Alter Aeon Shops and Stores
Storefront: The Kitsune's Den.
Location: The City of Ralnoth, The Mainland of Atmir
Recommended Level: 29
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Prev Item - [ 1000] (tot 71) a gold-inlaid rhodonite band ring
Curr Item - [ 1000] (tot 73) a ring of drow magic
Next Item - [ 1000] (tot 75) an arachnid ring
This item has the following properties:
Item: 'black metal ring drow magic'
Weight: 1 Size: 0'4" Total levels: 73 (and 22 mage)
Type: MAGIC Composition: METAL
Wear locations are: FINGERS
Item has effects as:
Affects: MAGE_CAST_LEVEL by 1
Affects: WIS by 1
Affects: MANA by 12
Item description:
This ring is made out of an unidentifiable black metal. Runes of elemental
and illusion magic are etched into its surface, granting additional power
to a wearer using such magics. The magic stored in the ring gives it an
eerie glow which contrasts with the pitch blackness of the metal.
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