Alter Aeon Socials
When done with no target specified:
Self: You curl up in a ball like a sleepy kitten.
Others: Conan curls up in a ball like a sleepy kitten.
When targeting yourself:
Self: You curl up around yourself and prepare to nap.
Others: Conan curls up around himself and prepares to take a nap.
When targeting someone else:
Self: You curl up around Sonja's feet.
Others: Conan curls up around Sonja's feet.
Target: Conan curls up around your feet.
When targeting someone else who isn't there:
Self: I am so sorry.
When targeting an object:
Self: You curl up around a mud school diploma and hiss.
Others: Conan curls up around a mud school diploma and hisses.
Creator/Author: wyvren
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