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Alter Aeon logo 3000

Alter Aeon Shops and Stores

Storefront:  The Kitsune's Den.
Location:    The City of Ralnoth, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 29

The following items are available for sale at this time:

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Prev Item - [   1000] (lvl  34) a twisted wrought-iron crown inlaid with opals
Curr Item - [   1000] (tot 158) an ancient black hood
Next Item - [   1000] (tot 172) an iron sugarloaf helm

This item has the following properties:
Item: 'ancient hood black cloth'
Weight: 3  Size: 2'0"  Total levels: 158 (and 36 thief)
Type: ARMOR   Composition: FABRIC   Defense: 0 ac-apply
Object is:  ANTI_GOOD THIEF 
Wear locations are:  HEAD 

Item has effects as:
Affects:  THIEF_SKILL_LEVEL by 1
Affects:  DAMROLL by 4
Affects:  HITROLL by 2
Affects:  MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by -1
Affects:  CAST_ABILITY by 1
Affects:  SAVING_SPELL by 5%

Item description:
This hood's jet-black color makes it easily blendable with the shadows. The
cloth is woven from heavy fabric, and it is clear that it was crafted long
ago. The musk eminating from the cloth makes it apparent that whoever might
don it would have a hard time breathing, making it difficult to


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