lvl  19) Thor's band
   [   1000] (lvl  19) a black moonstone bracelet
   [   1000] (lvl  19) a black moonstone bracelet
   [   1000] (lvl  20) a Dragon eye bracelet
   [   1000] (lvl  20) a Dragon eye bracelet
   [   1000] (lvl  21) a gleaming greenstone bracer
   [   1000] (lvl  21) a gleaming greenstone bracer
   [   1000] (tot  60) a small wooden bracelet
   [   1000] (lvl  22) a bracelet of light blue agate
   [   1000] (lvl  22) a bracelet of light blue agate
   [   1000] (tot  62) the exotic mark of the wolf
   [   1000] (tot  68) a translucent glass bracer
   [   1000] (tot  68) a translucent glass bracer
   [   1000] (tot  68) a translucent glass bracer
   [   1000] (lvl  24) a jadite bracer
   [   1000] (tot  75) a dionite bracer
   [   1000] (tot  75) a dionite bracer
   [   1000] (lvl  26) an issue bronze bracer
   [   1000] (lvl  27) a rose quartz bracelet
   [   1000] (tot  91) a demonic bone bracer
   [   1000] (lvl  28) a crystal bracer
   [   1000] (tot 110) the bracer of hope
   [   1000] (lvl  33) an onyx bracer
   [   1000] (lvl  33) an amber bracelet
   [   1000] (lvl  33) a razor barbed bracer
   [   1000] (tot 139) a quicksilver bracer
   [   1000] (tot 145) the bracer of hope
   [   1000] (tot 149) a flagellant's manacle
   [   1000] (tot 149) a bracelet of fire
   [   1000] (tot 166) a spalted bead bracelet with an ammolite acorn charm
   [   1000] (tot 172) a rose lace agate bead bracelet
   [   1000] (tot 172) an opaline agate bead bracelet
   [   1000] (tot 172) the bracer of hope
   [   1000] (tot 172) the bracer of hope
   [   1000] (tot 181) A Bracelet of Feral Hunger
   [   1000] (tot 181) A Bracelet of Feral Hunger

   [  Price] Worn on hands:
   [   1000] (lvl  29) the hands of the minister
   [   1000] (lvl  30) darkwood bark gloves
   [   1000] (tot 116) a pair of Anti claws
   [   1000] (tot 118) a pair of Anti claws
   [   1000] (tot 118) a pair of Anti claws
   [   1000] (tot 118) a pair of Anti claws
   [   1000] (tot 118) a pair of Anti claws
   [   1000] (tot 118) a pair of Anti claws
   [   1000] (tot 118) a pair of Anti claws
   [   1000] (tot 118) a pair of Anti claws
   [   1000] (tot 140) the Iron Fist of Tyranny
   [   1000] (lvl  36) silver clawed gloves
   [   1000] (tot 144) The Gauntlet of the Necromancer
   [   1000] (lvl  38) a pair of patchwork leather gloves

   [  Price] Worn on fingers:
   [   1000] (tot  32) a jonquil banded potch opal ring
   [   1000] (tot  38) a white steel signet ring set with a green jade crowned egg
   [   3000] (lvl  23) five golden rings
   [   1000] (tot  65) an earth tear ring
   [   1000] (tot  65) an earth tear ring
   [   1000] (tot  65) an earth tear ring
   [   1000] (lvl  24) a plain silver ring
   [   1000] (lvl  24) a plain silver ring
   [   1000] (tot  73) a ring of drow magic
   [   1000] (tot  75) an arachnid ring
   [   1000] (lvl  26) a strange ring
   [   1000] (lvl  26) a blazing ring of the inferno
   [   1000] (lvl  26) the ring of righteousness
   [   1000] (lvl  28) a dark burgundy stone ring
   [   1000] (lvl  29) a lepidolite stone ring
   [   1000] (tot 123) a prehnite ring
   [   1000] (lvl  33) a ring shaped feather
   [   1000] (lvl  33) an agate signet ring
   [   1000] (lvl  33) an agate signet ring
   [   1000] (lvl  33) a black marble ring
   [   1000] (lvl  33) a black marble ring
   [   1000] (lvl  33) a black marble ring
   [   1000] (tot 124) an olivine ring
   [   1000] (tot 128) a giant wasp shell band ring
   [   1000] (lvl  36) a ring of red crystals
   [   1000] (tot 141) an emerald scarab ring
   [   1000] (tot 147) an amethyst crystal ring
   [   1000] (tot 154) a celestine ring set with a white soulstone
   [   1000] (tot 154) a star ruby ring
   [   1000] (tot 160) the finger splint of many afflictions
   [   1000] (tot 160) a jade ring of willpower
   [   1000] (tot 162) a ring of bird calls
   [   1000] (tot 163) a green jade ring set with a mahogany and purple calcite cabochon
   [   1000] (tot 172) an iron knot ring set with a flawless kunzite
   [   1000] (tot 174) a chocolate diamond-inlaid adamantium signet ring set with a flawless warpstone

   [  Price] Worn on body:
   [   1000] (lvl  22) a blue party dress
   [   1000] (tot  67) a dark green satin robe
   [   1000] (lvl  28) a yellow vest
   [   1000] (lvl  38) a robe of woven red bark

   [  Price] Worn about body:
   [   1000] (lvl  22) a threadbare grey cloak
   [   1000] (lvl  24) a set of prismatic robes
   [   1000] (tot  73) an ice-blue robe
   [   1000] (tot  73) an ice-blue robe
   [   1000] (lvl  28) the turbulent cloud
   [   1000] (tot 118) a sheep skin cloak
   [   1000] (tot 120) an earthen brown robe
   [   1000] (tot 150) a robe of prisms
   [   1000] (tot 172) a chocolate diamond-spangled black satin cape

   [  Price] Worn on waist:
   [   1000] (lvl  15) a belt of webbing
   [   1000] (lvl  21) a scarlet red battle girth
   [   1000] (lvl  22) a plain black loincloth
   [   1000] (lvl  23) the spirit belt
   [   1000] (tot 112) a black belt with a gold shamrock buckle
   [   1000] (lvl  32) a rotting belt of vines
   [   1000] (lvl  33) black sash
   [   1000] (tot 123) a beaded belt
   [   1000] (lvl  36) a simple white prismatic belt
   [   1000] (tot 144) a wide demon buckle belt
   [   1000] (tot 159) a belt of demon scales
   [   1000] (tot 174) a belt of blades and teeth

   [  Price] Worn on legs:
   [   1000] (lvl  26) jadite leggings
   [   1000] (lvl  30) turkey embroidered breeches
   [   1000] (lvl  31) a pair of black leather leggings
   [   1000] (lvl  31) a pair of black leather leggings
   [   1000] (lvl  31) a pair of serpent-scale leggings
   [   1000] (tot 114) dirty fringed white leather leggings
   [   1000] (tot 129) shadow demon leggings
   [   1000] (tot 114) a flaming pumpkin tattoo
   [   1000] (tot 114) a flaming pumpkin tattoo
   [   1000] (tot 114) a flaming pumpkin tattoo
   [   1000] (lvl  38) bands of braided hemp
   [   1000] (tot 157) a flaming pumpkin tattoo
   [   1000] (tot 159) a flaming pumpkin tattoo
   [   1000] (tot 172) a flaming pumpkin tattoo
   [   1000] (tot 172) a flaming pumpkin tattoo

   [  Price] Worn on feet:
   [   1000] (lvl  14) a pair of black velvet boots
   [   1000] (lvl  21) boots of sneaking
   [   1000] (lvl  21) a pair of gleaming greenstone boots
   [   1000] (lvl  21) a pair of timeworn leather boots
   [   1000] (lvl  23) A pair of dragon-skin boots
   [   1000] (lvl  23) A pair of dragon-skin boots
   [   1000] (lvl  24) a pair of gold buckled boots
   [   1000] (lvl  24) a pair of gold buckled boots
   [   1000] (lvl  24) a pair of dwarven work boots
   [   1000] (lvl  24) jadite boots
   [   1000] (lvl  24) jadite boots
   [   1000] (tot  75) dionite boots
   [   1000] (tot  75) drow clerics' boots
   [   1000] (lvl  26) black scale boots
   [   1000] (lvl  26) black scale boots
   [   1000] (lvl  26) black combat boots
   [   1000] (lvl  26) black combat boots
   [   1000] (lvl  26) a pair of soft black boots
   [   1000] (lvl  26) a pair of soft black boots
   [   1000] (lvl  26) a pair of boots made from rotting flesh
   [   1000] (lvl  26) jadite boots
   [   1000] (lvl  26) jadite boots
   [   1000] (tot  82) griffin boots
   [   1000] (tot  82) a pair of strange clawed boots
   [   1000] (tot 116) boots of cunning
   [   1000] (tot 137) a pair of zombie skin boots
   [   1000] (tot 145) boots of kicking and stomping
   [   1000] (lvl  37) red scaled boots
   [   1000] (lvl  38) a pair of shadow hare boots
   [   1000] (lvl  22) the brilliant moon bracer

   [  Price] Shields:
   [   1000] (lvl  21) a ruby inlaid shield
   [   1000] (lvl  24) the mages shield
   [   1000] (lvl  28) a large white shield with a red cross on it
   [   1000] (lvl  29) the Silver Shield of the Ancients
   [   1000] (tot 109) the Shield of the Alpha Wolf

   [  Price] Held:
   [   1000] (lvl  20) a ruby dragon figurine
   [   1000] (lvl  20) a ruby dragon figurine
   [   1000] (lvl  21) The Book of Prayers
   [   1000] (lvl  21) a dark ruby tiger figurine
   [   1000] (lvl  28) a wooden druidic spellstaff of still air
   [   1000] (tot  99) a rose quartz orb
   [   1000] (lvl  33) a bloody rabbit's foot
   [   1000] (lvl  33) the Staff of Desert Magic
   [   1000] (tot 141) the staff of rejuvenation
   [   1000] (lvl  37) a brass chimera scepter
   [   1000] (lvl  37) a brass chimera scepter
   [   1000] (tot 172) a saffron banded agate orb

   [  Price] Two handed weapon:
   [   1000] (lvl  15) the Quietus
   [   1000] (lvl  20) a large stone axe
   [   1000] (lvl  20) a large stone axe
   [   1000] (lvl  20) a large stone axe
   [   1100] (lvl  22) an enchanted ash crossbow
   [   1100] (lvl  22) an enchanted ash crossbow
   [   1100] (lvl  22) an enchanted ash crossbow
   [   1000] (lvl  23) a giant blackened bronze mace
   [   1000] (tot  75) a stout halberd
   [   1000] (tot  93) a sassafras blowgun
   [   1000] (tot 112) a pink ivory blowgun
   [   1000] (tot 117) a palm bow with a hawthorn grip
   [   1000] (tot 118) a peach bow with a bone grip
   [   1000] (tot 163) a dragontongue sling
   [   1000] (tot 172) an ironwood-handled iron greatsword set with a flawless rutile milkmaid
   [   1000] (tot 172) a lavawood longbow with a mavrosium grip
   [   1000] (tot 172) a bone blowgun

   [  Price] One handed weapon:
   [   1000] (lvl  23) The Staff of Understanding
   [   1000] (tot  79) a spiked mace
   [   1000] (lvl  26) a plain double-edged sword
   [   1000] (tot  84) a cat o' nine tails
   [   1000] (tot  88) a patchwork leather sling
   [   1000] (lvl  31) a crystallized claw-wood staff
   [   1000] (tot 114) a mithril throwing ring
   [   1000] (lvl  33) a rune-etched black knife
   [   1000] (tot 126) a bladed staff
   [   1000] (lvl  34) a double-headed serpent staff
   [   1000] (lvl  34) a double-headed serpent staff
   [   1000] (tot 159) a cruel, jagged sword
   [   1000] (tot 172) a zebrawood-handled wind steel dagger set with a green jade cabochon
   [   1000] (tot 172) a maple-handled ziff dagger set with a star clear quartz
   [     50] (tot 174) a rosewood-handled adamantine steel pick

   [  Price] Miscellaneous:
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [     50] (lvl  22) a diamond-tipped bolt
   [   1000] (tot  79) a peach banded agate cabochon


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