Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: The Kitsune's Den.
Location: The City of Ralnoth, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 29
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Prev Item - [ 1000] (tot 181) A Bracelet of Feral Hunger
Curr Item - [ 1000] (tot 181) A Bracelet of Feral Hunger
Next Item - [ 1000] (lvl 29) the hands of the minister
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'feral hunger bracelet beaded beads bloodthorn'
Weight: 2 Size: 0'8" Total levels: 181 (and 40 warrior druid)
Type: ARMOR Composition: BLOODTHORN Defense: 0 ac-apply
Wear locations are: WRISTS
Item has effects as:
Affects: DRUID_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Affects: WARR_SKILL_LEVEL by 1
Affects: DAMROLL by 4
Affects: HITROLL by 2
Affects: SAVING_SPELL by 5%
Affects: SAVING_BREATH by 5%
Item description:
This bracelet is made up of many small wooden beads strung together on a
tough fibrous piece of woven bark. The wood is a vile green in color with
blood red specks, and bares an ominous other-worldly aura. Cruel thorn like
protrusions stick out from the grain, ensuring a small but steady trickle
of blood coats the surface of each bead. The blood rather than drying or
dripping from the bracelet appears to fuel the aura about it, bringing on a
feeling of overwhelming hunger in the wearer.
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