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Alter Aeon Spells and Skills

This comprehensive spell and skill list is maintained by the Ralnoth
Guildmasters Association, and is provided free of charge to all.
(Note that actually learning a spell or skill probably won't be free!)

All entries are believed to be correct except for the thief poison
skills, about which little is publicly known.

There are also articles about some of these skill and spell groups
in our Gaming Articles section.  For example:

 - Spellcasting for New Players
 - Introduction to Healing in Groups
 - The Black Art of Brewing Poisons
 - A Cleric's Guide to the Undead

Mage elemental fire spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    shower of sparks                             14  11       1 mag
      burning hands                              15  11       6 mag
        infravision                              17  13       8 mag
        fire shield                              19  15      11 mag
          flame blade                            21  17      13 mag
          fire focusing                                      19 mag
            lesser fire elemental                            20 mag
              fire elemental                                 32 mag
                greater fire elemental                       35 mag
        scorch                                   22  18      14 mag
          fireball                               27  23      21 mag
            firefield                            30  26      26 mag
            fireweb                              32  28      29 mag
              blaze                              37  33      38 mag

Mage crystal spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    crystal light                                13  11       2 mag
      shards                                     18  14       7 mag
        crystal coat                             23  19      16 mag
        crystal shield                           25  21      20 mag
          crystal spear                          28  24      23 mag
            shard storm                          31  27      28 mag
              crystal prison                     35  31      33 mag
          crystal focusing                                   24 mag
            lesser crystal elemental                         25 mag
              crystal elemental                              37 mag
                greater crystal elemental                    40 mag

Mage elemental lightning spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    static blast                                 15  11       2 mag
      shocking grasp                             18  14      10 mag
        ground                                   20  16      12 mag
          lightning focusing                                 21 mag
            lesser lightning elemental                       22 mag
              lightning elemental                            34 mag
                greater lightning elemental                  37 mag
        lightning flash                          20  16      14 mag
        haste                                    23  19      17 mag
        lightning bolt                           25  21      19 mag
          ball lightning                         29  25      25 mag
          chain lightning                        33  29      31 mag

Mage elemental cold spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    chill touch                                  15  11       3 mag
      frostflower                                19  15       8 mag
        ice shield                               21  17      13 mag
          ice focusing                                       23 mag
            lesser ice elemental                             24 mag
              ice elemental                                  36 mag
                greater ice elemental                        39 mag
        icebolt                                  24  20      17 mag
          frost bite                             28  24      23 mag
            cone of cold                         30  26      27 mag
            ice imprison                         35  31      32 mag
            wall of ice                          35  31      34 mag

Mage force fields
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    mana shield                                  14  11       4 mag
      fly                                        17  13       7 mag
        magic missile                            20  16      11 mag
        knock                                    21  17      15 mag
        tensors floating disc                    24  20      18 mag
      force shield                               20  16      12 mag
        enchant deflection                                   26 mag

Mage illusion spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    dancing lights                               15  11       5 mag
      color spray                                20  16      10 mag
        prism                                    25  21      18 mag
          kaleidoscope                           36  32      36 mag
      detect invisibility                        21  17      15 mag
        displacement                             24  20      19 mag
      darken                                     23  19      16 mag

Mage basic magics
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    spell lore                                                6 mag
      detect magic                               17  13       9 mag
      maintaining spells                                      9 mag
        dispel magic                             21  17      14 mag
          undo                                   25  21      22 mag
            elemental collapse                               30 mag
            disrupt magic                        37  34      39 mag
        store power                                          35 mag
      scribe scroll                                          28 mag
        scroll chaining                                      33 mag

Mage alchemy
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    brew potion                                              12 mag
      potion lore                                            16 mag
        brew focus                                           25 mag

General mage spells and skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    elemental lore                                           18 mag

Cleric tribulation spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    afflict                                          12  11   1 cle
      faerie fire                                    13  11   3 cle
        noxious cloud                                24  20  16 cle
        fairy fog                                    26  22  21 cle
      clumsiness                                     17  13   8 cle
        weaken                                       22  18  17 cle
          lethargy                                   29  25  25 cle
          leadfoot                                   31  27  29 cle
        eyebite                                      37  33  38 cle
      feeble mind                                    24  20  19 cle
        confusion                                    26  22  22 cle
        forgetfulness                                28  24  25 cle

Cleric healing spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    soothe wounds                                    12  11   1 cle
      refresh                                        14  11   4 cle
        area refresh                                 26  22  22 cle
          rejuvenate                                 35  31  36 cle
      remove poison                                  16  12   6 cle
        slow poison                                  24  20  18 cle
        cure poison                                  28  24  24 cle
          purge blood                                34  30  33 cle
      sense life                                     17  13   9 cle
      bolster                                        17  13   9 cle
        heal                                         23  19  17 cle
          major heal                                 27  23  23 cle
            healing touch                            25  21  27 cle
            breath of life                           32  28  31 cle
              area heal                              34  30  33 cle

Cleric divine might spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    inflict wounds                                   15  11   2 cle
      chasten                                        18  14   7 cle
        inflict suffering                            23  19  15 cle
          harm                                       27  23  21 cle
            clasp of corruption                      31  27  28 cle
              death and decay                        36  33  37 cle
      flamestrike                                    22  18  13 cle
        condemnation                                 34  30  32 cle

Cleric divine conjuration spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    continual light                                  13  11   2 cle
      radiant orbs                                   16  12   4 cle
        sunbeam                                      24  20  16 cle
      spirit hammer                                  16  12   5 cle
        miraculous vestment                          19  15  10 cle
          holy weapon                                29  25  26 cle
            chaos hammer                             38  35  40 cle
      consecrate armor                                       11 cle
        mystic armament                              21  17  14 cle
      petition incarnate                                     25 cle
        celestial audience                                   30 cle
          petition aspect                                    37 cle

Cleric divine aid spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    armor aegis                                      13  11   3 cle
      faith shield                                   16  12   5 cle
        sanctuary                                    20  16  11 cle
          resurrect                                  27  23  21 cle
            prayer for the dying                     32  28  32 cle
              expiation                              35  31  36 cle
        bravery                                      20  16  12 cle
        vigor                                        21  17  15 cle
          fortitude                                  27  23  23 cle
      bless                                          16  12   6 cle

Cleric inquisition spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    sacred touch                                     16  12   7 cle
      reveal curse                                   17  13   8 cle
        lift curse                                   19  15  10 cle
          cursebreaker                                       24 cle
          curse ward                                 34  30  34 cle
      turn undead                                    21  18  14 cle
        hold undead                                  25  21  20 cle
      protection from demons                         24  20  19 cle
        ward alignment                               27  23  23 cle
          bind alignment                                     28 cle
        censure demon                                34  30  35 cle

Cleric tranquility spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    peace                                            20  16  12 cle
      presence                                       21  17  13 cle
      word of recall                                 23  19  18 cle
        group recall                                 29  25  26 cle
          waypoint lore                                      31 cle
            group waypoint                           33  29  32 cle
            hallowed ground                          35  33  35 cle
        revocation                                   29  25  27 cle
      meditate                                               20 cle
      groupcasting                                           24 cle
      haven                                          33  29  29 cle
      solace                                         31  27  30 cle

Cleric anointing spellgroup
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    brew unguent                                             12 cle
      undead scourge                                 25  21  20 cle
      devil ill                                      29  25  26 cle
      angel ravage                                   34  30  34 cle
      fey woe                                        37  33  39 cle

Thief melee fighting skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    bloodletting stab                                         1 thi
      trip                                                    3 thi
        feint                                                 6 thi
          flourish                                           11 thi
      flick                                                   8 thi
      backstab                                                9 thi
        skirmish                                             38 thi
      crippling strike                                       20 thi

Thief ranged fighting skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    dirt throwing                                             2 thi
      knife throwing                                         15 thi
        potion throwing                                      27 thi
        grenadier                                            39 thi

Thief defensive fighting skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    dodge                                                     2 thi
      withdraw                                               10 thi
      vigilance                                              12 thi
      contortionism                                          23 thi
        evasion                                              37 thi

Thief stealth skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    searching                                                 4 thi
      sneak                                                   5 thi
      hide                                                   11 thi
        distract                                             17 thi
        stealthy movement                                    22 thi
          scout                                              26 thi

Thief tinkering
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    lock picking                                              4 thi
      examine lock                                           18 thi
      mechanical aptitude                                    24 thi
        salvage equipment                                    27 thi
          scrap equipment                                    28 thi
          trapmaking                                         33 thi
        explosives                                           29 thi
          flashbombs                                         31 thi
            incendiaries                                     32 thi
            shadowworks                                      33 thi
            frostworks                                       34 thi
              gasbomb                                        36 thi

Thief stealing skill group
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    pickpocket                                                7 thi
      palm                                                    8 thi
        shoplifting                                          10 thi
      case                                                   12 thi
        steal                                                16 thi
        fast talking                                         30 thi

Thief shadow disciplines
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    cloak of darkness                                        13 thi
      shadow bind                                            15 thi
        shadow blades                                        17 thi
          shadow decoy                                       25 thi
            cloak of fear                                    34 thi
        shadow strike                                        28 thi
          shadow walk                                        31 thi
            shadow asylum                                    35 thi
      shadow mastery                                         30 thi
        occult trapcraft                                     38 thi

Thief poison skill group
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    poison handling                                          13 thi
      brew poison                                            14 thi
        poison weapon                                        16 thi
        advanced poisons                                     21 thi
        choking cloud                                        24 thi
          poison cloud                                       28 thi
      brew antidote                                          18 thi
        reduce antidote                                      25 thi
        advanced antidotes                                   29 thi
      poison lore                                            19 thi
      poison resistance                                      26 thi

Warrior power attacks
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    thrust                                                    1 war
      lunge                                                   3 war
        bash                                                  7 war
          knockback                                          12 war
          charge                                             17 war
        cleave                                               10 war
          leap attack                                        20 war
            ground strike                                    26 war
          sunder                                             31 war

Warrior hand to hand combat
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    kick                                                      1 war
      stomp                                                   5 war
      jab                                                     6 war
        unarmed combat                                       14 war
          center                                             34 war
      spinning kick                                          40 war

Warrior weapon handling
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    parry                                                     2 war
      disarm                                                  6 war
      shield block                                            8 war
        shield slam                                          23 war
      riposte                                                11 war
        moulinet                                             16 war
        customize weapon                                     25 war
      pommel strike                                          15 war
        impale                                               39 war
      double attack                                          21 war
        whirlwind                                            32 war

----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    cry of victory                                            4 war
      taunt                                                   9 war
        intimidate                                           20 war
        enrage                                               24 war
      attract                                                16 war
        roar                                                 27 war

Warrior group tactics
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    rescue                                                    8 war
      protector                                              12 war
        tanking                                              22 war
      rally                                                  16 war
        retreat                                              19 war
          flanking attack                                    29 war

Warrior iron body
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    increased stamina                                        13 war
      second wind                                            22 war
        indomitable will                                     37 war
          last stand                                         38 war
      iron claw                                              25 war
      armored skin                                           28 war

Warrior fighting styles
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    defensive fighting                                       15 war
      battle tactics                                         17 war
        advanced tactics                                     24 war
          improvise tactic                                   28 war
            create tactic                                    37 war
          cross class tactics                                33 war
      dragon lore                                            18 war
        dragonscale armor                                    19 war
        dragonbreath defense                                 29 war
          dragonslayer                                       36 war

Barbarian blood skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    valor                                                    18 war
      berserking                                             21 war
        clobber                                              26 war
        revenge                                              30 war
        blood rage                                           35 war
      brew warpaint                                          23 war

General warrior skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    multiple attacks                                    various             

Necromancer Spectral Rot
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    coldfire                                     13  11       1 nec
      sickening touch                            13  11       4 nec
        rotting sphere                           31  29      29 nec
      tarrants spectral hand                     17  15       7 nec
        spectral claw                            29  27      27 nec
          field of the grasping dead             36  34      37 nec

Necromancer Animation
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    clay man                                     12  11       1 nec
      wood woad                                  15  13       5 nec
        bone guardian                            17  15       9 nec
          flesh beast                            19  17      12 nec
            animate dead                         21  19      15 nec
          deanimate                              23  21      18 nec
          metal construct                        26  24      23 nec
            crystal skull                        36  34      39 nec

Necromancer Dragontooth Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    harvest teeth                                             2 nec
      skeletal spider                            12  11       3 nec
        skeletal warrior                         22  20      16 nec
          skeletal mage                          23  21      19 nec
            skeletal lich                        29  27      28 nec
            mend bones                           33  31      34 nec
            bone dragon                          35  33      37 nec
          skeletal knight                        27  25      25 nec
      bone shield                                14  12       6 nec
        bone armor                               18  16      12 nec
          bone prison                            25  23      21 nec
            bone fortress                        32  30      31 nec
            coffin                               35  33      38 nec
      bone blade                                 15  13       7 nec
        bone arrow                               16  14       8 nec

Necromancer Blood Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    blood sacrifice                                           3 nec
      foulblood                                  18  16      10 nec
        rancid flesh                             24  22      20 nec
          ironblood                              27  25      24 nec
            deathly sleep                        27  25      27 nec
            dying breath                         32  30      33 nec
      life tap                                               21 nec
        bloodcasting                                         22 nec
        bloodmist                                27  25      23 nec
        blood bottling                                       30 nec
      bloodbond                                  33  31      35 nec

Necromancer Spiritlore
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    dread portent                                13  11       4 nec
      fear                                       23  21      18 nec
        free spirit                              29  27      26 nec

Necromancer Undead Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    corpsecutter                                              6 nec
      undead lore                                             9 nec
        preservation                             18  16      10 nec
          prepare zombie                                     14 nec
            raise undead                         20  18      14 nec
              consume                                        17 nec
            prepare ghoul                                    20 nec
              prepare mummy                                  25 nec
                prepare vampire                              30 nec
                deathwalker                                  32 nec
            infuse element                                   28 nec
      giscos giblet grenade                      24  22      19 nec
      graft undead                                           34 nec

Necromancer Soulbind
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    soulsteal                                    19  17      11 nec
      soulforge                                  20  18      15 nec
        soulbind                                             32 nec
          soulsmith                                          33 nec
          disenchant                                         36 nec

Necromancer Demonlore
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    demon lore                                               13 nec
      demon familiar                                         13 nec
        consult demon                                        17 nec
          shadow fiend                                       22 nec
          demonic favor                                      24 nec
            demon teeth                                      26 nec
            demonfire                            35  33      36 nec
            infernal visage                                  38 nec
            bind demon                                       40 nec
      demonic tutor                                          29 nec

Druid plant lore
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    plant lore                                                1 dru
      thistles                                   12  14       2 dru
        thunder seeds                            15  17       7 dru
          bloom                                  23  25      22 dru
      entangling roots                           21  23      17 dru
        poison ivy                               27  29      26 dru
        thorn armor                              28  30      30 dru
          storm of roses                         35  37      39 dru
        vampiric vines                           30  32      31 dru
          leech life                             30  34      35 dru
            defile                               32  36      38 dru
      deadoak                                    22  24      20 dru
        liveoak                                  26  28      28 dru
          ancient oak                            33  35      37 dru

Druid air
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    gust of wind                                 11  13       1 dru
      dust devil                                 15  17       7 dru
        tempest                                  21  23      16 dru
      still air                                  25  27      25 dru
        windbreaker                              29  31      29 dru
      sunstorm                                   32  34      32 dru
        solar lance                              34  36      36 dru

Druid earth and water
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    earth wall                                   11  13       2 dru
      fist of the earth                          13  15       4 dru
        shambling mound                          18  20      14 dru
          earthquake                             24  26      21 dru
          landslide                              32  34      34 dru
      unnatural spring                           12  14       6 dru
        water weird                              15  17       8 dru
        mudwalker                                            10 dru
          walk on water                          20  22      19 dru
            riptide                              26  28      24 dru
              flood                              27  29      28 dru
                maelstrom                        31  33      33 dru

Druid talismans
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    carve totem                                               3 dru
      carve weapon                                            6 dru
      spellstaff                                             18 dru
      wickercraft                                            21 dru
        wicker effigy                                        38 dru
      carve fetish                                           27 dru
      spirit totem                                           37 dru

Druid rune magic
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    carve runes                                               5 dru
      firebrand                                               8 dru
      scrimshaw                                              15 dru
      petroglyph                                             22 dru
        suncatcher                                           23 dru
          release sunlight                       23  25      23 dru
            solar flare                          29  31      30 dru
            sunblind                             32  34      34 dru
        rune enchant                                         31 dru
      inlay runes                                            24 dru

Druid animal handling
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    call animal                                               9 dru
      brawn                                      16  18      10 dru
        agility                                  17  19      12 dru
        water breathing                          21  23      19 dru
      animal lore                                            14 dru
        call waterborn                                       20 dru
        bird call                                            23 dru
          call legendary raptor                              40 dru
        calm animal                                          26 dru
          mesmerize animal                       27  29      29 dru
            dominate animal                      32  34      35 dru
      call squirrel                                          15 dru

Druid tonics
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    brew infusion                                             9 dru
      brew salve                                             11 dru
        protective salves                                    13 dru
        olfactory salves                                     17 dru
        biological salves                                    24 dru
      reduce decoction                                       16 dru
      reduce tincture                                        25 dru

Druid sky
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    control weather                              16  18      11 dru
      ice fog                                    18  20      12 dru
        blizzard                                 22  24      18 dru
      call thunder                               17  19      13 dru
        call lightning                           22  24      19 dru
      open the heavens                           26  28      25 dru
      hailstorm                                  27  29      27 dru
        hailstone                                31  33      33 dru

Culinary skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    firestarting                                              1 any
      cooking                                                 2 any

Rangers Guild Trade Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    hunter                                                    1 any
      leathercraft                                            7 any
        tanner                                               10 any
          cobbler                                            16 any
            furrier                                          22 any
              shellcraft                                     30 any
                flay animental                               33 any

Haberdashers Guild Trade Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    hatter                                                    5 any
      tailoring                                              10 any
        kiltmaker                                            15 any
          livery                                             18 any
            haute couture                                    25 any
              shabby chic                                    29 any
                orphrey                                      34 any

Woodwrights Guild Trade Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    woodcraft                                                 7 any
      saw lumber                                             10 any
        fletcher                                             12 any
          bowcraft                                           14 any
            beadmaking                                       19 any
              season wood                                    26 any
                planar finish                                30 any

Ranged weapon skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    marksmanship                                              7 any
      point-blank combat                                     14 any
      quickloading                                           28 any

----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    survey                                                    9 any
      forester                                               12 any
        climbing                                             15 any
          spelunking                                         18 any
            mountaineering                                   26 any
              extremophile                                   31 any
                trailblazer                                  34 any

Lapidarists Guild Trade Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    mining                                                    9 any
      lapidary                                               12 any
        grind stone                                          17 any
          gemcutter                                          20 any
            polish gem                                       25 any
              spangler                                       29 any
                diamantaire                                  35 any

Smiths Guild Trade Skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    metallurgy                                               10 any
      forge simple weapon                                    13 any
        jewelrysmithing                                      15 any
          forge armor                                        18 any
            forge blade                                      23 any
              reinforce armor                                31 any
                forge kozane and nihonto                     34 any

----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    bottling                                                 11 any
      reagent lore                                           19 any
        reduce reagent                                       36 any
      brew acid                                              22 any

Ritual enchant skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    enchant essence                                          24 any
      artificer enchant                                      37 any
      legendary enchant                                      40 any

General skills
----------------------------------------------- Int Wis Chr Lvl ---
    fishing                                                   1 any
    trapping                                                  4 any
    swimming                                                  5 any
    monster lore                                              8 any 

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