Alter Aeon Socials
When done with no target specified:
Self: You set up a thumper and wait...
Others: Conan prepares for a journey to Palmaries of the South.
When targeting yourself:
Self: You take a sip from your stillsuit's cachepockets.
Others: Conan sucks on the crazy-straw sticking out of his collar.
When targeting someone else:
Self: You give Sonja the gift of your body's water.
Others: Conan hocks a loogey right in Sonja's face!
Target: Conan hocks a loogey right in your face!
When targeting someone else who isn't there:
Self: Sandworms must have gotten them.
When targeting an object:
Self: You try to figure out how to harvest the water from a mud school diploma.
Others: Conan marks a mud school diploma for the water recovery teams.
Creator/Author: Draak
Social is flagged as: FRIEND_ONLY INSULT
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